We're going to take you step-by-step to build a modern, fully open-source, eCommerce web application using Python, Django, Bootstrap, Javascript, and more.
More information coming soon.
10 - Featured & Custom QuerySets
4 - Reusable List View Snippets
1 - Adding Bootstrap (no code)
2 - Container vs Container-Fluid (no code)
6 - Desinging for Different Browser Sizes with Breakpoints
7 - Spacing with Margin & Padding
2 - Display the Query to the User
6 - Shell Commands for a Brief Intro to Foreign Keys
7 - M2M Changed Signal to Calculate Cart Total
11 - Remove Items from the Cart
1 - The Roadmap for the Checkout Process
6 - Math with Decimals and Floats in Python
7 - Upgrading Auth to Prep for Checkout
9 - Billing Profile in the Checkout View
11 - Associate Billing Profile to Order
16 - Associate Addresses to Order
18 - Reuse Addresses for Checkout
5 - Data Types, Iteration and Conditionals
8 - Handling form data in jQuery
1 - Sync vs Async (no code)
3 - Handle Ajax in Django with JsonResponse
6 & 7 - Refresh Cart Ajax Part 2 & 3
8 - Finalize Cart Updating with Ajax
8 - Finalize Cart Updating with Ajax
10 - Display Errors with jQuery Confirm
11 - Ajaxify the Contact Form Part 1 & 2
14 - Ajax CSRF Security for Django
1 - Before we get started (no code)
2 - Create the Abstract Base User
3 - Create the User Model Manager
4 - Change Auth User Model to our Custom Model (no code)
5 - Reload the Database with Fixtures
6 - Forms & Admin for our Custom User
7 - Add a Required Field to the User Model
8 - Update Login & Register Forms
1 - Getting Started (No Code)
2 - Craft the Object Viewed Model
6 - Handle the Object Viewed Signal
7 - Handling and Ending User Sessions
3 - Payment Method View & Stripe JS
4 - Improving Payment Method Form
5 - Improving Payment Method Form Part 2
7 - Add Card to Customer with Stripe