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人人Python SDK

Renrenpy 是人人 API 的一个第三方 Python SDK 。使用 OAuth 2 验证并提供了 API 的调用方法。

更新至API 2.0。



pip install renrenpy


首先在人人开放平台上申请开发者账户并新建应用。 SDK 需要应用的 App Key 和 Key Secret 。 SDK 还需要一个授权后重定向地址。

from renren import APIClient
APP_KEY = "YOUR_APP_KEY"            # app key
APP_SECRET = "YOUR_APP_SECRET"      # app secret


client = APIClient(app_key=YOUR_APP_KEY, app_secret=YOUR_APP_SECRET,
url = client.get_authorize_url()    # redirect the user to `url'

get_authorize_url(scope=None, force_relogin=False, version=2) 有三个额外参数。 若将version设为1,则调用的是API 1.0,默认为使用API 2.0。 scope 是应用权限列表,默认为人人默认的应用权限。可以自行添加,如 ["status_update", "photo_upload", "read_user_status"] 。 若将 force_relogin 设为 True ,则授权页会强制用户重新登录。

授权完毕后,用户将会被转至 YOUR_REDIRECT_URI 。请求中有参数 code=AUTHORIZATION_CODE 。之后可以用 AUTHORIZATION_CODE 换取 access token 。

r = client.request_access_token(AUTHORIZATION_CODE)
access_token = r["access_token"]  # access token
expires_in = r["expires_in"] # access token expires in time
refresh_token = r["refresh_token"] # token used for refresh

至此授权完毕。之后可以用 API client 来调用 API 。

SDK使用的是Bearer Token,有效期有一个月,若需要更新access_token可以使用上述代码中的refresh_token。

r = client.refresh_token(refresh_token)
access_token = r["access_token"] # refreshed access token
expires_in = r["expires_in"] # refreshed access token expires in time
refresh_token = r["refresh_token"] # new refresh token

调用 API 2.0

API 2.0 可在人人 API 文档中找到。 SDK 中的 APIClient 类对所有 API 提供了方法。对于每个API,将"/"改为".",省略v2即可调用。access_token参数由API Client提供。例如:

print client.user.get(userId="262156164")
print client.status.put(content="test") #Requires read_user_status,status_update scopes

SDK 也支持上传照片 (/v2/photo/upload)

f = open("test.png", "rb")
r =, filename="test.png")
f.close()  # you need to do this manually

注意 file 参数必须是个 file-like 对象。若file参数没有name域, 则必须提供一个拥有正确后缀名的filename

调用 API 1.0

API 1.0 可在人人 API 文档中找到。 SDK 中的 APIClient 类对所有 API 提供了同名方法。通用参数(v, access_token, call_id)及 method 参数均由APIClient提供, format 参数默认为 JSON 。调用时只需提供其它必需参数。


print client.users.getInfo()
print client.users.getLoggedInUser()
print client.users.getVisitors()
print client.status.set(status="test")
print client.status.gets()

SDK 也支持上传照片 (photos.upload)

f = open("test.png", "rb")
r =, filename="test.png")
f.close()  # you need to do this manually

注意 upload 参数必须是个 file-like 对象。若upload参数没有name,则必须要提供一个拥有正确后缀的filename


A Python SDK for Renren open platform which provides OAuth 2 authentication and API wrapper.

Inspired from Sinaweibopy.


You can install the SDK via pip.

pip install renrenpy


After setting up your Renren developer account and registering for an application, you will receive YOUR_APP_KEY and YOUR_APP_SECRET, which are required for the SDK. You also needs to provide YOUR_REDIRECT_URI

from renren import APIClient
APP_KEY = "YOUR_APP_KEY"            # app key
APP_SECRET = "YOUR_APP_SECRET"      # app secret

Then redirect the user to the following authorization URL:

client = APIClient(app_key=YOUR_APP_KEY, app_secret=YOUR_APP_SECRET,
url = client.get_authorize_url()    # redirect the user to `url'

There are three additional keyword parameters for get_authorize_url(), version, scope and force_relogin. version is set to 2 by default. If you want to use the deprecated API 1.0, set version to 1. scope is a list of additional permissions for your application, e.g. ["status_update", "photo_upload", "read_user_status"]. When force_relogin is set to True, the user is forced to relogin to authorize.

After granting the privileges, the user will be redirected to YOUR_REDIRECT_URI, with parameter code=AUTHORIZATION_CODE. You can get access token using AUTHORIZATION_CODE.

r = client.request_access_token(AUTHORIZATION_CODE)
access_token = r["access_token"]  # access token

Now you can call Renren API using the API client.

This SDK uses Bearer Token, which lasts for one month. If the access token is expired, you can use the refresh_token to refresh the access token.

r = client.refresh_token(refresh_token)
access_token = r["access_token"] # refreshed access token
expires_in = r["expires_in"] # refreshed access token expires in time
refresh_token = r["refresh_token"] # new refresh token

How to call a particular API (API 1.0)

The APIs are listed at [Renren API Documentation] ( You can call an API by calling an authorized API clients' attribute that has the same name with the API. The general parameters(v, access_token, call_id) and method parameter are supplied by the API client. The format parameter is by default JSON as recommended by Renren.

For example,

print client.users.getInfo()
print client.users.getLoggedInUser()
print client.users.getVisitors()
print client.status.set(status="test")
print client.status.gets()

As for uploading pictures:

f = open("test.png", "rb")
r =, filename="test.png")
f.close()  # you need to do this manually

Notice that the upload parameter only accepts file-like objects. filename should be provided with correct extension if upload parameter does not have name attribute.

How to call a particular API (API 2.0)

The APIs are listed at [Renren API Documentation] ( You can call an API using the APIClient's. Remove "/v2/" and replace "/" with ".". For example,

print client.user.get(userId="262156164")
print client.status.put(content="test") #Requires read_user_status,status_update scopes

As for uploading pictures:

f = open("test.png", "rb")
r =, filename="test.png")
f.close()  # you need to do this manually

Notice that the file parameter only accepts file-like objects. If file parameter does not have attribute name, then you have to supply filename with correct extension.