This is a list of must-watch videos devoted to JavaScript
- Ilya Grigorik: Website Performance Optimization (Udacity course) #HOT
- Mark DiMarco: User Interface Algorithms
- Neil Green: Writing Custom DSLs
- Philip Roberts: Help, I'm stuck in an event-loop
- Eric Bidelman: Polymer and Web Components change everything you know about Web development #io14
- Alex Russell, Jake Archibald: Bridging the gap between the web and apps #io14
- Scott Hanselman: Virtual Machines, JavaScript and Assembler
- Jafar Husain: Async JavaScript with Reactive Extensions
- Nat Duca: Jank Free: Chrome Rendering Performance #io13
- Ilya Grigorik: Automating Performance Best Practices with PageSpeed #io13
- Eric Bidelman: Web Components #io13
- Alex Komoroske: Web Components in Action #io13
- Paul Lewis: Device Agnostic Development #io13
- John McCutchan: A Trip Down Memory Lane with Gmail and DevTools #io13
- Joe Marini: Upgrading to a Chrome Packaged App #io13
- Pete Hunt: React: Rethinking best practices
- Martin Kleppe: 1024+ Seconds of JS Wizardry
- Yehuda Katz: A tale of two MVC's
- Vyacheslav Egorov: Performance and Benchmarking
- Brendan Eich: JavaScript at 18: Legal to Gamble
- Ryan Sandor Richards: Garbage Collection & Heap Management
- Addy Osmani: Scaling Your JavaScript Applications
- John-David Dalton: Lo-Dash
- Gary Bernhardt: WAT #HOT
- Angus Croll: Break all the rules
- Nicholas Zakas: Maintainable JavaScript
- Douglas Crockford: Level 7: ECMAScript 5: The New Parts
- Douglas Crockford: Section 8: Programming Style and Your Brain
- Ryan Dahl: Introduction to Node.js
- Alex Russell: Learning to Love JavaScript