Note: The recommended and easiest way to build yourself your own database copies (e.g. football.db, worlcup.db, etc.) is using Datafiles. See the
repo for details.
Build scripts for football.db, worldcup.db, bundesliga.db, etc.
$ ruby ./setup.rb
to setup (sync e.g. clone/pull) all repos to the /src
TODO: Change to /Sites folder
- why? why not? or use ../..
Use rake -T
to list all available tasks. Example:
$ rake -T
Will print something like:
rake about # print versions of gems
rake alltime_stats # print alltime stats (for checksum mostly)
rake build # build football.db from scratch (default)
rake check # check repo paths
rake dump # print all events w/ groups and matches
rake logs # print logs (stored in db)
rake matches_stats # print matches stats (for checksum mostly)
rake standings # print standings for football.db (test/debug)
rake stats # print stats for football.db tables/records
rake update # update football.db
To get started use the following folder structure and clone some datasets with git. Example:
yorobot/ # -> create folder (e.g. mkdir yorobot)
football.db # -> git clone
openmundi/ # -> create folder
world.db # -> git clone (see
openfootball/ # -> create folder
national-teams # -> git clone (see
world-cup # ..
Start your build (e.g. rake build
) inside the yorobot/football.db
Note: You can see (and change) all folder references in the settings.rb
Build the database for the World Cup in Brazil 2014 (from scratch):
rake build DATA=worldcup2014
Build the database for all the World Cups:
rake build DATA=worldcup
Build the database for the European Champions League 2014/15:
rake build DATA=cl201415
Update the database for the European Champions League 2014/15 (after updating your data sets from git):
rake update DATA=cl201415
And so on and so forth.
$ rake pull # to git pull (fetch n merge) all changes (from repos)
Note: Stats are global for database, thus, for now rebuild database for every setup/repo e.g.:
$ rake build recalc DATA=at # to build all standings tables (reading in all datasets etc.)
$ rake build recalc DATA=de
$ rake build recalc DATA=en
$ rake build recalc DATA=es
$ rake build recalc DATA=it
## $ rake build recalc DATA=ru ## fix needed for missing dates e.g. []
Note: For an all-in-one "single" line command use the build_all shell script e.g.:
$ sh ./
Note: For now includes only step 1 & 2 (that is, rake pull & rake build) but not step 3 (that is, rake push).
$ rake push # to git commit and push back all changes
For testing you can build country-specific datasets e.g. use:
$ rake build DATA=en
$ rake build DATA=de # and so on
For "local" builds e.g. saving the reports to a temp folder use the debug flag e.g.:
$ rake build recalc DEBUG=t DATA=en
$ rake build json
$ rake logs DEBUG=t # save to ./build/build.log
$ rake logs # save to ../logs/football.db/build.log
$ rake build recalc json logs
same as
$ rake build
$ rake recalc
$ rake json
$ rake logs
If you have trouble with a new ActiceRecord version or something. Use a Gemfile
and bundle exec
to lock down the version. Example:
source ''
gem 'rake'
gem 'activerecord', ''
gem 'sportdb'
$ bundle install
to install all libraries (gems) and generate a Gemfile.lock. Now use:
$ bundle exec rake pull ## to pull down all repos
$ bundle exec build ## to build the database
$ bundle exec recalc
$ bundle exec json ## and so on
The build scripts are dedicated to the public domain. Use it as you please with no restrictions whatsoever.
Send them along to the Open Sports & Friends Forum/Mailing List. Thanks!