A lightweight, in-memory message bus library written in Golang that facilitates asynchronous communication between different components of an application using the publish-subscribe pattern. Designed for simplicity and efficiency.
- Simple HTTP API
- Simple command-line client
- In memory queues
- WebSockets for real-time messages
- Pull and Push model
- Concurrency Support
- Thread-Safe
- Microservices Communication: In a microservices architecture, msgbus can be used to facilitate internal communication between services or components.
- Event-Driven Systems: Applications that rely on event-driven architecture can use msgbus to propagate events between different modules.
- Decoupling Components: When you want to decouple components of a large application, msgbus can be a good choice to enable communication without tight coupling.
- Publish: Components publish messages to specific topics on the message bus.
- Subscribe: Other components subscribe to those topics and receive messages asynchronously when they are published.
- Handling Messages: Subscribers define handlers that process incoming messages in a way that suits the application’s needs.
$ git clone https://github.com/zacksfF/PubSubGo.git
cd PubSubGo
make test
package main
import (
func main() {
m := pubsub.New()
m.Put("foo", m.NewMessage([]byte("Hello World!")))
msg, ok := m.Get("foo")
if !ok {
log.Printf("No more messages in queue: foo")
} else {
"Received message: id=%s topic=%s payload=%s",
msg.ID, msg.Topic, msg.Payload,
Running this example should yield something like this:
$ go run examples/main.go
2017/08/09 03:01:54 [pubsub] PUT id=0 topic=foo payload=Hello World!
2017/08/09 03:01:54 [pubsub] NotifyAll id=0 topic=foo payload=Hello World!
2017/08/09 03:01:54 [pubsub] GET topic=foo
2017/08/09 03:01:54 Received message: id=%!s(uint64=0) topic=foo payload=Hello World!
Run the message bus daemon/server:
$ PubSubGo
2017/08/07 01:11:16 [msgbus] Subscribe id=[::1]:55341 topic=foo
2017/08/07 01:11:22 [msgbus] PUT id=0 topic=foo payload=hi
2017/08/07 01:11:22 [msgbus] NotifyAll id=0 topic=foo payload=hi
2017/08/07 01:11:26 [msgbus] PUT id=1 topic=foo payload=bye
2017/08/07 01:11:26 [msgbus] NotifyAll id=1 topic=foo payload=bye
2017/08/07 01:11:33 [msgbus] GET topic=foo
2017/08/07 01:11:33 [msgbus] GET topic=foo
2017/08/07 01:11:33 [msgbus] GET topic=foo
Subscribe to a topic using the message bus client:
$ PubSubGo sub foo
2017/08/07 01:11:22 [PubSubGo] received message: id=0 topic=foo payload=hi
2017/08/07 01:11:26 [PubSubGo] received message: id=1 topic=foo payload=bye
You can also manually pull messages using the client:
$ PubSubGo pull foo
2017/08/07 01:11:33 [PubSubGo] received message: id=0 topic=foo payload=hi
2017/08/07 01:11:33 [PubSubGo] received message: id=1 topic=foo payload=bye
This is slightly different from a listening subscriber (using websockets) where messages are pulled directly.
Run the message bus daemon/server:
$ PubSubGo
2018/03/25 13:21:18 PubSubGo listening on :8000
Send a message with using curl
$ curl -q -o - -X PUT -d '{"message": "hello"}' http://localhost:8000/hello
Pull the messages off the "hello" queue using curl
$ curl -q -o - http://localhost:8000/hello
Decode the payload:
$ echo 'eyJtZXNzYWdlIjogImhlbGxvIn0=' | base64 -d
{"message": "hello"}
List all known topics/queues.
$ curl -q -o - http://localhost:8000/ | jq '.'
"hello": {
"name": "hello",
"ttl": 60000000000,
"seq": 1,
"created": "2018-05-07T23:44:25.681392205-07:00"
Post a new message to the queue named by <topic>
NB: Either POST
or PUT
methods can be used here.
$ curl -q -o - -X PUT -d '{"message": "hello"}' http://localhost:8000/hello
message successfully published to hello with sequence 1
Get the next message of the queue named by <topic>
- If the topic is not found. Returns:
404 Not Found
- If the Websockets
header is found, upgrades to a websocket channel and subscribes to the topic<topic>
. Each new message published to the topic<topic>
are instantly published to all subscribers.
$ curl -q -o - http://localhost:8000/hello
Deletes a queue named by <topic>