alenkimov /
Forked from dolfies/ fork of the popular for user accounts.
junxiaqiao / unveilr-v2.0.0
Forked from zgqwork/wxapkg-unpacker小程序反编译工具
tonyarnold / Differ
Forked from wokalski/Diff.swiftSwift library to generate differences and patches between collections.
iicoming / BurpSuite-1
Forked from iusky/Biubiubiuburp mac application version
piruin / opencv-android
Forked from andmar1x/opencv-androidThe OpenCV Library as AAR Package for Android Developer
Android boilerplate app that showcases architecture and libraries used at ribot
CocoaPods plugin which allows you to generate a static library from a podspec.
Quickly reproduce the dropdown UIPickerView / ActionSheet functionality on iOS.
robbiehanson / XcodeColors
Forked from DeepIT/XcodeColorsXcodeColors allows you to use colors in the Xcode debugging console. It's designed to aid in the debugging process.
google / dagger
Forked from square/daggerA fast dependency injector for Android and Java.
An cross-platform bridge for sending messages between Obj-C/Java/Javascript and JavaScript in UIWebViews/WebViews
HTTP API 设计指南(http-api-design-ZH_CN),翻译自
Reefaq / QuadCurveMenu
Forked from levey/AwesomeMenuPath 2.0 menu using CoreAnimation :)