Working from home
- Pro
Brais Moure
💻 Software engineer
👋 Freelance fullstack
⭐️ GitHub Star, Microsoft MVP, GDG
📚 Enseño programación
📺 YouTube, Twitch, Discord & Elgato partner
MoureDev by Brais Moure Building software with ♥ from Galicia (Spain) to the world.
EMQ Technologies
Powering real-time data infrastructure with a unified MQTT platform for messaging, queuing, and streaming.
United States of America
Brian Egan
Montana boy living in Berlin, Indie Hacker, and speaker of bad German.
Berlin, Germany
Antonio Leiva
Freelance trainer.
I help you and your company to become Kotlin experts. GDE and Jetbrains Training Partner.
Freelance Kotlin trainer Madrid (Spain)
Manuel Bacallado
Videogame Creator | Substitute Professor in the CCIA area at ULL | PhD student in PCG & AI | Software Engineer | Unity Certified Programmer | Scrum Master
Santa Cruz de Tenerife
Arnau Garcia
Hi, I'm Arnau García a software engineer who loves coding and contributing to open-source projects.
@evpassport Barcelona
Fernando Cejas
Quantum Engineering at @Qruise-ai. Former Director at @wireapp. Former @soundcloud Core Engineering. Ex @IBM. Curious learner. Geek. OPEN SOURCE Advocate.
@peppr-io Berlin, Germany
Jorge Garrido
Senior Android Developer @jacoti (ex @HeuristikTech @riseapplications @Viscaweb & @mrmilu) Open source lover, coder, former @BADGevents organizer
Jacoti Torrevieja, Spain