In FE-Project, we develop a library for fluid simulations with the discontinuous Galerkin method (DGM). We also provide sample programs and atmospheric models for meteorological simulations.
- Example of simulation results by nonhydrostatic atmospheric models with nodal DGM
For more animations, please see 'FE-project gallery' channel on YouTube (url: or Wiki of FE-project on github.
- Global shallow water model using cubed-sphere mesh
- Simple 2D model with only dynamical process
- Regional and Global models
- Linear advection equation
- various profiles of advected quantity
- the eigenvalue analysis
- Linear advection-diffusion equation
- Linear advection equation in a rectangle domain
- various profiles of advected quantity and flow
- Linear advection equation in a cubed sphere domain
- Linear advection equation in a cubic domain
- various profiles of advected quantity
- Linear advection equation in a cubed sphere domain
- Euler equation in a cubic domain
- Test the propagation of sound waves with HEVI temporal methods
Please see ``''.
This project is supported by the Transformaive Research Areas B: DNA Climate Science (MEXT KAKENHI Grant Number JP20H05731), Moonshot Goal8 Realization of a society safe from the threat of extreme winds and rains by controlling and modifying the weather by 2050 (Development of an atmospheric simulation model for probability estimation for local atmospheric phenomena), JICA and JST SATREPS (grant Number: JPMJSA2109), JST AIP Grant Number JPMJCR19U2, and the Foundation for Computational Science (FOCUS) Establishing Supercomputing Center of Excellence. The model development and validation experiments are performed using supercomputers (Oackbridge-CX and Wisteria) at the University of Tokyo and Fugaku at RIKEN (Project ID: ra000005, hp200271, hp230278).