Download your Octopus Energy usage, import and export (if you have solar panels) tariff data into your InfluxDB v2 database, and display in Grafana.
If you are interested in this and would like to join Octopus, why not use my referral link? This will give you and me £50 each.
octo2influx retrieves your usage data and the tariffs you configure from the Octopus API. This can then be displayed with the advanced Grafana dashboard:
It automatically calculates the cost based on the tariff, and you can switch between tariffs to compare costs. For instance, switching to the 'Agile' tariff on the same time period of the dashboard above gives us a different cost:
To run locally, get a recent Python 3 (e.g. v3.10) and pip, optionally setup a virtualenv, and run:
pip3 install -r src/requirements.txt
Alternatively you can build your own Docker image with the Dockerfile, or use Docker Compose based on the example configuration.
First, create your own config.yaml
file based on the provided example which explains (in comments) how to get the information you need.
Once ready, you can simply run:
python3 ./
Octopus typically makes your usage data available the next day.
The utility has flexible command line parameters and a nice help too:
python3 ./ --help
usage: octo2influx [-h] [--from_max_days_ago FROM_MAX_DAYS_AGO] [--from_days_ago FROM_DAYS_AGO] [--to_days_ago TO_DAYS_AGO] [--loglevel LOGLEVEL] [--timezone TIMEZONE]
[--base_url BASE_URL] [--octopus_api_key OCTOPUS_API_KEY] [--price_types PRICE_TYPES] [--usage USAGE] [--tariffs TARIFFS] [--influx_org INFLUX_ORG]
[--influx_bucket INFLUX_BUCKET] [--influx_tariff_measurement INFLUX_TARIFF_MEASUREMENT] [--influx_usage_measurement INFLUX_USAGE_MEASUREMENT]
[--influx_url INFLUX_URL] [--influx_api_token INFLUX_API_TOKEN]
Download usage and pricing data from the Octopus API
( and store into Influxdb.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--from_max_days_ago FROM_MAX_DAYS_AGO
Get Octopus data from the last retrieved timestamp, but no more than this many days ago.
--from_days_ago FROM_DAYS_AGO
Get Octopus data from that many days ago (0 means today). If set, this overrides from_max_days_ago.
--to_days_ago TO_DAYS_AGO
Get Octopus data until that many days ago (0 means today).
--loglevel LOGLEVEL Level of logs (INFO, DEBUG, WARNING, ERROR).
--timezone TIMEZONE Timezone of the Octopus account (e.g. where you live). Most likely always "Europe/London".
--base_url BASE_URL Base URL of the Octopus API (e.g. "").
--octopus_api_key OCTOPUS_API_KEY
(**Config file or environment only**) The API Token to connect to the Octopus API. Can be generated on
--price_types PRICE_TYPES
(**Config only**) List of price types to retrieve using the Octopus API, and their units.
--usage USAGE (**Config only**) List of Octopus usage (electricity/gas import consumption, or export) to retrieve using the Octopus API.
--tariffs TARIFFS (**Config only**) List of Octopus tariffs to retrieve using the Octopus API.
--influx_org INFLUX_ORG
InfluxDB 2.X organization name to store the data into.
--influx_bucket INFLUX_BUCKET
InfluxDB 2.X bucket name to store the data into (e.g. "mybucket/autogen").
--influx_tariff_measurement INFLUX_TARIFF_MEASUREMENT
InfluxDB 2.X measurement name to store tariff data into.
--influx_usage_measurement INFLUX_USAGE_MEASUREMENT
InfluxDB 2.X measurement name to store consumption data into.
--influx_url INFLUX_URL
URL of the InfluxDB 2.X instance to store the data into (e.g. "http://localhost:8086")
--influx_api_token INFLUX_API_TOKEN
(**Config file or environment only**) The API Token to connect to the InfluxDB 2.x instance.
IMPORTANT NOTE: you should *not* define secrets and API tokens on the command
line, as it is unsecure (e.g. it may stay in your shell history, appear in
system audit logs, etc): you can define in an access-restricted configuration
file instead.
The settings can also be set in a config file (./config.yaml,
/etc/octo2influx/config.yaml, ~/.config/octo2influx/config.yaml,
or $OCTO2INFLUXDIR/config.yaml in a directory of your choice by defining
the env var OCTO2INFLUXDIR).
Or via environment variable of the form OCTO2INFLUX_COMMAND_LINE_ARG.
The priority from highest to lowest is: environment, command line, config file.
This project was originally based on which I used and found very useful: thanks @stevenewey.
When I got Solar Panels I ended up largely rewritting it to be based on InfluxDB v2 and the Influx query language, cover the electricty export too with a more advanced Grafana dashboard.