Some instructions to run if debugging in truffle console.
Always keep notice that we cannot simply assign values to variable from smart contracts because of the asynchronous nature. So we have to use promises to do that.
We need to re-deploy our smart contract in the block chain so we have to migrate it with the command
truffle migrate --reset
This resets the smart contract on the blockchain. -
We can check the deployed smart contract by running
truffle console
. -
In the console we have to first create an app variable with the running instance of the block chain. So for that run
Election.deployed().then(i => { newInstance = i });
For converting a BigNumber to JS integer use
Assigning a value can be done using promise or then() function.
app.getData('507f1f77bcf86cd799439011').then(data => tuple = data)
For accessing accounts you can use
. This will return array of accounts available. -
For calling functions that write to the blockchain we have to use the above mentioned accounts. We can call functions like this
newInstance.generateCertificate( certificate_id, candidate_id, org_id, expiration_date, { from: web3.eth.accounts[0] } );