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Pixel Punch-Out is a multiplayer web platform fighting game that allows players to engage in combat with friends. Players can create and join rooms, select from various arenas. The game features a token-based authentication system for secure sign-up and login processes.


There aren't many options for multiplayer fighting games that you can play right from your web browser — most of the good ones need you to download big files or have a fancy gaming setup. Pixel Punch-Out fills this void by being super accessible. It's a fun, straightforward game that anyone with a browser can jump into, no heavy downloads or high-end hardware needed. This means more people can get into the gaming action with friends without any hassle.

User Profile

Pixel Punch-Out is designed for young to middle-aged gamers looking for a fun and engaging multiplayer experience. This game appeals to both casual gamers who want a quick and enjoyable match with friends and more competitive players who enjoy mastering fighting games. Users can easily set up a game room, and start fighting within minutes, making it ideal for those who value convenience and fast gameplay. The simple browser-based access ensures that anyone with internet access can join in the fun, regardless of their hardware capabilities.


  • Room Creation and Joining: Players can easily create or join game rooms, allowing for private matches with friends or open games with others online.
  • Arena Selection: When setting up a game room, players can select from a variety of arenas, each with unique aesthetics.
  • Real-time Multiplayer Combat: The game will support seamless, real-time fights, ensuring a dynamic and engaging player experience.
  • Token-based Authentication System: Secure sign-up and login processes will be implemented, ensuring player accounts are protected.


Tech Stack

  • Frontend: React for building the interactive user interface elements.
  • Backend: Node.js with Express for managing game logic, room management, and player interactions in real-time.
  • Database: MySQL for storing user data. Chosen for its reliability and support for complex queries, ideal for transactional requirements.
  • Authentication: JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for secure, token-based user authentication.
  • Websockets: Socket.IO for real-time bi-directional communication between clients and servers, essential for a seamless multiplayer experience.


Currently, I don't have in game screenshots, but I did create the logo, login, signup, and the leaderboard for the game.


Pixel Punch-Out Logo


Login Page

Sign Up

Sign Up Page



In-game Content

attack jump left right


Pixel Punch-Out will utilize a relational database structure with the following key entities:

  • User: Stores information about players, including username, password (hashed), email, and game statistics like wins and losses.
  • Room: Represents a game session, containing room ID, room name, arena selected.


  • A User can create multiple Rooms and join many Rooms.
  • Each Room hosts multiple Users and relates to one Match at a time.
  • Characters are selected by Users in the Rooms for each game session.

This structure supports efficient data retrieval and updates necessary for real-time gameplay and user management.


  • POST /login: Allows users to log in to the game.

    • Parameters: username, password
    • Response: { token: "JWT", userId: "123", success: true }
  • POST /signup: Registers a new user.

    • Parameters: username, email, password
    • Response: { userId: "123", success: true }
  • GET /rooms: Retrieves a list of active game rooms.

    • Parameters: None
    • Response: { rooms: [{ roomId: "456", roomName: "Battle Arena", status: "waiting" }], success: true }
  • POST /rooms/create: Allows a user to create a new game room.

    • Parameters: userId, roomName, arenaId
    • Response: { roomId: "789", success: true }
  • POST /rooms/join: Allows a user to join an existing room.

    • Parameters: roomId, userId
    • Response: { roomId: "789", userId: "123", success: true }
  • GET /profile/:userId: Fetches profile details of a user.

    • Parameters: userId
    • Response: { username: "PlayerOne", wins: 10, losses: 5, success: true }


Pixel Punch-Out implements a secure token-based authentication system using JSON Web Tokens (JWT). This system ensures that all user interactions with the game are authenticated and authorized appropriately.

  • User Authentication: Users must log in to access their profiles and join or create game rooms. Upon successful login, a JWT is generated and sent to the user. This token must be included in the header of all authenticated requests to verify the user's identity.
  • Session Management: The JWT contains the user's ID and an expiration time, ensuring sessions are secure and temporary. The token automatically expires after a set duration, requiring re-authentication.
  • Security Measures: Passwords are hashed before storage in the database to protect user privacy and security.


The development of Pixel Punch-Out is organized into an intense 2-week sprint focusing on delivering a playable game first, followed by backend functionalities:

Week 1: Core Game Development

  • Goals:
    • Set up the project repository and configure the tech stack.
    • Develop the core game mechanics.
    • Implement character and arena selection functionalities.
    • Start front-end UI development for game.

Week 2: Backend Integration and Launch

  • Goals:
    • Implement backend functionalities using Node.js and Express, including room management and user authentication.
    • Integrate real-time communication capabilities with Socket.IO.
    • Finalize the UI integration with the backend.
    • Conduct rapid testing across different scenarios and perform debugging.
    • Deploy the project for public access and perform last-minute optimizations.

Note: The focus will be on creating a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) that allows for basic playability and user interaction. Additional features and refinements may be planned for future updates based on initial user feedback and project evaluation.

Nice to have: Lives section, character selection, and character abilities.