Connect and communicate with the Akash Network using keplr wallet for signed transactions, and direct RPC for unsigned. Pure JS library for modern browser compatibility. NodeJS support, and a slick min CLI to reduce complexity.
Compatible with modern browsers, nodejs 14+ and Webpack 5
install from npm
or yarn
npm i @akashnetwork/akashjs
yarn add @akashnetwork/akashjs
or use the umd bundle the object returned is Window.akjs
install globally to use akjs
➜ npm i -g @akashnetwork/akashjs
➜ akjs
version: 0.0.7
While akashjs
manages much under the hood, more control is availble through all of the exported types, clients and protos.
Import the registry for signing and broadcasting signed transactions, this is needed if you plan to use Stargate
import { stargate as akashStargate } from "@akashnetwork/akashjs";
import { Registry } from "@cosmjs/proto-signing";
const myRegistry = new Registry([
const client = await SigningStargateClient.connectWithSigner(
registry: myRegistry,
This repository uses node 16, and yarn 1.2+, webpack 5 for umd bundling and is written in typescript. PRs are welcome.