SwiftWeather is a small iOS app developed by Swift language.
- Swift Programming Language
- Cocoapods
- AFNetworking
- Core Location
- Might not work on iOS 8 beta Simulator (or device) due to the Core Location issues.
- Can not set font size for UILabel in Storyboard.
- Can not change the status bar's colour.
Because the app uses CocoaPods, we need to run pod install
to install all the pods.
- Open Terminal app.
- Change directory to the project folder.
cd $project_dir
- List all the file to check whether Podfile file is in the folder?
- If found the Podfile, then execute
pod install
- If the Mac OS doesn't have CocoaPods installed. Please follow CocoaPods Getting Started to install.
- Once complete installation, open Swift Weather.xcworkspace file with Xcode 6.
- Press Cmd + B to build the app.
- Since there are some issues with iOS 8 Simulator (or device?), use iOS 7/7.1 to test the app.