This is a simple boilerplate that has been developed to make it easier to develop React components and small projects. Check out SurviveJS - Webpack and React to dig deeper into the topic.
If you want to replace project meta information (author etc.), consider using a tool like replace-project-meta.
- Linting - npm run lint - Runs ESLint.
- Testing - npm test and npm run tdd - Runs Karma/Mocha/Chai/Phantom. Code coverage report is generated through istanbul/isparta to
. - Developing - npm start - Runs the development server at localhost:8080 and use Hot Module Replacement. You can override the default host and port through env (
). - Creating a version - npm version <x.y.z> - Updates /dist and package.json with the new version and create a version tag to Git.
- Publishing a version - npm publish - Pushes a new version to npm and updates the project site.
If you don't want to use universal rendering for the React portion, set RENDER_UNIVERSAL
to false
at webpack.config.babel.js.
var a = 5;
var b = 10;
// just trying out code highlighting feature here
console.log(a + b);
react-component-boilerplate is available under MIT. See LICENSE for more details.