This is a cron engine for OpenFaas. OpenFaas doesn't come with a timer tigger, hence this was built to provide timer interface with OpenFaas.
- Clone this repository:
git clone && cd cron-connector
- For OpenFaas deployed on Docker Swarm do:
docker stack deploy func -c ./docker-compose.yml
- For OpenFaas on RaspberryPi with Docker Swarm do:
docker stack deploy func -c ./docker-compose.armhf.yml
- For OpenFaas deployed on kubernetes do:
kubectl create -f ./kubernetes --namespace openfaas
- For OpenFaas on RaspberryPi kubernetes do:
kubectl create -f ./kubernetes-armhf --namespace openfaas
The function should have 2 annotations:
annotation should becron-function
annotation should be the cron schedule on which to invoke function.
Checkout a sample function yaml file at sample-func/stack.yml