See the Wiki for full API Documentation
Example Response
"rocket_name":"Falcon 9",
"payload_id":"SpaceX CRS-14",
"payload_type":"Dragon 1.1",
"site_name":"CCAFS SLC 40",
"site_name_long":"Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Space Launch Complex 40"
"details":"The launch used a refurbished booster (from CRS-12) for the 11th time, and a refurbished capsule (C110 from CRS-8) for the third time. External payloads include a materials research platform MISSE-FF phase 3 of the Robotic Refueling Mission TSIS, heliophysics sensor several crystallization experiments, and the RemoveDebris spacecraft aimed at space junk removal. The booster was expended in order to test a new landing profile."
See the Contribution guide for detailed steps
Local development info can be found here
- API is using Node.js with the Koa framework
- All data stored in a MongoDB Atlas 3 node replica set cluster
- Latest database mongodump available here
- Uses Redis for route caching
- Uses Jest and Supertest for unit/integration testing
- Uses Travis CI for continuous integration/delivery
- API deployed on a Heroku pipeline with pull request, staging and production servers
- If you have any questions or corrections, please open an issue and we'll get it merged ASAP
- All data and photos are property of Space Exploration Technologies Corporation (SpaceX)
- I am not affiliated with SpaceX in any way, shape, form, or fashion. Just a fun side project for me
- For any other questions or concerns, just shoot me an email