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Linux Server Configuration

Server Details:

IP address:
SSH port: 2200

  • The Linux distribution is Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.
  • The virtual private server is Amazon Lighsail.
  • The web application is my Item Catalog project.
  • The database server is PostgreSQL.

You can visit for website deployed.

Configuration steps

1.Create an instance in AWS Lightsail

Go to AWS Lightsail and create a new account / sign in with your account.

Click Create instance and choose Linux/Unix,OS only Ubuntu 16.04LTS

Choose a payment plan (the cheapest plan is enough for now and it's free for first month)

Click Create button to create an instance.

📃 Reference:

ServerPilot, How to Create a Server on Amazon Lightsail

2. Set up SSH key 🔑

Go to account page from your AWS account. You will find your SSH key there.

Download your SSH key, the file name will be like LightsailDefaultPrivateKey-*.pem

Navigate to the directory where your file is stored in your terminal.

Run chmod 600 LightsailDefaultPrivateKey-*.pem to restrict the file permission.

Change name to lightsail_key.rsa.

Run a command ssh -i lightsail_key.rsa ubuntu@ in your terminal, where is the public IP address of the instance.

3. Update and upgrade installed packages

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

4. Change the SSH port from 22 to 2200

Edit the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file: sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config.
Change the port number on line 5 from 22 to 2200.
Save and exit using CTRL+X and confirm with Y.
Restart SSH: sudo service ssh restart.

5. Set up Uncomplicated Fire Wall (UFW)

Configure UDW to allow only incoming request from port2200(SSH), port80 (HTTP) and port123 (NTP).

sudo ufw status -- utf should be inactive

sudo ufw default deny incoming -- deny all incoming requests

sudo ufw default deny outgoing -- allow all outgoing requests

sudo ufw allow 2200/tcp -- allow incoming ssh request

sudo ufw allow 80/tcp -- allow all http request

sudo ufw allow 123/udp -- allow ntp request

sudo ufw deny 22 -- deny incoming request for port 22

sudo ufw enable -- enable ufw

sudo ufw status -- check current status of ufw

Go to AWS page and set up relevant ports from networking tab.

Click on the Manage option of the Amazon Lightsail Instance, then the Networking tab, Inside Manage, navigate to Networking tab, and then change the firewall configuration to match the internal firewall settings above.

Allow ports 80(TCP), 123(UDP), and 2200(TCP), and deny the default port 22.

6. Create a new user called grader and give an access

Run udo adduser grader to create a new user called grader

Create a new directory in sudoer directory with sudo nano /etc/sudoers.d/grader

Add grader ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL in nano editor

Run sudo nano /etc/hosts

Set SSH keys for grader user with ssh-keygen in your local machine.

Copy the generated SSH to a virtual environment.

Run the following command in your virtual environment.

su - grader -- switch user

mkdir .ssh

touch .ssh/authorized_keys

nano .ssh/authorized_keys and copy your generated SSH key here.

Reload SSH with service ssh restart

Then now you can login grader user.

* Disable rootlogin

Open /etc/ssh/sshd_config and find PermitRootLogin and change it to no.

7. Set up local time zone

Run sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata and choose UTC

8. Install Apache application and wsgi module

Run sudo apt-get install apache2 to install apache

Run sudo apt-get install python-setuptools libapache2-mod-wsgi to install mod-wsgi module

Start the server sudo service apache2 start

Enter public IP of the Amazon Lightsail instance into browser. If Apache is working, you should see:

9. Install git

Run sudo apt-get install git

Configure your username and email. git config --global and git config --global

10. Clone your project

Run cd /var/www and sudo mkdir catalog

Change the owner to grader sudo chown -R grader:grader catalog

Run sudo chmod catalog to give a permission to clone the project.

Switch to the catalog directory and clone the Catalog project.

cd catalog and git clone

Add catalog.wsgi file by running sudo nano catalog.wsgi and add the following code.

import sys
import logging
sys.path.insert(0, "/var/www/catalog/")

from catalog import app as application
application.secret_key = 'secret'
Modify filenames to deploy on AWS.

Rename to by running command mv

In file, replace to following:

#"", port=8000, debug=True)

11. Install virtual environment and Flask framework

First install pip, sudo apt-get install python-pip

Run sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv to install virtual environment

Create a new virtuall environment with sudo virtualenv venv and activate it source venv/bin/activate

Change permissions to the viertual environment folder sudo chmod -R 777 venv

Install the following dependencies:

pip install httplib2
pip install requests
pip install --upgrade oauth2client
pip install sqlalchemy
pip install flask
sudo apt-get install libpq-dev
pip install psycopg2

12. Configure Apache

Create a config file sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/catalog.conf

Paste the following code

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName Your-Public-IP-Address
    ServerAdmin Your-prefrred-email-address
    WSGIScriptAlias / /var/www/catalog/catalog.wsgi
    <Directory /var/www/catalog/catalog/>
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all
    Alias /static /var/www/catalog/catalog/static
    <Directory /var/www/catalog/catalog/static/>
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all
    ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
    LogLevel warn
    CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined

Enable the new virtual host sudo a2ensite catalog

13. Install and configure PostgressSQL

Run sudo apt-get install PostgreSQL

Login to postgress sudo su - postgres

After switch user to pstgres, run psql

Create a new user CREATE USER catalog WITH PASSWORD 'password' by running below command

postgres=# CREATE ROLE catalog WITH LOGIN PASSWORD 'catalog';
postgres=# ALTER ROLE catalog CREATEDB;

Create a DB called 'catalog' with ALTER USER catalog CREATEDB and CREATE DATABASE catalog WITH OWNER catalog

List the existing roles: \du. The output should be like this:

                  List of roles
Role name | Attributes                                                 | Member of
catalog   | Create DB                                                  | {}
postgres  | Superuser, Create role, Create DB, Replication, Bypass RLS | {}

Connect to the DB with \c catalog

Change a grand from public to catalog GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO catalog

Exit psql: \q.

Switch back to the grader user: exit.

Change the engine inside Flask application:

engine = create_engine('postgresql://catalog:password@localhost/catalog')
📃 Reference

DigitalOcean: How To Secure PostgreSQL on an Ubuntu VPS.

14. Restart Apache

Run sudo service apache2 restart and check


Flask document

Digital Ocean
