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This monorepo contains Frontend, Backend, Smart Contracts and Infrastructure code for the Zeal neowallet associated products.

Frontend getting started

  1. Install NVM
  2. Run nvm use in the root of the project.
  3. Run corepack enable
  4. Run yarn start to start dev server or yarn build:dev or yarn build:prod to create an optimized build

Frontend troubleshooting

If you have any sort of build issues or errors after fresh pull of master - first thing to do - run following command: rm -Rf node_modules && yarn rebuild. This will make sure you re-install and re-build all needed dependencies. Most errors should disappear after this, and if something remaining - you can debug from there.

Running mobile

  1. Setup the development environment as described here
    • TL;DR; for Android: Android studio installed, ANDROID_HOME env variable in the terminal where you call expo commands
  2. cd frontend/mobile/
  3. Run yarn dlx expo prebuild to create and populate the android/ and ios/ folders
  4. Run yarn start to start the bundler
  5. Run yarn run android to build, install and start the Android debug version
  6. Run yarn run ios to build, install and start the iOS debug version

The run commands use a physical device if one is plugged into the laptop; otherwise it starts a simulator.

After the Android and/or iOS versions are installed, yarn start is enough to start the app; in the menu, pressing a will start the app in Android, and pressing i will start the app in iOS.

If native code configuration is changed, or native libraries are added, the prebuild and the run steps above have to be rerun.

To run the IOS app on a specific device:

  1. Run xcrun simctl list devices to list all available devices
  2. Run yarn run ios --device="{device_name}" to run the app on the desired simulator / phone

Mobile troubleshooting

  • If you get any sort of Sandbox file permission errors when running on IOS (e.g. error: Sandbox: bash(58711) deny(1) file-read-data ):
  • If you get PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code when running on IOS: Delete the ios/.xcode.env.local due to facebook/react-native#43333
  • If you get error like this during prebuild
    xcode-select: error: tool 'xcodebuild' requires Xcode, but active developer directory '/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools' is a command line tools instance
    [!] Failed to load 'glog' podspec:
    [!] Invalid `glog.podspec` file: undefined method `[]' for nil.
    try to point it to correct XCode by:
    $ sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/
  • If you get the following when trying to run an IOS simulator:
    Unable to boot the Simulator.
    launchd failed to respond.
    Underlying error (, code=4):
      Failed to start launchd_sim: could not bind to session, launchd_sim may have crashed or quit responding
    Try clearing your simulator caches and try again: rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Caches

Adding devices to iOS distribution

  1. User should register in firebase

  2. Take UDID from firebase email and add it to the Apple Developer portal

  3. run locally yarn dlx eas-cli device:create so tell EAS that new devicess need to be added to the profile

  4. Verify that devices are added by starting local build yarn dlx eas-cli build --profile development --platform ios --local It should look like the following and contain all new devices:

    Provisioning Profile
    Developer Portal ID       *********
    Status                    active
    Expiration                Mon, 07 Apr 2025 19:27:08 UTC
    Apple Team                ************************* (Company/Organization)
    Provisioned devices       - dev-name-1 (UDID: udid-1)
                              - dev-name-2 (UDID: udid-2)
                              - dev-name-3 (UDID: udid-3)
                              - dev-name-4 (UDID: udid-4)
                              - dev-name-5 (UDID: udid-5)
    Updated                   6 minutes ago

    Same output should also be in the CI build output

  5. Re-trigger the build on master

Checking console.log statements on the development app on Android

Just run adb logcat "*:S" ReactNative:V ReactNativeJS:V