Cher Ami is a project that analyses and classifies tweets from Twitter. This project is an assignment for CS4242 Social Media Computing, National University of Singapore.
The project is named after a homing pigeon that saved many lives during World War I in 1918.
Installation is not required. However, the following dependencies are required to run the classifier:
The training set is provided as a file.
There are sources where tweets can be obtained:
- Link (A status link is supplied)
- Twitter (Uses Twitter's Streaming API)
- File (Uses JSON data from a file)
To use Twitter's Streaming API, one needs to be registered on Twitter Developers in order to obtain the required information:
- OAuth consumer key
- OAuth consumer secret
- OAuth access token key
- OAuth access token secret
Copy cherami/
to cherami/
and modify
The classifier can be run by using the following command:
python cherami/
There is no documentation provided at the moment.