Releases: zerratar/Ravenfall-Legacy
Ravenfall v0.7.8.5a Alpha Release
A new alpha release of Ravenfall!
A huge update this time. Experience gain for all skills has been adjusted to allow players to finally reach max level in a skill within their lifetime. The new exp gain has been taken high multipliers into account and won't ruin the gameplay for early levels and will make high levels much more reasonably achievable.
Along with this new update, a bunch of bug fixes has been made and new options for spammy item drop messages in chat.
Please enjoy!
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Balanced the exp gain to yield a more appropriate amount of experience, this also takes into consideration potential x100+ multipliers that are active now and then. Without any boost, each level will take about 14 minutes longer between levels. But this also means that going from level 998 to 999 should not take any longer than ~9.7 days, given you’re training on the right island. Having boosts from huts, rested and patreon benefits will still yield the player a much faster leveling.
You will no longer gain experience on previously trainable islands if your current level is 20% higher than the requirement of the “best” island you can train on. For instance; if you are level 240, you won’t gain any experience on Ironhill, away or home for that certain skill.
Time left for the next level in both observer and item list should now be more reliable.
A resting area has been added to Heim. You do no longer need to travel back to Kyo to rest.
Fixed game would get stuck if starting with headless mode due to code of conduct not being accepted.
Cosmetic hats will no longer be replaced automatically whenever a new helmet is picked up from a dungeon or raid.
Fixed the flying tree on Home island
Implemented a potential fix for the bug causing players to keep getting rested while on the ferry.
Assign a new captain on the ferry when the current captain leaves the game or is removed from the ferry for any other reasons.
Fixed a bug causing healing not to yield experience in certain situations.
Fixed a bug causing woodcutting to not yield the exp of the target tree when chopped down by another player; if the player never did any damage towards the tree.
Earning loyalty points from cheering bits and gifting subs should now go more directly to the server in hope of making it more reliable.
Reload and restore players have been improved. It will now ask for all player data in one server request rather than one per player. This will increase the chance of all players being properly added back to the game and increase the time it takes for restoring the players.
If the player state cache file has expired, the bot should now say so in the twitch chat to avoid confusion as to why no one loaded back. This can be toggled on/off under Game Settings.
You can now change the message formatting used when players are rewarded items from dungeons or raids. One message per item (All players that found the same item will be in the same message), one message per player (original one), minimal (All into as few messages as possible). This will allow less text in chat.
Ravenfall v0.7.8.4a Alpha Release
A new alpha release of Ravenfall!
This update fixes a bunch of bugs, introduces a Santa Hat, which is a little bit late to the party being mid January. But will be dropped until the end of January from Dungeons and Raids. Christmas Tokens will be dropped again but until the end of January as well.
Please enjoy!
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- Overlay: Fixed a bug with the overlay causing cleanup of previous characters to fail. That would make players render on top of eachother.
- Game: Added a new item: Santa Hat! This will now be dropped from the dungeon randomly throughout January. A bit late but a fun drop :)
- Game: Christmas Tokens will be dropped until the end of January. Yay!
- Game: Increased the radius to how far away you can be to cut down a tree and adjusted all tree positions to better match with the ground.
- Game: Fixed a bug causing “War” to be a sailable destination but never really working.
- Game: Fixed a bug causing players to stop training the skill they were training after sailing to another island. This would always happen if you tried to train a skill on an island where the skill level was too low and then sailed to an island where it was possible to.
- Game: Hopefully fixes bugs based on navigation where players would run in circles around another player, deadlocking in position when neither of the players could reach their destinations.
- Game: Updated logic for required distance when training fishing.
- Game: Fixed a bug where the player would not gain timed exp (base exp per second) when changing to a skill that cannot be trained on the current island.
- Game: Fixed a bug causing overlay server to continuously fail to start after doing a reload.
- Game: Fixed a bug causing players to be out of sync and play on two streams at the same time.
- Game: Fixed a bug causing huts to keep yielding exp for players that are offline.
- Misc: Using !kick command will now suggest a player name in case only the start of the name was used. Example !kick zerrat, would respond with “did you mean zerratar?”
- Misc: Made the game poll for exp multipliers from a public API endpoint if it hasn't gotten an automatic update from the server within the past 5s. Hopefully this should resolve the issue where some streamers lose their exp multipliers from time to time.
- Unity: Updated the game to use Unity 2021.2.8f1 in hope of fixing some DX12 related issues.
Ravenfall v0.7.8.3a Alpha Release
A new alpha release of Ravenfall!
Note: Due to personal and/ health issues unfortunately this update had been postponed quite a bit and does not include much of the needed fixes which will come with future updates. But at least I'm finally getting back on the horse more and more.
This update should fix some minor issues regarding the "disabled graphics mode" and add 6 new redeemable pets along with an "overlay mode" allowing you to start a second instance of Ravenfall that is only used for displaying characters ontop of your streams.
Please enjoy!
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- Misc: The game will now pull updates regarding redeemable items on an interval to ensure changes on the server are pulled without having to restart the game.
- Misc: Hopefully less logging will be spit into the log files, only crucial errors should now contain full stack traces. Which will reduce the size of the logs by a lot.
- Misc: Fixed an issue where configuration files were sometimes saved into/or read from c:\windows\system32\ instead of the actual game folder. This could cause some to have issues with either auto login or restore states not working properly.
- Graphics: Fixed a bug causing the toggling of Graphics Mode on/off not to properly display the “graphics mode disabled” dialog.
- Game: Starting a second instance of the game will now start the game in an “overlay” mode where information about the current observed player is being shown with a magenta background. This can be used as an overlay in OBS.
- Game: Added 6 new Christmas themed pets. Since these were added a bit late, they will be shown in the tavern until the end of January. However, the Christmas Tokens will stop dropping from 1st of January. But it may be extended.
Known Issues
Following issues are not new to this version but things that has been noted for being fixed in upcoming versions. This does not include all upcoming fixes either as new issues are found.
- Create User Report button not working.
- Players sometimes get stuck on Heim while being teleported to the dungeons. Saying "you cannot train fighting here" (Needs to be verified if problem still persists)
- Memory Leak shown after several hours of gameplay. Can sometimes climb over 10 Gb+ in used memory.
- raid and dungeon scrolls can be consumed without the actual event starting
- Cheering bits does not always get through properly. Players are not rewarded loyalty points sometimes.
- After a raid or raid war, logo not showing up properly above the player
- After reload players are sometimes stuck running towards nowhere.
- !raid and !raidwar not working if an event is active (e.g. Dungeon, Raid, Arena or ongoing raidwar)
- Nothing happens when opening the User Report Window a second time. If you resize the window or open the menu again the Report Window will be visible.
Ravenfall v0.7.8.2a Alpha Release
A new alpha release of Ravenfall!
This update should fix issues with exp gained in the wrong skills, new stream labels and Ether and Ancient ranged/magic gear! This update changes the version of Unity to 2021.2.3f1 and should hopefully fix some memory issues that may happen when game in disabled graphics or window hidden.
Please enjoy!
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- Game: Fixed a bug causing exp to be gained in the skill that the player was training when killing the monster. This would only affect combat skills.
- Game: fixed a bug causing flaky exp gain in Fishing.
- Game: Overriding sounds should now be reloaded if the game client thinks the files have been changed between the events instead of requiring a client restart.
- Game: Fixed a bug causing enemies in the dungeon to be invisible.
- Game: Added Ether Bow and Staff and made them droppable from the dungeon
- Game: Added Ancient Bow and Staff and put them on display in the Tavern as redeemable items.
- Misc: Added additional Stream Label, ferry-state.txt that includes the current state of the ferry (docked or sailing).
- Misc: Added additional Stream Labels for dungeons, dungeon-players-left.txt, dungeon-enemies-left.txt, dungeon-run-time.txt, dungeon-boss-health.txt, dungeon-boss-level.txt, dungeon-count.txt
Known Issues
Following issues are not new to this version but things that has been noted for being fixed in upcoming versions. This does not include all upcoming fixes either as new issues are found.
- Create User Report button not working.
- Players sometimes get stuck on Heim while being teleported to the dungeons. Saying "you cannot train fighting here" (Needs to be verified if problem still persists)
- Memory Leak shown after several hours of gameplay. Can sometimes climb over 10 Gb+ in used memory.
- raid and dungeon scrolls can be consumed without the actual event starting
- Cheering bits does not always get through properly. Players are not rewarded loyalty points sometimes.
- After a raid or raid war, logo not showing up properly above the player
- After reload players are sometimes stuck running towards nowhere.
- !raid and !raidwar not working if an event is active (e.g. Dungeon, Raid, Arena or ongoing raidwar)
- Nothing happens when opening the User Report Window a second time. If you resize the window or open the menu again the Report Window will be visible.
Ravenfall v0.7.8.10a Alpha Release
A hotfix release for previous v0.7.8.9a
Hopefully fixes issues related to players not being synchronized properly.
It does however fix issue related to !stats (skill-name) command. where it would only show currently trained skill.
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Ravenfall v0.7.8.0a Alpha Release (Hotfix)
A new alpha release of Ravenfall!
Hotfix, this version is to improve the frequency of the character skill updates being pushed from client to server. as well as fixing the wrong name on the "!redeem ancient 2h sword" in the Tavern. It was suppose to be "!redeem ancient sword"
Please enjoy!
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Known Issues
Following issues are not new to this version but things that has been noted for being fixed in upcoming versions. This does not include all upcoming fixes either as new issues are found.
- Create User Report button not working.
- Players sometimes get stuck on Heim while being teleported to the dungeons. Saying "you cannot train fighting here" (Needs to be verified if problem still persists)
- Memory Leak shown after several hours of gameplay. Can sometimes climb over 10 Gb+ in used memory.
- raid and dungeon scrolls can be consumed without the actual event starting
- Cheering bits does not always get through properly. Players are not rewarded loyalty points sometimes.
- After a raid or raid war, logo not showing up properly above the player
- After reload players are sometimes stuck running towards nowhere.
- !raid and !raidwar not working if an event is active (e.g. Dungeon, Raid, Arena or ongoing raidwar)
- Nothing happens when opening the User Report Window a second time. If you resize the window or open the menu again the Report Window will be visible.
Ravenfall v0.7.7.9a Alpha Release
A new alpha release of Ravenfall!
Increasing the droprate of the Halloween tokens slightly (again); fixed some bugs and added Ancient gear items as redeemables. Redeem them using ancient hearts; dropped from the dungeons!
Please enjoy!
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New in version
- Game: Increased the droprate for Seasonal tokens slightly again.
- Game: Changed the !tokens command to list your seasonal tokens instead of the old streamer tokens.
- Game: Made Ancient Hearts droppable from dungeons
- Game: Made Ancient gear redeemable using Ancient Hearts. Check the Tavern for the costs.
- UI: Fixed a bug that would force you to restart the client after changing Patreon Boost Requirements in the settings for it to be active.
- Misc: player coordinates and island states are no longer pushed to the server if the player joins a dungeon or raid. This is so that they can properly be moved back to their previous island if the game is restarted during those events.
- Misc: Changed the Dungeon Enemies to be pooled and recycled instead of spawned every time a new dungeon is created. This should hopefully reduce the memory usage over time.
- Misc: Fixed various bugs related to exp gains.
Known Issues
Following issues are not new to this version but things that has been noted for being fixed in upcoming versions. This does not include all upcoming fixes either as new issues are found.
- Create User Report button not working.
- Players sometimes get stuck on Heim while being teleported to the dungeons. Saying "you cannot train fighting here" (Needs to be verified if problem still persists)
- Memory Leak shown after several hours of gameplay. Can sometimes climb over 10 Gb+ in used memory.
- raid and dungeon scrolls can be consumed without the actual event starting
- Cheering bits does not always get through properly. Players are not rewarded loyalty points sometimes.
- After a raid or raid war, logo not showing up properly above the player
- After reload players are sometimes stuck running towards nowhere.
- !raid and !raidwar not working if an event is active (e.g. Dungeon, Raid, Arena or ongoing raidwar)
- Nothing happens when opening the User Report Window a second time. If you resize the window or open the menu again the Report Window will be visible.
Ravenfall v0.7.7.8a Alpha Release
A new alpha release of Ravenfall!
Increasing the droprate of the Halloween tokens slightly and ensuring they will keep dropping throughout november as well.
Please enjoy!
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New in version
- Game: Halloween Tokens will have a slightly higher drop chance now.
- Game: Changed the colliders used for the doors in dungeons to not have an upper part. To avoid having bosses getting stuck in doorways.
- Game: Reduced the size of the Dungeon and Raid bosses navigation agent to help prevent bosses from getting stuck in doors and narrow paths.
- Game: Fixed a bug causing the Tavern to return to normal theme on 1st of november. Please note; Halloween theme will only be during october month in the future. This year (2021) is an exception as the event started a bit too late.
- Game: Added two new Halloween pets! Werewolf Pet and Yeti Pet. Both redeemable.
- UI: Fixed a bug causing nametags to get “behind” the water.
- UI: Fixed a bug causing the logo to display with a red-ish color.
- Misc: Tavern will always be in “night mode” when Halloween Theme is active. Regardless of using Potato Mode or not.
Known Issues
Following issues are not new to this version but things that has been noted for being fixed in upcoming versions. This does not include all upcoming fixes either as new issues are found.
- Create User Report button not working.
- Players sometimes get stuck on Heim while being teleported to the dungeons. Saying "you cannot train fighting here" (Needs to be verified if problem still persists)
- Memory Leak shown after several hours of gameplay. Can sometimes climb over 10 Gb+ in used memory.
- raid and dungeon scrolls can be consumed without the actual event starting
- Cheering bits does not always get through properly. Players are not rewarded loyalty points sometimes.
- After a raid or raid war, logo not showing up properly above the player
- After reload players are sometimes stuck running towards nowhere.
- !raid and !raidwar not working if an event is active (e.g. Dungeon, Raid, Arena or ongoing raidwar)
- Nothing happens when opening the User Report Window a second time. If you resize the window or open the menu again the Report Window will be visible.
Ravenfall v0.7.7.7a Alpha Release
A new alpha release of Ravenfall!
This is a hotfix to make sure drops from Dungeons and Raids are working.
Please enjoy!
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New in version (Hotfix)
- Game: Fixes a bug causing raids and dungeons not to drop any items.
Known Issues
Following issues are not new to this version but things that has been noted for being fixed in upcoming versions. This does not include all upcoming fixes either as new issues are found.
- Create User Report button not working.
- Ravenfall logo has strange red outlines on the background
- Players sometimes get stuck on Heim while being teleported to the dungeons. Saying "you cannot train fighting here" (Needs to be verified if problem still persists)
- Memory Leak shown after several hours of gameplay. Can sometimes climb over 10 Gb+ in used memory.
- raid and dungeon scrolls can be consumed without the actual event starting
- Cheering bits does not always get through properly. Players are not rewarded loyalty points sometimes.
- After a raid or raid war, logo not showing up properly above the player
- After reload players are sometimes stuck running towards nowhere.
- !raid and !raidwar not working if an event is active (e.g. Dungeon, Raid, Arena or ongoing raidwar)
- Nothing happens when opening the User Report Window a second time. If you resize the window or open the menu again the Report Window will be visible.
Ravenfall v0.7.7.6a Alpha Release
A new alpha release of Ravenfall!
It is Halloween again! A bit late, but time for some spooktober and spookvember! Halloween tokens are being dropped from dungeons starting now and every oktober and november every year. You can now use those to redeem specific pets during these times. Check the Tavern to see which pets are redeemable!
Oh, lastly, but not least. Rajah is now droppable from the dungeon. It has increased a bit in size. Maybe eat too much tuna. But big enough to make sure its properly being seen!
Please enjoy!
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New in version
- Game: Updated the targeting logic again for healers. Hopefully should not be idling unnecessarily and always heal the player with the least amount of health.
- Game: Added new item type “Halloween Token” that can be dropped from Raids and Dungeons. These tokens can be used for redeeming Halloween specific pets in the tavern. These pets are only redeemable during October and November month’s every year. as well as Halloween Tokens only dropped during the same period.
- Game: Added Rajah as a droppable pet in the Dungeon.
- Game: Added new Halloween pet that can be redeemed. Spider Pet
- Game: Fixed a bug allowing players to equip items they were not high enough level for.
- UI: Fixed a bug causing the observer view to stick/stay if the currently observed player left the game.
- UI: Fixed a bug causing the town hall info to show wrong exp %
- UI: Fixed a bug causing last player in the “assign player dialog” for huts would always show “zerratar” with fishing level 10
- Misc: Added a startup param "-force-update" that will force download the latest update and install it again, even if you're on the same version already.
- Misc: Games will no longer restore players that have left to join another session. Avoiding being janked unwillingly from your current game session.
Known Issues
Following issues are not new to this version but things that has been noted for being fixed in upcoming versions. This does not include all upcoming fixes either as new issues are found.
- Create User Report button not working.
- Ravenfall logo has strange red outlines on the background
- Players sometimes get stuck on Heim while being teleported to the dungeons. Saying "you cannot train fighting here" (Needs to be verified if problem still persists)
- Memory Leak shown after several hours of gameplay. Can sometimes climb over 10 Gb+ in used memory.
- raid and dungeon scrolls can be consumed without the actual event starting
- Cheering bits does not always get through properly. Players are not rewarded loyalty points sometimes.
- After a raid or raid war, logo not showing up properly above the player
- After reload players are sometimes stuck running towards nowhere.
- !raid and !raidwar not working if an event is active (e.g. Dungeon, Raid, Arena or ongoing raidwar)
- Nothing happens when opening the User Report Window a second time. If you resize the window or open the menu again the Report Window will be visible.