The pre-trained inception model (Open Image Dataset V4) is used in annotating each one second frame of the video.
When the container is running, put the input videos in /data/video
The result for each video will be saved separatly in /inception/output
with the csv names same as video names.
- build docker container
docker build -t yyyyteng/inception_ffmpeg .
docker run
- run annotation job on the example video in
. this will download the pretrained model, split the video into frames, run prediction over all frames and save the results to csvs automatically
bash --checkpoint /inception/model/2016_08/model.ckpt \
--labelmap /inception/model/2016_08/labelmap.txt \
--dict /inception/data/dict.csv \
--image_size 299 \
--num_classes 6012 \
--num 10 \
--image_folder_path /inception/data/video_frames/
all the one second frames will be extracted and saved in
annotation result will be saved under
in a csv with the same name as that of the input video -
if an aggregated result is needed, run the following in
, it will print the top ten most frequent labels for all the frames in the video (normalized by video length)
python /inception/output/mountain_lake.csv
- put the input images in one folder under video_frames and run the following
python /inception/data/video_frames/input_imgs \
--checkpoint /inception/model/2016_08/model.ckpt \
--labelmap /inception/model/2016_08/labelmap.txt \
--dict /inception/data/dict.csv \
--image_size 299 \
--num_classes 6012 \
--n 10
- annotation result for all the images in the input_imgs folder will be saved here
the frame below
has the following labls
3353: /m/04h4w - lake (score = 0.85)
4648: /m/09d_r - mountain (score = 0.79)
3745: /m/05h0n - nature (score = 0.78)
3450: /m/04p25 - loch (score = 0.63)
4334: /m/07j7r - tree (score = 0.61)
2860: /m/03ktm1 - body of water (score = 0.58)
1403: /m/023bbt - wilderness (score = 0.53)
2: /g/11jxkqbpp - mountainous landforms (score = 0.49)
4592: /m/093shy - reservoir (score = 0.43)
1475: /m/025s3q0 - landscape (score = 0.43)
run the command below and navigate to http://localhost:8501/
to interact with the app
streamlit run