The purpose of this work group is to improve the performance and scalability of harbor in the use case of large data volumes.
[M]Steven Zou @VMware (steven-zou)
[M]Daniel Jiang @VMware (reasonerjt)
[M]ZiMing Zhang @VMware (bitsf)
[M]Weiwei He @VMware (heww)
ChenYu Zhang @Alauda (chlins)
Daniel Filipe Bruehmueller Morinigo @Alauda (danielfbm)
JingTao Cheng @Alauda (jtcheng)
Liang Zhao @Alauda (epiclen)
MingKun Zhao @Alauda (zhaomingkun1030)
LiSong Qiu @Transwarp (fyqls)
HengYang Xu @Transwarp (leaf9904)
Notes: [M] means the member is also harbor maintainer.
Check meeting minutes on google doc.