All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Surface/LightingRamp (rewrite)
- Surface/Ramp
- Updated available shaders in README
- Added new package keywords
- Surface/Checkerboard
- Surface/Cubemap
- Default/Compute
- Default/RayTracing
- Lit/Diffuse
- Lit/DiffuseSimple
- Lit/DiffuseWithShadows
- Default shaders set as hidden
- Color properties added to Unlit/Checkerboard
- Color property removed from Unlit/ShadowsOnly
- Removed TODO from default compute shader
- Moved non-compiled assets outside of the Runtime directory
- Decal
- DetailTexture
- Diffuse
- LinearFog
- NormalExtrusion
- Ramp
- RimLighting
- SingleColor
- Sliced
- SpecularSimple
- WorldReflection
- WrappedDiffuse
- Diffuse
- DiffuseSimple
- DiffuseWithShadows
- ShadowCasting
- Checkerboard
- ShadowsOnly
- SimpleTexture
- SingleColor
- SkyReflection
- SkyReflectionPerPixel
- Triplanar
- WorldSpaceNormals
- Compute
- ImageEffect
- RayTracing
- Surface
- Unlit
- Dither
- Encode
- Jitter
- Pi