C All Over Again is a new, refined way of developing for the C programming languages. It uses tools such as Docker to run a minimal containered development environment with all the tools nessacry to compile, link ,build, test and debug c programs. Some of the tools included are:
- gcc
- make
- vim
- bash
- git
- ceedling
- doxygen
- rbenv
The C All Over Again project is meant to be used as a template for any future C-projects I (or anybody else) will create. It uses tools such as Docker to run a minimal containered development environment with all the tools nessacry to compile, link ,build, test and debug c programs. Some of the tools included are:
- gcc
- make
- vim
- bash
- git
- ceedling
- doxygen
- rbenv
It has repository automation in place, using GitHub Actions for CI, CD, and linting. It is meant to make the c programming process better, easier, more efficient.
Ceedling and Doxygen are both integrated into the image. Ceedling is a framework for building, testing (Unity), mocking (CMock), execption handeling (CException), etc. Doxygen can generate our API documentaion html files. Theres also a project-demo folder with comments regarding the testing using Unity. A Makefile is also provided, with many comments explaining the different flags and the process.
No installation needed, just make sure you have Docker pre-installed and clone the repository.
$ git clone git@github.com:zMynxx/c-all-over-again.git
$ cd c-all-over-again
# Use Docker Compose to set up the environment, and start an interactive Bash shell.
$ docker compose up --detach; docker exec --interactive --tty c-dev /bin/bash
# Run all Tests
$ docker compose up --detach; docker exec --interactive --tty c-dev ceedling test:all
# Generate a release
$ docker compose up --detach; docker exec --interactive --tty c-dev ceedling release
Docker Compose mounts the project-demo folder found in the root of the project over to /project
within the directory. Use you host's machines editor or vim inside to container - up to you.
The image is also published publicly over to DockerHub.
Explain how others can contribute to the project. Include guidelines for submitting bug reports, feature requests, or pull requests. Also, mention any coding standards or conventions to follow.
This project is licensed under the License Name. See the LICENSE.md file for details.
For any questions or feedback, please contact zMynxx. Email and social media links can be found under my profile.