Related Topics:
- Redux addons catalog - Apps and Examples: Links to various projects built with Redux, both purpose-built-examples and "real" applications, as well as several Redux usage stories
You Might Not Need Redux
Dan Abramov discusses the tradeoffs involved in using Redux. -
You Might Not Need Redux
A similar article from Samantha Geitz, discussing when you might want to use Redux. -
The Case for Flux
The author of Redux lays out reasons you might want to use a Flux-style architecture -
Reasons Why I Love Redux
James Longster describes his appreciation for Redux, and how its constraints force you to think through your state handling -
Why You Should Care About Flux
Describes the value in separating "reads" from "writes", and eliminating local state. Applies to Redux as well. -
Redux and Why It's Good For You
An introduction to some benefits that Redux can give you when used in a React app, including multiple views of the same data and improved development with hot reloading.
Wordpress Calypso: Our Approach to Data
The team behind Wordpress's new admin panel looks at their migration from emitters to Flux to Redux, and describes how they organize their state tree, use selectors to extract state, run queries with components, and persist their store state through refreshes. -
So you've screwed up your Redux store - or, why Redux makes refactoring easy
Describes some useful practices for organizing Redux actions, reducers, and selectors. -
10 Tips for Better Redux Architecture
A great article covering when and why to use Redux, benefits, and several tips for a better application architecture. -
Where do I put my business logic in a React-Redux application?
Describes several options for managing logic and async behavior (thunks, sagas, etc), and introduces a new middleware as an alternative approach -
Code Sharing Between React Native and React Web Apps
Describes ways to architect Redux actions and reducers in the context of a product that shares code between React Native and React Web clients -
Avoiding Accidental Complexity When Structuring Your App State
An excellent set of guidelines for organizing your Redux store structure. -
Redux Step by Step: A Simple and Robust Workflow for Real Life Apps
A follow-up to the "Accidental Complexity" article, discussing principles for structuring a Redux app and demonstrating how they apply to actual code. -
Things I Wish I Knew About Redux
A number of excellent tips and lessons learned after building an app with Redux. Includes info on connecting components, selecting data, and app/project structure. Additional discussion on Reddit. -
Developing component-based web apps with React and Redux
Some examples of component structure and data handling in a drawing app. -
Switching from Backbone to React and Redux
A pair of articles describing one company's transition from a Backbone app to using React and Redux. -
Black Pixel Redux Handbook
Black Pixel's guidelines for project/app structure and usage -
Tips for a Better Redux Architecture: Lessons for Enterprise Scale
Thoughts on good patterns and approaches in a large Redux app, including use of action creators instead ofdispatch
in components, module/container file structure, using sagas for flow control, and more. -
Thinking in Redux (when all you've known is MVC)
Some useful mental comparisons for understanding Redux when coming from an MVC architecture background -
React + Redux: Architecture Overview
A look at the common pieces that make up a Redux application, with some very useful diagrams to illustrate what they are and how they fit together. -
React Redux Architecture
Some notes on an opinionated architecture for large React/Redux applications
Redux Best Practices
Guidelines for tools, component structure, file layout, and async data handling -
"Redux Best Practices?"
Short but good discussion on approaches. -
React-Redux Style Guide
An opinionated style guide for developing applications in ES6+ with React and/or Redux. -
Redux Patterns and Anti-Patterns
Some tips for using Redux, including use of Immutable.js and structuring for action creators and reducers -
A Simple Naming Convention for Action Creators in Redux
Some tips for consistent and understandable naming of actions and action creators -
Our Redux Migration (and 5 tips for adoption in a mature codebase)
Lessons learned from migrating to Redux, including choosing a directory structure nd knowing when to use Redux. -
Redux without Profanity
An online book covering best practices and approaches for managing a Redux application -
Taming Large React Applications with Redux
A slideshow with a number of best practices, including tips on using container components, immutable data, normalization, and more. -
Real-World React and Redux
A series of articles covering practical architecture lessons learned from building Redux apps, especially regarding use of custom middleware -
Idiomatic Redux: Why Use Action Creators?
Thoughts on why consistent use of action creators is a good practice, as opposed to putting logic inline into components. -
Seven Months into Redux: Two Things My Team Learned Along the Way
Describes the benefits a dev team got from using RxJS streams and using selector functions to derive data. -
Redux anti-pattern: dumb mapStateToProps
An analysis of a somewhat common Redux anti-pattern, wheremapStateToProps
is doing too little, shifting all the domain knowledge into the component that should not be aware of it. -
Learning and scaling a React/Redux app with a distributed team
Lessons learned from working with a large application with many features, including use of common components, sagas, project structure, and utility libraries -
Redux at Knewton
Discussion of how Redux helped Knewton improve their app, including dev middleware to catch accidental mutations, normalization to help with caching, and other tradeoffs. -
4 Things for Efficient Redux
Suggestions for improved Redux apps based on experience, including using Immutable.js, use ofcombineReducers
, listening for actions in multiple reducers, and "aliasing" actions. -
A Year of Development with Redux
Some quick tips for working with Redux, structuring data, and encapsulation of components -
Avoiding False Cause
Some high-level general thoughts on cargo-culting, dogma, and best practices, followed by some specific examples of problematic Redux code (unclear reducer state shape, managing "editing" mode data, applying arbitrary value updates) -
Isn't our code just the BEST
A quirkily-written look at how a dev team rewrote their project using React and Redux, including examples of project structure, component usage, and data normalization -
When to Define Action Creators in Redux
An excellent overview of why action creators exist, why they�re worth using, and when you can skip them -
React Redux Design Lessons Learned
A slideshow that coves some core React and Redux concepts, then discuses how the authors approached designing and developing a timesheet application -
3 Things I Learned about Working with Data in Redux
Good practices for keeping UI state in components, using Higher-Order Components for reusability, and connecting multiple components at lower levels of the application
Related topics: Redux Techniques - Selectors
Scalable Frontend with Elm or Redux
A repo containing ongoing discussion about ways to handle fully encapsulated reusable chunks of logic and components in Redux, with a number of submitted approaches being compared. -
Encapsulation in Redux: the Right Way to Write Reusable Components
A look at one way to write encapsulated action handling in Redux -
How to Reuse Redux Components
Discussion of an Elm-inspired approach to wrapping up reusable components and logic -
Redux and the Elm Architecture
Redux lacks built-in abstractions for real-world, maintainable, scalable applications. In particular, it is difficult to create and distributed encapsulated, reusable components. The Elm Architecture clearly addresses some important areas where Redux alone is lacking. -
Scaleable FE with Redux and Elm Architecture
Examples of using Elm-style approaches to writing Redux code -
Encapsulation in Redux: the Right Way to Write Reusable Components
Examples of an Elm-style encapsulation approach -
The Problem with Redux... And How to Fix It
Demonstration of Redux-Elm, a library that adds composable actions to Redux -
Applying Redux Reducers to Arrays
Looks at one way to implement the classic "multiple instances of one connected component" issue in Redux. -
Redux: Encapsulating the Redux State Tree A blog series discussing approaches to encapsulating Redux data using selectors and other related approaches -
Redux State Keys - A predictable yet dynamic substate
Description of an approach for dividing up domain-specific state from abstract state, and reusing logic based on those slices. -
The Power of Higher-Order Reducers
A set of slides discussing how reducers can be layered together to add capabilities -
Redux Issue #822: "How to create a generic list as a reducer?"
Discussion of various approaches to the "generic list of reusable components" problem -
Redux-Doghouse - Creating React-Redux Components through Scoping
A look at some of the issues involved in trying to write reusable connected components that can be instantiated many times, and how the library they wrote helps solve those problems. -
Redux Stack: Modular Redux Configuration
Discussion of a small library that tries to make it easier to hook together different Redux addons. -
Scoped Selectors for Redux Modules
A follow-on to Randy Coulman's series on local vs global selectors, discussing tradeoffs in approaches for defining and managing selectors. -
Scaling React and Redux at IOOF
A slideshow discussing creation of enterprise-scale Redux apps built with "micro-frontends" that can be composed together, and a look at a "Redux-Subspace" library to help with that -
Structuring Redux Selectors
Another article on "globalizing" selector functions, with references to the articles by Randy Coulman and Dave Atchley. -
Instance Reducers
An interesting approach to the "multiple instances of a connected component" problem. -
Managing state for multiple component instances using React and Redux
Some useful examples illustrating the basic approach to storing data for individual reusable component instances in a Redux store -
How to use Redux on highly scalable Javascript applications?
Discussion of ways to structure reducers, selectors, and other logic into reusable features
Redux Saga in Action
Some interesting thoughts on ways to organize the majority of your app's logic using redux-saga -
redux-scuttlebutt; eventually consistent shared state among peers
Describes how to use the Redux-Scuttlebutt library to sync actions and updates between multiple instances of a Redux application -
Write Better Redux with redux-module-builder
Describes how to use the utilities included in the redux-module-builder package to better organize a Redux application -
The Elegance of React, Redux, and Ramda
Demonstrates ways to use Ramda to compose together React components and Redux behavior -
Extreme Decoupling: React, Redux, Selectors
Discusses an API-first approach to splitting apart a Redux app into view, state, and integration layers. -
Using React(-Native) with Redux and Redux Saga
Description of a decoupled saga-based app structure, similar to that described in "Redux Saga in Action" -
Minimal Redux Setup
Thoughts on using a single reducer and a single "UPDATE" action type -
Scaling your Redux App with Ducks
An overview of a modified version of the "ducks" architecture, with the contents for a given feature in a folder instead of a single file. -
Implementing Redux is tedious. But it doesn't have to be.
Describes another "minimal Redux" variation. Definitely not "idiomatic Redux" usage, but a technically valid implementation. Some discussion of tradeoffs in the comments. -
How we reduced boilerplate and handled asynchronous actions with Redux
A look at conventions that have helped the Algolia team write Redux apps.