- cubic spline
- cubic parameter spline
- hermite spline
- cardinal spline
- catmull rom spline
- lagrange spline
- akima spline
- bezier spline
- b-spline
- axis aligned box
- minimum area box
- minimum perimeter box
- chan convex hull
- jarvis march convex hull
- graham scan convex hull
- delaunay triangulation
- polygon triangulation [bug]
- min weight triangulation
- line
- line intersection
- line segments intersection
- polygon
- point in polygon
- line-polygon intersection
- polygon intersection
- polygon clipping
- polygon union
- closest pair of points
- farthest pair of points
- gilbert-johnson-keerthi
- shortest path
- largest empty circle
- voronoi diagram
- shoelace algorithm
- half plane intersection [bug]
- point location
- range searching
- nearest neighbor
- point
- triangle
- circle
- polygon
- grid
- bsp tree
- quad tree
- octree
- kdtree
- range tree
- r tree
- bounding volume hierarchies