#CSE 2210 Data Structures and Algorithm ##Conten of the file named Practice During Lab Lab Topic 01 Stack Implementation using Array 02 Stack Implementation using Linked List 03 Queue Implementation using Array 04 Queue Implementation using Linked List 05 Linked List (all type of insertion) 06 Linked List (all type of deletion) 07 Doubly Linked List 08 Sorted Linked List 09 Reversing Linked List 10 Counting Frequency of Elements in an array using only Linked List 11 Adjacency Matrix 12 BFS and DFS 13 Bubble Sort 14 Selection Sort 15 Quick Sort 16 Matrix Multiplication 17 Binary Tree1 18 Binary Tree2 19 Backtracking1 20 Backtracking2 ##Content of the Project File:- SL Topic 01 Project-Library Management System 02 Binary Search Tree used in Library Management project 03 Quick Sort used in Library Management project 04 Stack and Queue used in Library Management project 05 Project Proposal (prepared by our course teacher)