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File metadata and controls

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In the Part 1 we talked about tasks and different stages of the build lifecycle. But after I published it I realized that before we jump into Gradle specifics it is very important to understand what we are dealing with - understand its syntax and stop being scared when we see complex build.gradle scripts. With this article I will try to fill this missing gap.

在上一篇的博文(Gradle tip #2 : Tasks)中,我们讨论了gradle构建的基本单位Task. 并且介绍了构建过程的各个阶段及其生命周期.而本文会重点介绍gradle的语法.只有具备了gradle 的相关语法知识,才会大幅度的提高对于阅读、学习或者编写gradle脚本的效率,正所谓"磨刀不误砍柴工"是也.


Gradle build scripts are written in Groovy, so before we start analyzing them, I want to touch (briefly) some key Groovy concepts. Groovy syntax is somewhat similar to Java, so hopefully you won't have much problems understanding it. If you feel comfortable with Groovy - feel free to skip this section.There is one important Groovy aspect you need to understand in order to understand Gradle scripts - Closure.

gradle 是groovy语言实现的构建工具. groovy是运行在jvm平台的一门敏捷开发语言.其语法和java有诸多类似之处,然而其具备一些java没有的概念需要读者细细体会.下面会详细的介绍 groovy的基本语法,当然如果您已经对groovy的语法有了一定的了解.可以直接跳过这一小节.


Closure is a key concept which we need to grasp to better understand Gradle. Closure is a standalone block of code which can take arguments, return values and be assigned to a variable. It is some sort of a mix between Callable interface, Future, function pointer, you name it.. Essentially this is a block of code which is executed when you call it, not when you create it. Let's see a simple Closure example:

闭包是groovy中最重要的概念之一. 简单地说闭包(Closures)是一段代码块. 这个代码块可以接受参数并具有返回值. 有一点要非常注意的是, 闭包往往不是在需要使用的时候才写出来 这么一段代码(就像Java的匿名类那样), 通过def 关键字可以声明一个变量代表一个闭包,然后在需要的时候直接使用该变量即可,多说无益,请看如下的例子:

一个简单的hello world闭包:

def myClosure = { println 'Hello world!' }

//execute our closure myClosure()

output: Hello world!


def myClosure = {String str -> println str }

//execute our closure myClosure('Hello world!')

output: Hello world!


def myClosure = {println it }

//execute our closure myClosure('Hello world!')

output: Hello world!


def myClosure = {String str, int num -> println "$str : $num" }

//execute our closure myClosure('my string', 21)

output: my string : 21


def myClosure = {str, num -> println "$str : $num" }

//execute our closure myClosure('my string', 21)

output: my string : 21

闭包还有一个比较酷的写法就是,可以直接调用context里面的变量,默认的context就是创建这个闭包的类(class) 例子如下:

def myVar = 'Hello World!' def myClosure = {println myVar} myClosure()

output: Hello world!


def myClosure = {println myVar} //I'm referencing myVar from MyClass class MyClass m = new MyClass() myClosure.setDelegate(m) myClosure()

class MyClass { def myVar = 'Hello from MyClass!' }

output: Hello from MyClass!


The real benefit of having closures - is an ability to pass closure to different methods which helps us to decouple execution logic. In previous section we already used this feature when passed closure to another class instance. Now we will go through different ways to call method which accepts closure:


1 接受一个参数的函数


2 如果函数只接受一个参数,括号可以忽略

myMethod myClosure

3 可以将闭包以插入语的形式创建

myMethod {println 'Hello World'}

4 函数接受两个参数

myMethod(arg1, myClosure)

5 接受两个参数,同样可以用插入语创建闭包

myMethod(arg1, { println 'Hello World' })

6 如果存在多个参数,且最后一个参数是闭包,闭包可以不写在括号内

myMethod(arg1) { println 'Hello World' }

At this point I really have to point your attention to example #3 and #6. Doesn't it remind you something from gradle scripts?



Now we know mechanics, but how it is related to actual Gradle scripts? Let's take simple Gradle script as an example and try to understand it:

在知道了groovy的基本语法(尤其是闭包)之后,下面我们就以一个简单的gradle 脚本作为例子具体感受一下:

buildscript { repositories { jcenter() } dependencies { classpath '' } }

allprojects { repositories { jcenter() } }

结合前文的例子,我们可以很容易的理解到,buildscript是一个接受闭包作为参数的函数,这个函数会在编译的时候被gradle调用.这个函数的定义就类似于:def buildscript(Closure closure). 而allprojects 同理也是一个接受闭包作为参数的函数.

This is cool, but this information alone is not particularly helpful... What does "somewhere" mean? We need to know exactly where this method is declared.




理解gradle配置文件中的script如何调用的关键就是理解project的相关概念.在gradle执行某个"任务"的时候,会按照各个task的依赖关系来依次执行. 而执行这些task的对象就是Project.说的在通俗一些,project就是你希望gradle为你做的事情,而要完成这些事情,需要将事情分成步骤一步一步的做,这些步骤就是task.

Script blocks

By default, there is a set of pre-defined script blocks within Project, but Gradle plugins are allowed to add new script blocks!

It means that if you are seeing something like something { ... } at the top level of your build script and you couldn't find neither script block or method which accepts closure in the documentation - most likely some plugin which you applied added this script block.

通过前文的学习,我们已经很清楚的了解到scipt block就是一段接受闭包的函数,这些函数会被Project调用,默认的情况下,gradle 已经准备 好了很多script用于我们对项目进行配置,例如buildScript{} ... ... 当然你也可以自己写出符合规范的task来在编译的过程中被调用.

下面我们先看一下Android Studio中默认的script:

apply plugin: ''

android { compileSdkVersion 22 buildToolsVersion "22.0.1"

defaultConfig {
    applicationId "com.trickyandroid.testapp"
    minSdkVersion 16
    targetSdkVersion 22
    versionCode 1
    versionName "1.0"
buildTypes {
    release {
        minifyEnabled false
        proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''


As we can see, it seems like there should be android method which accepts Closure as a parameter. But if we try to search for such method in Project documentation - we won't find any. And the reason for that is simple - there is no such method :)

If you look closely to the build script - you can see that before we execute android method - we apply plugin! And that's the answer! Android application plugin extends Project object with android script block (which is simply a method which accepts Closure and delegates it to AppExtension class1).

按照我们已经有的知识,上面的脚本说明有一个名称为android的函数,该函数接收闭包作为参数,然而其实在Gradle的文档中是不存在这个函数 的. 那么android脚本怎么会出现在这里呢? 答案就是最上面的apply plugin: ''.这个插件提供了android构建所需要的各种script.

But where can I find Android plugin documentation? And the answer is - you can download documentation from the official Android Tools website (or here is a direct link to documentation).

既然gradle官方的文档中没有android相关的script信息,那我们该怎么查阅呢? 您可以去官方的android网站上查阅,如果懒得找的话请点击这个链接:

If we open AppExtension documentation - we will find all the methods and attributes from our build script: compileSdkVersion 22. if we search for compileSdkVersion we will find property. In this case we assign "22" to property compileSdkVersion the same story with buildToolsVersion defaultConfig - is a script block which delegates execution to ProductFlavor class .....and so on So now we have really powerful ability to understand the syntax of Gradle build scripts and search for documentation.

您下载了前文连接的文档后,可以发现有一个html格式的文档的名字是AppExtension, 这个文档主要就是介绍了Android configuration blocks. 即在gradle官方文档中没有的关于Android 配置的各种gradle script都可以在这里进行查阅(几个例子): 1、 compileSdkVersion 在文档中的描述是Required. Compile SDK version. 即这个脚本是gradle进行Android构建之必需,并且这个脚本是 是用来描述编译的时候使用的sdk版本. 2、buildToolsVersion在文档中的描述是Required. Version of the build tools to use. 即该脚本是构建之必需,其用于告诉gradle使用 哪个版本的build tools 3 ... ... (详细情况请参阅文档吧:))


With this powerful ability (oh, that's sounds awesome), let's go ahead and try reconfigure something :) In AppExtension I found script block testOptions which delegates Closure to TestOptions class. Going to TestOptions class we can see that there are 2 properties: reportDir and resultsDir. According to documentation, reportDir is responsible for test report location. Let's change it!

有了前文的学习作为基础,我们已经了解了gradle语法以及android 插件的脚本查阅方法. 那么接下来我们实际运用这些知识,自定义的对我们 的Android项目进行一些配置. 在上述的AppExtension文档中,我查阅到了一个脚本的名字是testOptions. 这段脚本代表的是TestOption class 调用,TestOption class里有三个属性:reportDir、resultsDir 和unitTests. 而reportDir就是测试报告最后保存的位置,我们现在就来改一下 这个地方.

android { ...... testOptions { reportDir "$rootDir/test_reports" } }

Here I used rootDir property from Project class which points to the root project directory. So now if I execute ./gradlew connectedCheck, my test report will go into [rootProject]/test_reports directory.

在这里,我使用了"$rootDir/test_reports"作为测试结果的储存位置, $root 指向的就是项目的根目录.现在如果我通过命令行执行 ./gradlew connectedCheck. gradle就会进行一系列的测试程序并且将测试报告保存在项目根目录下的test_reports文件中.

Please don't do this in your real project - all build artifacts should go into build dir, so you don't pollute your project structure.
