nim.uri3 is a Nim module that provides improved way for working with URIs. It is based on the "uri" module in the Nim standard library and the "purl" Python module. This is based on "nim-uri2"
Working with path and path segments:
# Parse a URI.
var uri : Uri3 = parseUri3("")
echo(uri.getPath()) # "/path/to/location"
# Append a path segment.
# uri / "extra" would have the same effect as the previous line.
echo(uri.getPath()) # "/path/to/location/extra"
# Prepend a path segment.
# "new" / uri would have the same effect as the previous line.
echo(uri.getPath()) # "/new/path/to/location/extra
# Set the path to something completely new.
echo(uri.getPath()) # "/my/path"
# Set the path as individual segments.
uri.setPathSegments(@["new", "path", "example"])
echo(uri.getPath()) # "/new/path/example"
# Set a single path segment at a specific index.
uri.setPathSegment("changed", 1)
echo(uri.getPath()) # "/new/changed/example"
Working with queries:
# Parse a URI.
var uri : Uri3 = parseUri3("")
# Get all queries.
var queries : seq[seq[string]] = uri.getQueries()
for i in queries:
echo(i[0]) # Query name.
echo(i[1]) # Query value.
# Get a specific query.
var query : string = uri.getQuery("ex1")
echo(query) # "hello"
# Get a specific query, with a default value for if that query is not found.
echo(uri.getQuery("ex1", "DEFAULT")) # exists: "hello"
echo(uri.getQuery("ex3", "DEFAULT")) # doesn't exist: "DEFAULT"
# If no default is specified and a query isn't found, getQuery() will return the empty string.
# Set a query.
uri.setQuery("ex3", "example")
echo(uri.getQuery("ex3")) # "example"
# Set queries without overwriting.
uri.setQuery("ex4", "another", false)
echo(uri.getQuery("ex4")) # "another"
uri.setQuery("ex1", "test", false)
echo(uri.getQuery("ex1")) # not overwritten: still "hello"
# Set all queries.
uri.setQueries(@[ @["new", "value1",], @["example", "value2"]])
echo(uri.getQuery("new")) # exists: "value1"
echo(uri.getQuery("ex1")) # doesn't exist: ""
# Set multiple queries.
uri.setQuery(@[ @["ex1", "new"], @["new", "changed"]])
echo(uri.getQuery("new")) # "changed"
echo(uri.getQuery("example")) # "value2"
echo(uri.getQuery("ex1")) # "new"
Other examples:
# Parse a URI.
var uri : Uri3 = parseUri3("")
# Convert the URI to a string representation.
var toString : string = $uri.
echo(toString) # ""
# Get the domain.
echo(uri.getDomain()) # ""
# Set the domain.
echo(uri) # ""
# Encode uri
let encUri = encodeURI(" yeah", usePlus=false) #default usePlus = true
# Decode uri
let decUri = encodeURI(encUri, decodePlus=false) #default decodePlus = true
# encodeToQuery
assert encodeToQuery({:}) == ""
assert encodeToQuery({"a": "1", "b": "2"}) == "a=1&b=2"
assert encodeToQuery({"a": "1", "b": ""}) == "a=1&b"
nim.uri3 is released under the MIT open source license.