The purpose of this package is to provide standard interface for robot hardwares. Controllers using those standard interfaces do not need to assume any particular robot hardware. For example, our force_control package can be used with either an ABB robot or a UR robot. Currently supporting the following interfaces:
- Position-controlled robot arm
- 6-dof force torque sensor
Current implementations includes (see robots/
- UR robot rtde communication
- ARX robot arm via CAN bus
- ATI force torque sensor via netft;
- Robotiq FT series force torque sensor via modbus
- Realsense cameras via USB.
Author: Yifan Hou
This package depends on cpplibrary.
Additionally, each hardware interface has there own dependencies. You can disable the hardware that you don't need by comment out the corresponding "add_subdirectory" lines in the base CMakeLists.txt.
- The ur_rtde module is dependent on UR rtde c++ library
- The arx_can module is dependent on the arx c++ sdk.
- The realsense module is dependent on the official lib realsense package
- The GoPro module is dependent on opencv.
- The ati_netft and robotiq_ft_modbus module contains a copy of the respective drivers and thus do not have additional dependencies.
Build and install with cmake.
cd hardware_interfaces
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make -j
make install