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Wiznet W5300 Driver, Powered by SystemVerilog


W5300 is a TCP/IP controller, manufactured by WizNet Inc., which could be applied for Ethernet with TCP, UDP or PPPoE protocol based on IPv4.

This driver is planned to implement TCP communication in a LAN, with Intel Cyclone IV series. The FPGA chip is EP4CE10F17C8, with other hardware suites to debug or finish this design.

Why SystemVerilog? I chose it after reading synthensizing SystemVerilog, Busting the Myth that SystemVerilog is only for Verification.

And this project is based on project HDL on Git, a.k.a Hog, a resolution for managing HDL project by Git. I used it to (re)generate the project configuration of Intel Quartus. Due to some reason, the synthensizing is supported only.


Clone this repo, change the cwd to root directory of it, and run this command(use git bash if on windows):

./Hog/ w5300

Then the Quartus Project File(.qpf) could be found in Project/w5300/.


This is a simple design, and I have to abandon some features of w5300 itself with time issue. The followings are what supported or not supported:

  • Supported:

    • 16-bit data bus
    • IRQ Handler(except PPPoE IRQ)
    • TCP server
  • Not Supported:

    • PPPoE Mode(never, it is designed for LAN communication)
    • BRDY pins(never, due to hardware suite limitation)
    • 8-bit data bus(never, due to hardware suite limitation)
    • UDP(single-cast & multi-cast, ongoing)
    • TCP client(no plan)
    • Indirect Address Mode(no plan)
    • multi-socket(no plan)


The top module of w5300 driver is named as w5300_driver_entry, which is required by user only. The declaration and port definitions are following:

module w5300_driver_entry #(
    parameter logic [31:0] ip     = {8'd192, 8'd168, 8'd1, 8'd15},  // IPv4 of W5300
    parameter logic [15:0] port   = 16'd7000,                       // port
    parameter logic [47:0] mac    = 48'h00_08_dc_01_02_03,          // MAC address
    parameter logic [7: 0] subnet = 8'd24,                          // length of Subnet mask
    parameter int CLK_FREQ      = 8'd100,                           // clock frequency in MHz
    parameter int ETH_TX_BUFFER_WIDTH = 16,                         // width of tx buffer address
    parameter int ETH_RX_BUFFER_WIDTH = 16                          // width of rx buffer address
    input logic clk,            // driver clock, 100MHz is perferred
    input logic rst_n,          // system reset

    // w5300 physical ports
    output logic w_rst_n,       // w5300 reset
    output logic cs_n,          // chip select
    output logic rd_n,          // read enable
    output logic wr_n,          // write enable
    output logic [9: 0] addr,   // address to w5300
    input  logic int_n,         // interrupt indicator
    inout  tri   [15:0] data,   // data from/to w5300

    // dataflow ports
    input  logic eth_tx_req,                                        // tx request, active low
    input  logic [16:0] eth_tx_bytes,                               // length of tx data, in bytes
    output logic [ETH_TX_BUFFER_WIDTH - 1:0] eth_tx_buffer_addr,    // address to tx data buffer
    input  logic [15:0] eth_tx_buffer_data,                         // data from tx data buffer
    output logic eth_rx_req,                                        // rx request, active high, could be used as WE_n for rx data buffer
    output logic [16:0] eth_rx_bytes,                               // length of rx data, in bytes
    output logic [ETH_RX_BUFFER_WIDTH - 1:0] eth_rx_buffer_addr,    // address to rx data buffer
    output logic [15:0] eth_rx_buffer_data,                         // data to rx data buffer
    output logic eth_op_state                                       // driver IDLE state, active high
    // ...


I think it's easy to transport the driver, only the SystemVerilog source files, under src/w5300, are required. And they are not implemented with any exclusive features of Intel FPGA chips.

How to transport:

  • copy src/w5300 to your project,
  • instantiate the driver module w5300_driver_entry,
  • create data buffers for Tx/Rx, e.g. use RAM IP core provided by vendor, and connect them to the driver instance.

But there might be some exceptions, if you are using VHDL. I am not familiar with VHDL and cannot provide any help on it.


Due to limitation of Hog, the simulation workflow of Quartus is not supported. But users could create testbenches in Quartus manually. Entries for testbench should be fould in testbench/src/ and they are named with pattern tb_<module>.sv.

The common dependency is src/w5300/, which is required by all of testbenches.

testbench submodule used in the driver)


ALL figures could be found docs/.

There are several submodules under the w5300_driver_entry, and let's walk through how they finite state machines(FSMs) are designed in this section.

The FSM in top module of this driver is following:

w5300 driver entry

All defintions of w5300 registers and bitmasks is defined in package W5300 of src/w5300/

To cite these definitions, just import them before citing. For example:

import W5300::*;


As well known, the physical interface of w5300 is SRAM-like async parallel interface, without clock.

Its FSM is following(system reset would be omitted in others):

w5300 interface

For the interface, the ctrl_addr[10] is an extended control bit, which is used to indicate this address should be read(0) or wroten(1). We would see its usage in the register look-up table of other submodules.


It's designed for configuring the common registers for w5300.

There is a list of common registers should be configured in block CommonRegisters here with their values. We could see the enabled common interrupt requests are IPCF(IP conflict), DPUR(Destinaton Port UnReachable with ICMP) and FMTU(Fragment MTU with ICMP), but their IRQ handlers are not implemented.

w5300 common config


It's designed for initializing a socket as TCP server. And all registers with values could be find in the SocketRegisterLut block here.

w5300 socket n tcp server


It's designed for read interrupt requests for IRQ handlers from IR and Sn_IR when int_n is pulled down, and clear the interrupt requests.

There are several ports to indicate the interrupt status.

ir_state[7:0] is used to indicate which interrupt(s) occurs. The definition of its bitfields are following:

B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0

The first 3 bit are common interrupt requests and the others are socket interrupt requests.

And there is another port, named as socket[3:0] to indicate which socket has the socket interrupts. If the socket[3] is low, there is no interrupt occured on socket.

w5300 irq handler


to be finished


to be finished


There is few hardware suite used, including LEDs, keys, and W5300 itself. All pin allocation could be found in here, and it's used to restore whole Quartus Prime project, see here.

Clock Source And Power Supplies

The Cyclone IV chip is driven by a 50MHz oscillator, and it is boosted up to 100MHz for W5300 interface. The core voltage supply for the chip itself is 1.2V, for IO banks is 3.3V, that means the the 3.3V LVTTL/LVCMOS is compatible for the chip.

The pin of oscillator input is E1, and the pin of the reset key is N13.

W5300 Suite

The W5300 I used is a individual board and it is connected to FPGA board by DuPont Lines. And there is a extra port to control bus tranceivers, which are used to isolate the W5300 and FPGA IOs.

W5300 is driven by a 25MHz oscillator, and the clock is boosted up to 150MHz in W5300 itself. 3.3V power supplies are preferred.

List of Pins occupied by w5300.

rst_n cs_n rd_n wr_n int_n
B3 B4 A4 B5 A3
addr[9] addr[8] addr[7] addr[6] addr[5] addr[4] addr[3] addr[2] addr[1] addr[0]
B10 A9 B9 A8 B8 A7 B7 A6 B6 A5
data[15] data[14] data[13] data[12] data[11] data[10] data[9] data[8] data[7] data[6] data[5] data[4] data[3] data[2] data[1] data[0]
E8 E9 C8 D8 E7 F8 D6 C6 A13 D5 A12 B13 A11 B12 A10 B11


NOT implemented.

There are 4 LEDs, used as status indicator. LED0 blinks when FPGA is running normally in 500ms period. LED1 - LED3 indicate the error status of W5300.

E10 F9 C9 D9

The LEDs will light up when the IOs were put high level.

to be done: error list


  1. W5300 datasheet v1.3.4e
  2. RFC 9293: Transmission Control Protocol
  3. RFC 768: UDP Datagram Protocol
  4. Hog: HDL on git