This repository is designed to cluster time-series Gene Expreession Matrix (GEM) based on the gene trajectory pattern.
As most biological processes are dynamic, time-series transcriptome experiments play a pivotal role in understanding and modeling these processes. Using K-Means to profiling the time-course transcriptional response is a common approach for bioinformaticians. TSGEM_Clustering will optimaize the KMeans performance on sequential time-series data by adapting Dynamic Time Warping Distance Metric( And it will select the optimal number of clusters based on the results from distortion (also known as elbow method),silhouette coefficient, and Calinski harabasz index.
All of TSGEM_Clustering's dependencies can be installed through Anaconda3. To create an Anaconda environment:
#Specific to Clemson's Palmetto Cluster
module load anaconda3/5.1.0-gcc/8.3.1
conda create -n TSGEM_Clustering python=3.6 matplotlib numpy pandas scikit-learn
Once the anaconda environment has been created, the tslearn
package must be installed seperately
source activate TSGEM_Clustering
conda install -c conda-forge tslearn
python -i Test/test.txt -kmin 2 -kmax 30 -step 2 -o Test_Results/Step1Test
python -i Test/test.txt -k 6 -o Test_Results/Step2Clustering -p Test-K6
The Example outputs can be found in Auxiliary.