A deep learning algorithm using Colab and Tensorflow to predict whether or not a person has COVID-19 by uploading his/her CT scan
The accuracy achieved in this model is 75%, we are aiming to achieve about 90% as we are working on that.
The content of this folder is constantly changing cuz we are improving the model. The data (images) has been taken from this paper https://paperswithcode.com/paper/covid-ct-dataset-a-ct-scan-dataset-about#code
This folder contains:
1- The COVID-19 dataset identifiers and labels in this file covid_data.csv in the data folder, so do not change the images names, use them directly.
2- The algorithm "end_to_end_COVID_19_Diagnosis.ipynb"
3- images: Training and validation pics. And test pics provided by the research paper mentioned above.
4- logs and models separately you will understand them when you run the code
5- Test: contains other test pics, upload them directly if you have some (I provided you with some pics taken from Iraqi hospitals).
Here is also the link of my blog https://yaseenaimanmohammed.wordpress.com/2020/04/06/covid-19-detector/