The daemon swarm-template queries a Docker Swarm API and updates any number of specified templates on the file system. swarm-template can optionally run arbitrary commands when the update process completes.
You can download a released swarm-template
artifact from
the Swarm Template release page. If you wish to compile from source,
please see the instructions in the Contributing section.
The CLI interface supports all of the options detailed above.
# ./swarm-template -h
Usage: swarm-template [options]
Generate files from docker swarm api
-cmd restart xyz
run command after template is regenerated (e.g restart xyz) (default "true")
-host string
swarm manager address. (default "unix:///var/run/docker.sock")
-interval int
notify command interval (secs) (default 1)
-target_file string
path to a write the template. (default "example/template.cfg")
-template_file string
path to a template to generate (default "example/template.tmpl")
show version
For more information, see
$ ./swarm-template \
-template_file="example/template.tmpl" \
-target_file="example/target_file" \
-cmd="/usr/sbin/nginx -s reload" \
docker service rm api-example-com_v1-000 api-example-com_v1-001 anotherapi-example-com_v1-0000 anotherapi-example-com_v1-0001 anotherapi-example-com_v1-0002 logs-example-com static-example-com www-example-com
docker service create --name www-example-com --label st.tags="backend,development,public" --label st.version="1.000" --label alpine ping
docker service create --name static-example-com --label st.tags="static,development,public" --label st.version="1.000" --label alpine ping
docker service create --name logs-example-com --label st.tags="backend,development,internal" --label st.version="1.000" --label alpine ping
docker service create --name api-example-com_v1-000 --label st.tags="backend,development,public,internal,api" --label st.version="1.000" --label alpine ping
docker service create --name api-example-com_v1-001 --label st.tags="backend,development,public,internal,api" --label st.version="1.001" --label alpine ping
docker service create --name anotherapi-example-com_v1-0000 --label st.tags="backend,development,public,internal,api" --label st.version="1.000" --label alpine ping
docker service create --name anotherapi-example-com_v1-0001 --label st.tags="backend,development,public,internal,api" --label st.version="1.001" --label alpine ping
docker service create --name anotherapi-example-com_v1-0002 --label st.tags="backend,development,public,internal,api" --label st.version="1.002" --label alpine ping
go get -d -v -t && go build -v && ./swarm-template -template_file="example/template.tmpl" -target_file="example/nginx.conf"
# ./swarm-template -template_file="example/template.tmpl" -target_file="example/nginx.conf"
2016/12/20 12:20:47 Starting Swarm Template
2016/12/20 12:20:47 Added : api-example-com_v1-001
2016/12/20 12:20:47 Added : www-example-com
2016/12/20 12:20:47 Added : anotherapi-example-com_v1-0000
2016/12/20 12:20:47 Added : anotherapi-example-com_v1-0001
2016/12/20 12:20:47 Added : anotherapi-example-com_v1-0002
2016/12/20 12:20:47 Added : logs-example-com
2016/12/20 12:20:47 Added : api-example-com_v1-000
2016/12/20 12:20:47 Added : static-example-com
{{ define "main" }}
# List Backend UpStreams
{{ range $service := . }}{{$service_name:=.Name}}{{ range $label := .Labels }}{{ if and ( . | contains "backend") ( . | contains "development") }}
upstream {{$service_name}} {
server {{$service_name}}:9000 weight=100 max_fails=5000 fail_timeout=5;
}{{ end }}{{ end }}{{ end }}
# List External Services
{{$services := .}}{{ range group . }}{{$service_name:=.Name}}{{$domain := index .Labels ""}}{{ range $label := .Labels }}{{ if and ( . | contains "backend") ( . | contains "development") }}
server {
listen 80;
server_name {{$domain}};
location @rewrite3 {
rewrite ^({{ range keyBy $services $domain}}/v{{index .Labels "st.version"}}|{{end}})/(.*)$ $1/index.php?_url=/$2;
{{ range keyBy $services $domain}}{{$version := index .Labels "st.version"}}
location /v{{$version}} {
root /www/http/public/;
try_files $uri $uri/ @rewrite3;
location ~ ^/v{{$version}}(.+\.php)$ {
fastcgi_pass {{$service_name}};
fastcgi_param VERSION v{{$version}};
}{{ end }}{{end}}{{end}}
# List Internal Setup
server {
listen 80 default_server;
server_name _;
location @rewrite2 {
rewrite ^({{ range $service := . }}{{$service_name:=.Name}}{{ range $label := .Labels }}{{ if and ( . | contains "development") ( . | contains "backend") ( . | contains "internal") }}{{$service_parse := $service_name | split "_"}}{{range $key, $value := $service_parse}}{{if eq $key 1}}{{$value_v := $value | replaceAll "-" "."}}/{{$value_v}}{{else}}/{{$value}}{{end}}{{end}}|{{end}}{{end}}{{end}})/(.*)$ $1/index.php?_url=/$2;
{{ range $service := . }}{{$service_name:=.Name}}{{ range $label := .Labels }}{{ if and ( . | contains "development") ( . | contains "backend") ( . | contains "internal") }}{{$service_parse := $service_name | split "_"}}
location {{range $key, $value := $service_parse}}{{if eq $key 1}}{{$value_v := $value | replaceAll "-" "."}}/{{$value_v}}{{else}}/{{$value}}{{end}}{{end}} {
root /www/http/public/;
try_files $uri $uri/ @rewrite2;
location ~ ^{{$service_parse := $service_name | split "_"}}{{range $key, $value := $service_parse}}{{if eq $key 1}}{{$value_v := $value | replaceAll "-" "."}}/{{$value_v}}{{else}}/{{$value}}{{end}}{{end}}(.+\.php)$ {
fastcgi_pass {{$service_name}};
fastcgi_param VERSION {{$service_parse := $service_name | split "_"}}{{range $key, $value := $service_parse}}{{if eq $key 1}}{{$value_v := $value | replaceAll "-" "."}}{{$value_v}}{{end}}{{end}};
# List Backend UpStreams
upstream anotherapi-example-com_v1-0000 {
server anotherapi-example-com_v1-0000:9000 weight=100 max_fails=5000 fail_timeout=5;
upstream api-example-com_v1-001 {
server api-example-com_v1-001:9000 weight=100 max_fails=5000 fail_timeout=5;
upstream www-example-com {
server www-example-com:9000 weight=100 max_fails=5000 fail_timeout=5;
upstream api-example-com_v1-000 {
server api-example-com_v1-000:9000 weight=100 max_fails=5000 fail_timeout=5;
upstream logs-example-com {
server logs-example-com:9000 weight=100 max_fails=5000 fail_timeout=5;
upstream anotherapi-example-com_v1-0001 {
server anotherapi-example-com_v1-0001:9000 weight=100 max_fails=5000 fail_timeout=5;
upstream anotherapi-example-com_v1-0002 {
server anotherapi-example-com_v1-0002:9000 weight=100 max_fails=5000 fail_timeout=5;
# List External Services
server {
listen 80;
location @rewrite3 {
rewrite ^(/v1.000|/v1.001|/v1.002|)/(.*)$ $1/index.php?_url=/$2;
location /v1.000 {
root /www/http/public/;
try_files $uri $uri/ @rewrite3;
location ~ ^/v1.000(.+\.php)$ {
fastcgi_pass anotherapi-example-com_v1-0000;
fastcgi_param VERSION v1.000;
location /v1.001 {
root /www/http/public/;
try_files $uri $uri/ @rewrite3;
location ~ ^/v1.001(.+\.php)$ {
fastcgi_pass anotherapi-example-com_v1-0000;
fastcgi_param VERSION v1.001;
location /v1.002 {
root /www/http/public/;
try_files $uri $uri/ @rewrite3;
location ~ ^/v1.002(.+\.php)$ {
fastcgi_pass anotherapi-example-com_v1-0000;
fastcgi_param VERSION v1.002;
server {
listen 80;
location @rewrite3 {
rewrite ^(/v1.001|/v1.000|)/(.*)$ $1/index.php?_url=/$2;
location /v1.001 {
root /www/http/public/;
try_files $uri $uri/ @rewrite3;
location ~ ^/v1.001(.+\.php)$ {
fastcgi_pass api-example-com_v1-001;
fastcgi_param VERSION v1.001;
location /v1.000 {
root /www/http/public/;
try_files $uri $uri/ @rewrite3;
location ~ ^/v1.000(.+\.php)$ {
fastcgi_pass api-example-com_v1-001;
fastcgi_param VERSION v1.000;
server {
listen 80;
location @rewrite3 {
rewrite ^(/v1.000|)/(.*)$ $1/index.php?_url=/$2;
location /v1.000 {
root /www/http/public/;
try_files $uri $uri/ @rewrite3;
location ~ ^/v1.000(.+\.php)$ {
fastcgi_pass www-example-com;
fastcgi_param VERSION v1.000;
server {
listen 80;
location @rewrite3 {
rewrite ^(/v1.000|)/(.*)$ $1/index.php?_url=/$2;
location /v1.000 {
root /www/http/public/;
try_files $uri $uri/ @rewrite3;
location ~ ^/v1.000(.+\.php)$ {
fastcgi_pass logs-example-com;
fastcgi_param VERSION v1.000;
# List Internal Setup
server {
listen 80 default_server;
server_name _;
location @rewrite2 {
rewrite ^(/anotherapi-example-com/v1.0000|/api-example-com/v1.001|/api-example-com/v1.000|/logs-example-com|/anotherapi-example-com/v1.0001|/anotherapi-example-com/v1.0002|)/(.*)$ $1/index.php?_url=/$2;
location /anotherapi-example-com/v1.0000 {
root /www/http/public/;
try_files $uri $uri/ @rewrite2;
location ~ ^/anotherapi-example-com/v1.0000(.+\.php)$ {
fastcgi_pass anotherapi-example-com_v1-0000;
fastcgi_param VERSION v1.0000;
location /api-example-com/v1.001 {
root /www/http/public/;
try_files $uri $uri/ @rewrite2;
location ~ ^/api-example-com/v1.001(.+\.php)$ {
fastcgi_pass api-example-com_v1-001;
fastcgi_param VERSION v1.001;
location /api-example-com/v1.000 {
root /www/http/public/;
try_files $uri $uri/ @rewrite2;
location ~ ^/api-example-com/v1.000(.+\.php)$ {
fastcgi_pass api-example-com_v1-000;
fastcgi_param VERSION v1.000;
location /logs-example-com {
root /www/http/public/;
try_files $uri $uri/ @rewrite2;
location ~ ^/logs-example-com(.+\.php)$ {
fastcgi_pass logs-example-com;
fastcgi_param VERSION ;
location /anotherapi-example-com/v1.0001 {
root /www/http/public/;
try_files $uri $uri/ @rewrite2;
location ~ ^/anotherapi-example-com/v1.0001(.+\.php)$ {
fastcgi_pass anotherapi-example-com_v1-0001;
fastcgi_param VERSION v1.0001;
location /anotherapi-example-com/v1.0002 {
root /www/http/public/;
try_files $uri $uri/ @rewrite2;
location ~ ^/anotherapi-example-com/v1.0002(.+\.php)$ {
fastcgi_pass anotherapi-example-com_v1-0002;
fastcgi_param VERSION v1.0002;
Swarm Template consumes template files in the [Go Template][] format.
Wrapper for os.Getenv. Retrieves the value of the environment variable named by the key. It returns the value, which will be empty if the variable is not present. Optionally, you can give a default value that will be returned if the key is not present.
{{env "HOSTNAME" ""}}
Query Swarm API for all services in the group by "" label. Services are queried using the following syntax:
{{ range group . }}
# ...
{{ end}}
Creates a map that groups services by tag
{{$services := . }}
{{ range keyBy $services "example_value"}}
# ...
Determines if a needle is within an iterable element.
{{ range .Labels }}
{{ if and ( . | contains "backend") ( . | contains "production") }}
# ...
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
Takes the argument as a string and replaces all occurrences of the given string with the given string.
{{"" | replaceAll "." "_"}}
This function can be chained with other functions as well:
{{$variable := .Example | replaceAll "-" "."}}
Splits the given string on the provided separator:
{{"application_version" | split "_"}}
docker run --rm --name go-build -v "$PWD":"/go/src/swarm-template" -w "/go/src/swarm-template" golang sh -c " go get; go build -v"
docker run --rm -v "$PWD":"/go/src/swarm-template" -w "/go/src/swarm-template" golang:alpine sh -c "apk add --update git && go get -v; go build -v" && tar -zcvf swarm-template.tar.gz $PWD/swarm-template
If you want to contribute to our project, please follow these guidelines:
- Fork the repo
- Choose the correct branch to base your contribution (see details bellow)
- Implement and test your code
- Submit a pull request
- -cmd options multi command support
- AzMesai Group Members