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Cookbook InternationalizedForm

Sibi Prabakaran edited this page Jun 22, 2016 · 5 revisions

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Below is an example of how to internationalize a Yesod application,
including internationalization (i18n) of a form and Yesod's built-in
form error messages.

In the example we create a simple site that will show messages in
Swedish or English depending on the browser's preferred language.
If neither Swedish or English are preferred languages the site will
default to Swedish.

Familiarity with Yesod at the level of the Yesod book is assumed,
comments are concentrated to the parts relevant to i18n.


{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes
     , TemplateHaskell
     , MultiParamTypeClasses
     , OverloadedStrings
     , TypeFamilies

import Yesod
import Yesod.Form.I18n.Swedish
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
import Data.Text (Text)

-- Our foundation data type.
data MyApp = MyApp

mkYesod "MyApp" [parseRoutes|
/    RootR GET

instance Yesod MyApp where
    approot _ = ""

-- Here we provide internationalization of Yesod's built in form
-- messages (mostly error messages). For brevity it is assumed that
-- Swedish translations are exported as 'swedishFormMessage' by the
-- module Yesod.Form.I18n.Swedish (an implementation can be copied
-- from
instance RenderMessage MyApp FormMessage where
    renderMessage _ []        = swedishFormMessage -- Default to Swedish
    renderMessage _ ("sv":ls) = swedishFormMessage
    renderMessage _ ("en":ls) = defaultFormMessage -- English
    renderMessage m (_   :ls) = renderMessage m ls

-- Next we define the custom messages present on the site and their
-- rendering functions for different languages.
data Msg = Model
   | Year
   | Please

-- Rendering function for English.
renderEnglish Model  = "Model"
renderEnglish Year   = "Year"
renderEnglish Please = "Please fill in your car's details"

-- Rendering function for Swedish.
renderSwedish Model  = "Modell"
renderSwedish Year   = "Årgång"
renderSwedish Please = "Vänligen fyll i uppgifterna för din bil"

-- The instance used to select the appropriate rendering function.
-- This is almost identical to the instance for FormMessage above.
instance RenderMessage MyApp Msg where
    renderMessage _ []        = renderSwedish -- Default to Swedish
    renderMessage _ ("sv":ls) = renderSwedish
    renderMessage _ ("en":ls) = renderEnglish
    renderMessage m (_   :ls) = renderMessage m ls

-- The data model.
data Car = Car
    { carModel :: Text
    , carYear :: Int
  deriving Show

-- In our form we use our messages Model and Year as field labels.
carAForm :: AForm MyApp MyApp Car
carAForm = Car
    <$> areq textField (fs Model) Nothing
    <*> areq intField  (fs Year)  Nothing
  fs msg = FieldSettings msg Nothing Nothing Nothing

carForm :: Html -> Form MyApp MyApp (FormResult Car, Widget)
carForm = renderTable carAForm

-- Our handler just shows the form, with submitted values pre-filled.
-- Here we also use the Please message.
getRootR :: Handler RepHtml
getRootR = do
    ((_, widget), enctype) <- runFormGet carForm
    defaultLayout [whamlet|
  <form method=get action=@{RootR} enctype=#{enctype}>
      <p><input type=submit>

-- | Launch the app on port 3000.
main :: IO ()
main = warpDebug 3000 MyApp
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