modName | Nuke's Tiny Girders (NtG) |
license | GPL-2.0 |
author | zer0Kerbal |
forum | (*/) |
github | ( |
curseforge | ( |
spacedock | ( |
ckan | NukesTinyGirder |
- 16 Aug 2022
- Release for Kerbal Space Program [KSP 1.12.x]
- Split off from Nukes Tiny Parts
- this is the first in a series of updates to Nukes Tiny Girders
- smaller updates make updating the addon much more manageable.
- Included <ghostparts.cfg>
- Updated License: GPL-2.0
- was: Public Domain
- closes #24 - Updated License
- Add
- [
] - [] v1.0.7.1
- [] v1.1.8.0
- [] v1.0.3.2
- [] v1.0.5.1
- [] v1.1.7.0
- [] v1.0.1.0
- [] v1.0.1.0
- [] v1.0.1.0
- [] v1.1.4.1
- [] v1.1.0.0
- [
- closes #25 - docs/
- create Assets/ folder
- convert from mesh to MODEL
- rename
- models to unique names
- textures to unique names
- update
- model pointers (.png et al to .dds)
- model texture pointers to new names
- relocate assets to Assets/
- eliminate
- duplicate textures
- duplicate models
- relocate part.cfg to Parts/
- closes #26 - Asset Updates
- Create
- Localization/
- <en-us.cfg>
- [] v2.1.2.0
- [] v1.0.1.1
- Localization/
- updates #5 - Localization Master
- closes #6 - Localization - English <en-us.cfg>
- updates #23 - Part Localization
- closes #27 - Localization
- Add
- [NukesTinyGirders.cfg] v1.0.0.0
- adds localized tags to parts
- [NukesTinyGirders.cfg] v1.0.0.0
- closes #28 - Add localized tags to parts
- Create
- Hero.png
- closes #29 - Create Hero.png
- Rename parts to unique names following the pattern
- [tinyGirderDock] --> [ntg-dock]
- [tinyGirderExplodie] --> [ntg-explodie]
- [tinyGirderHalfMeterAdapter] --> [ntg-adapter-half]
- [tinyGirderHuge] --> [ntg-huge]
- [tinyGirderIonThruster] --> [ntg-thruster-ion]
- [tinyGirderLarge] --> [ntg-large]
- [tinyGirderLargeElbow] --> [ntg-large-elbow]
- [tinyGirderLargeHub] --> [ntg-large-hub]
- [tinyGirderLargeHubTank] --> [ntg-large-hub-tank]
- [tinyGirderLfArcjetThruster] --> [ntg-thruster-arcjet-lf]
- [tinyGirderMedium] --> [ntg-medium]
- [tinyGirderMediumTank] --> [ntg-medium-tank]
- [tinyGirderMiniscule] --> [ntg-miniscule]
- [tinyGirderOctoHub] --> [ntg-octo-hub]
- [tinyGirderSmall] --> [ntg-small]
- [tinyGirderSmallElbow] --> [ntg-small-elbow]
- [tinyGirderSmallHub] --> [ntg-small-hub]
- [tinyGirderSmallTank] --> [ntg-small-tank]
- [tinyGirderTiny] --> [ntg-tiny]
- Add
- <ghostparts.cfg> to attempt to prevent any damage to existing save games.
- is not permanent. will be removed when the mod is updated to
- Rename filename to unique filenames following the pattern
- --> <ntg-dock.cfg>
- --> <ntg-explodie.cfg>
- --> <ntg-adapter-half.cfg>
- --> <ntg-huge.cfg>
- --> <ntg-thruster-ion.cfg>
- --> <ntg-large.cfg>
- --> <ntg-large-elbow.cfg>
- --> <ntg-large-hub.cfg>
- --> <ntg-large-hub-tank.cfg>
- --> <ntg-thruster-arcjet-lf.cfg>
- --> <ntg-medium.cfg>
- --> <ntg-medium-tank.cfg>
- --> <ntg-miniscule.cfg>
- --> <ntg-octo-hub.cfg>
- --> <ntg-small.cfg>
- --> <ntg-small-elbow.cfg>
- --> <ntg-small-hub.cfg>
- --> <ntg-small-tank.cfg>
- --> <ntg-tiny.cfg>
- Move
- Module [TweakScale] out from part.cfg's into separate file
- [TweakScale.cfg]
- Module [TweakScale] out from part.cfg's into separate file
- Create
- [TweakScale.cfg]
- Issues
- closes #1 - Nuke's Tiny Girder (NtG)
<Thank you Nuke!>
- closes #2 - Create Legal Mumbo Jumbo
- closes #3 - Create Documentation
- closes #4 - Create Social Media
- closes #1 - Nuke's Tiny Girder (NtG)
- yes, I have it
- built in tweakscale support, replaces large varients of parts (requires mod man)
- ckan compatibility
- extra redundency
- the micro girder kit i teased about years ago now has rudementry textures.
- the readme wasnt snarky enough so i added mor snark.
- extra redundency
- 27% more new bugs
- some of my particle effects are now borked, they need to be remade under the new system (known issue)
- extra redundency
- all textures are now png
- NEW! structural lattice construction kit
- some parts now come in a larger sizes
- better colliders for parts that had bad colliders (like the cockpit and the tail boom)
- depricated arrrghohn, all hall thrusters and mpd engines now use xenon
- resized fuel tanks to more strict specifications to make them compatible with the new lattice elements
- rebalenced some parts (mono tank is a lot less useless now)
- atmospheric vtol engine can now be throttled more quickly
- known issue 0.20 broke the sound effects so that badass mpd thruster sound doesnt work
- a lot more parts
- some of them even work
- new resources
- atmospheric bits
- some ships
- and a cockpit
- also no longer calling it a beta since i dont need a reason
- this version requires at least ksp v.18
- fixed normal maps for long and short tanks, and the nosecone
- mpd thruster overheat animation looks better now
- mpd thruster now produces less heat and is less prone to self destruction
- mpd thruster weight reduction from 1.2 to 0.8
- gimbal ranges reduced on mpd thruster and gimballed engine to compensate for bang bang control
- initial release