Relex is a simplistic assembler for Erlang releases in Elixir.
In order to define a release, this is your start point:
defmodule MyApp.Release do
use Relex.Release
def name, do: "myapp"
def version, do: "1"
def applications, do: [:myapp]
See Relex.Release.Template documentation for more information
After having this module compiled, run MyApp.Release.assemble! path: "/output/dir"
(path is optional)
You can also use Relex with Mix. For this, add the following dependency:
{:relex, github: "yrashk/relex"},
Then, prepend your mix.exs file with this:
Code.append_path "deps/relex/ebin"
and then, inside of your project module, define the release:
if Code.ensure_loaded?(Relex.Release) do
defmodule Release do
use Relex.Release
def name, do: "myrelease"
def version, do: Mix.project[:version]
def applications, do: [:myapp]
def lib_dirs, do: ["deps"]
Now you can run mix relex.assemble
and mix relex.clean