- Install Gutengood package using composer
composer require yarovikov/gutengood
- Place files from this repo in your Sage theme
- Add following yarn dependencies for gutengood block components:
yarn add @dnd-kit/core @dnd-kit/sortable @dnd-kit/utilities @wordpress/icons immutability-helper tailwindcss
- Run
yarn build
- Enqueue editor assets if you don't have this in your setup.php
add_action('enqueue_block_editor_assets', function (): void {
}, 100);
- Text
- Textarea
- Toggle
- Select
- ColorPalette
- ColorPicker
- TimePicker (with date)
- Range
- RichText
- Image
- Link
- Message (just some title with text)
- Repeater (based on @dnd-kit)
Check php part block examples here https://github.com/yarovikov/gutengood-examples/tree/master/app/Editor/Blocks.
Use Edit Button to see editable components in the block
You can use components for fields and options. But i don't recommend using RichText for options in the sidebar because of its floating panel.
Example of options:
public function options(): array
$builder = new GutengoodBuilder();
->addText('title', [
'label' => __('Block title', 'sage'),
->addSelect('title_tag', [
'label' => __('Title tag', 'sage'),
'choices' => [
'label' => 'h1',
'value' => 'h1',
'label' => 'h2',
'value' => 'h2',
'value' => 'h2', // default value
return $builder->build();
Also possible to add the same components in the repeater:
->addSection('Basic Options', [
'open' => true,
->addRange('width', [
'label' => __('Block width', 'sage'),
'value' => 900,
->addColorPalette('bg_color', [
'label' => __('BG Color', 'sage'),
'colors' => [
'name' => 'black',
'color' => '#000',
'slug' => 'black',
Curently work only with Select and Toggle. Example:
->conditional('is_video', true); // video_id field will be displayed if the video toggle checkbox is checked
Pass your data (fields and options) to the block view
public function getBlockData(array $attributes, string $content): array
$data = [
'items' => array_filter(array_map(fn(array $item): ?array => !empty($item['title']) ? $item : null, (array) ($attributes['items'] ?? []))),
'width' => (int) ($attributes['width'] ?? 900),
return [...parent::getBlockData($attributes, $content), ...$data];
Front-end block assets
public function getAssets(): array
return [
'handle' => 'gallery',
// optional: conditional logic
'condition' => fn(array $block): bool => !empty($block['attrs']['is_slider']) || !empty($block['attrs']['is_lightbox']),
If you need additional external dependencies:
public function getAssets(): array
return [
'handle' => 'payment-form',
'dependencies' => ['cloudpayments-widget'], // before register this script in your theme
'condition' => fn(array $block): bool => true === is_user_logged_in(), // optional
You don't need block js for register for the editor. But if needed you can set $editor_script like this
public bool $editor_script = true;
Then add your custom jsx. Example