All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Fix issue where the use of ScriptsToProcess causes the Initialize-TestEnvironment function to fail (issue #97).
- Now the path separators are handled correctly in the filter functions
- Fix Remove Test Manifest has Class based resource in nested modules - Fixes #85
- Fix deploy condition in
so that it does not execute unless run from thedsccommunity
Azure DevOps org (issue #86).
- Fixed error in
when Describing Changelog Management (issue #81).
- Added support for passing alternate trunk branch name through to
function (issue #82).
- Added logic to support Pester 4.
- Update build.yaml to support latest ModuleBuilder.
- Pinned required module Pester to 4.10.1.
- Update
- The cmdlet Invoke-DscResourceTest support running test in Pester 5.
- Fixed #71. Updated
to handle multiple PSModuleInfo objects
- Added a test to check for the correct formatting of the Unreleased section in the Changelog.
- Updated the Azure DevOps Pipeline build agents to the supported versions
because the older
versions have been deprecated (issue #68).
- Fixed #66. Tests in 'ModuleManifest.common.Tests.ps1' in context 'Requirements for manifest of module with class-based resources' always fail.
- Update the cmdlet
to allow setting up the environment when run in PowerShell 5.0. - Update the pipeline so the module will be tested on PowerShell 5.0 (Microsoft-hosted agent running Windows Server 2012 R2).
- Required PowerShell version was lowered to v5.0 in the module manifest.
- Azure Pipelines will no longer trigger on changes to just the
- Moved init code into Describe Block for PSSAResource and ResourceSchema Tests
- Updated QA tests to follow style guideline.
- Added new QA ExampleFiles test.
- Added new QA MarkdownLinks test.
- Added check on changelog when invoking by project path.
- Added a new test type,
, to theInitialize-TestEnvironment
function that initializes the DSC LCM and imports the module for testing (issue #48).
- Added an integration test to regression test integration tests failing
Security Error
(issue #38).
- The
now takes two new parameters that sets the execution policy for machine and process. If these are not set then the execution policy will not be changed. - Updated
to the latest in the template. - Added LICENSE (fixes Issue #41).
- Added standard badges to README.MD (fixes Issue #43).
- Fixing the Relative path to make sure it calculates from it's ModuleBase.
- Used the right code of conduct for DSC Community.
- Fixed integration tests failing with the error
Security Error
(issue #38).
- Changed module manifest to include Tags, ProjectUri, LicenseUri, Logo and changed AliasesToExport to empty (fixes Issue #42).
- Changed Clear-DscLcmConfiguration to a public function so it can be called directly by resource modules (fixes Issue #40).
- Removed Deploy.PSDeploy.ps1 because it is not used (fixes Issue #44).
- Removed commented out code from DscResource.Test.psm1 file (fixes Issue #45).
- Added new QA Localization test, supporting excludes.
- Added new QA PublishExampleFiles test.
- Invoking the tests by ProjectPath (as well as per module).
- Fixed the Get-ChildItem -Depth 3 on Windows PS (needed -Name or it does not work).
- Re-added the check for Initialize-TestEnvironment to check if session elevated & OS.
- Added new QA Localization test.
- Temporarily remove Admin-check in
. - Suppress output from function
- Correctly detect Windows PowerShell in
- Now skipping isAdmin on non-windows (because creds works differently)
- Moving spellcheck out of the tests
- Updating ScriptFiles tests to get different module base when from module or from project path
- Allow most test to optionally target Source files (under Project/SourceFolder)
- Enable excluding file by path relative to either ModuleBase (when specifying a module) or Source Path
- Added Public functions Initialize-TestEnvironment, New-DscSelfSignedCertificate, Restore-TestEnvironment
- Added Private functions Set-EnvironmentVariable, Set-PSModulePath, Clear-DscLcmConfiguration
- Added PSPKI as ExternalModuleDependencies when creating self signed certs on older OSes
- Created module from DscResource.Tests repository.
- Function Invoke-DscResourceTest is proxy to Invoke-Pester, with Sugar coating for the built-in tests.
- Added Secret Variables for releases and using DSC Bot account