🤗 smolagents: a barebones library for agents. Agents write python code to call tools and orchestrate other agents.
自动化测试框架,支持接口自动化、WEB UI自动化、APP UI自动化、性能测试;支持多系统相互调用;支持接口与UI相互调用;支持dubbo接口调用
Embed the Power of Lua into NGINX HTTP servers
Flink SQL connector for ClickHouse. Support ClickHouseCatalog and read/write primary data, maps, arrays to clickhouse.
A natural language interface for computers
Clean Code concepts adapted for TypeScript
A Deep-Learning-Based Chinese Speech Recognition System 基于深度学习的中文语音识别系统
Appium Server setup to automate android testing on real devices
A solution for Selenium Python bindings to record video of a test run through repeated screenshot captures
Curated list of project-based tutorials
Android in docker solution with noVNC supported and video recording
《Hello 算法》:动画图解、一键运行的数据结构与算法教程。支持 Python, Java, C++, C, C#, JS, Go, Swift, Rust, Ruby, Kotlin, TS, Dart 代码。简体版和繁体版同步更新,English version ongoing
Jitsi Admin – Conference Organizer Manage and control your video conferences with support for Jitsi Meet and LiveKit. Includes an optimized LiveKit frontend for enhanced efficiency and performance.
Vue component for Jitsi Meet Web Integration via IFrame
Effective Java(第3版)各章节的中英文学习参考(已完成)
Jitsi Meet - Secure, Simple and Scalable Video Conferences that you use as a standalone app or embed in your web application.
The Python Quiz Book is a book of quizzes by Michael Driscoll
Online resources for Python Crash Course, 3rd edition, from No Starch Press.
Apache Spark - A unified analytics engine for large-scale data processing
A ChatGPT like sample using Spring / Java Stack
ChatGPT Java SDK。支持 GPT-4o、 GPT4 API。开箱即用。An unofficial Java SDK for seamless integration with ChatGPT's GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 APIs. Ready-to-use, simple setup, and efficient for building AI-powered ap…
✨终生持续更新✨ 计算机基础自学笔记/心得/实验/资源汇总;C语言为主,课程:数据结构、操作系统(MIT6.S081)、分布式系统(MIT6.824)等
基于 ChatGPT API 的划词翻译浏览器插件和跨平台桌面端应用 - Browser extension and cross-platform desktop application for translation based on ChatGPT API.
A foolproof Elasticsearch ORM framework that is easy to use, requires minimal coding, and is highly expandable...
📚 本代码库是作者小傅哥多年从事一线互联网 Java 开发的学习历程技术汇总,旨在为大家提供一个清晰详细的学习教程,侧重点更倾向编写Java核心内容。如果本仓库能为您提供帮助,请给予支持(关注、点赞、分享)!
🥚 Netty实践学习案例,见微知著!带着你的心,跟着教程。我相信你行欧。
TCP/HTTP/UDP/QUIC client/server with Reactor over Netty