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Model saving does not output state_dict #334

Kensvin28 opened this issue Jul 8, 2023 · 6 comments

Model saving does not output state_dict #334

Kensvin28 opened this issue Jul 8, 2023 · 6 comments


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Kensvin28 commented Jul 8, 2023

PyABSA Version (Required)


Code To Reproduce (Required)

from pyabsa import ModelSaveOption, DeviceTypeOption
import warnings


config.batch_size = 8
config.patience = 20
config.log_step = -1
config.max_seq_len = 256
config.seed = 1
config.verbose = False # If verbose == True, PyABSA will output the model structure and several processed data examples
config.notice = (
"This is an training example for aspect term extraction" # for memos usage

trainer = ASTE.ASTETrainer(
# from_checkpoint="english", # if you want to resume training from our pretrained checkpoints, you can pass the checkpoint name here
auto_device='cuda', # use cuda if available
checkpoint_save_mode=ModelSaveOption.SAVE_FULL_MODEL, # save state dict only instead of the whole model
load_aug=False, # there are some augmentation dataset for integrated datasets, you use them by setting load_aug=True to improve performance

Full Console Output (Required)

[2023-07-08 02:27:10] (2.3.1) Set Model Device: cuda
[2023-07-08 02:27:10] (2.3.1) Device Name: Tesla T4
2023-07-08 02:27:10,136 INFO: PyABSA version: 2.3.1
2023-07-08 02:27:10,137 INFO: Transformers version: 4.30.2
2023-07-08 02:27:10,138 INFO: Torch version: 2.0.1+cu117+cuda11.7
2023-07-08 02:27:10,138 INFO: Device: Tesla T4
2023-07-08 02:27:10,140 INFO: 407.Shopee in the trainer is not a exact path, will search dataset in current working directory
FindFile Warning --> multiple targets ['integrated_datasets/aste_datasets/407.Shopee', 'integrated_datasets/aste_datasets/407.Shopee/.ipynb_checkpoints'] found, only return the shortest path: <integrated_datasets/aste_datasets/407.Shopee>
2023-07-08 02:27:10,146 INFO: You can set load_aug=True in a trainer to augment your dataset (English only yet) and improve performance.
2023-07-08 02:27:11,753 INFO: Load dataset from integrated_datasets/aste_datasets/407.Shopee/train.txt
preparing dataloader: 2%|▏ | 10/523 [00:00<00:05, 96.70it/s]
EOL while scanning string literal (, line 1)
preparing dataloader: 100%|██████████| 523/523 [00:05<00:00, 98.53it/s]
2023-07-08 02:27:18,110 INFO: Load dataset from integrated_datasets/aste_datasets/407.Shopee/test.txt
preparing dataloader: 51%|█████▏ | 54/105 [00:00<00:00, 97.42it/s]
EOL while scanning string literal (, line 1)
preparing dataloader: 100%|██████████| 105/105 [00:01<00:00, 92.39it/s]
2023-07-08 02:27:19,812 INFO: Load dataset from integrated_datasets/aste_datasets/407.Shopee/dev.txt
preparing dataloader: 100%|██████████| 71/71 [00:00<00:00, 100.00it/s]
building vocab...
converting data to features: 100%|██████████| 522/522 [00:31<00:00, 16.66it/s]
converting data to features: 100%|██████████| 104/104 [00:07<00:00, 14.29it/s]
converting data to features: 100%|██████████| 71/71 [00:03<00:00, 20.75it/s]
2023-07-08 02:28:02,765 INFO: Save cache dataset to emcgcn.407.Shopee.dataset.b58ef8d99282bf35c7523e9d4fe3c00be3acbf79e1c910c9b38732fded1e3432.cache

Some weights of the model checkpoint at yangheng/deberta-v3-base-absa-v1.1 were not used when initializing DebertaV2Model: ['pooler.dense.bias', 'classifier.bias', 'classifier.weight', 'pooler.dense.weight']

  • This IS expected if you are initializing DebertaV2Model from the checkpoint of a model trained on another task or with another architecture (e.g. initializing a BertForSequenceClassification model from a BertForPreTraining model).
  • This IS NOT expected if you are initializing DebertaV2Model from the checkpoint of a model that you expect to be exactly identical (initializing a BertForSequenceClassification model from a BertForSequenceClassification model).
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) ABSADatasetsVersion:None --> Calling Count:0
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) MV:<metric_visualizer.metric_visualizer.MetricVisualizer object at 0x7fbe3367b9d0> --> Calling Count:0
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) PyABSAVersion:2.3.1 --> Calling Count:1
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) SRD:3 --> Calling Count:0
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) TorchVersion:2.0.1+cu117+cuda11.7 --> Calling Count:1
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) TransformersVersion:4.30.2 --> Calling Count:1
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) adam_epsilon:1e-08 --> Calling Count:1
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) auto_device:cuda --> Calling Count:2
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) batch_size:8 --> Calling Count:0
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) cache_dataset:True --> Calling Count:1
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) checkpoint_save_mode:2 --> Calling Count:4
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) cross_validate_fold:-1 --> Calling Count:0
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) dataset_file:{'train': ['integrated_datasets/aste_datasets/407.Shopee/train.txt'], 'test': ['integrated_datasets/aste_datasets/407.Shopee/test.txt'], 'valid': ['integrated_datasets/aste_datasets/407.Shopee/dev.txt']} --> Calling Count:17
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) dataset_name:407.Shopee --> Calling Count:3
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) dca_layer:3 --> Calling Count:0
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) dca_p:1 --> Calling Count:0
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) deep_ensemble:False --> Calling Count:0
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) deprel_size:47 --> Calling Count:1
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) deprel_vocab:<pyabsa.tasks.AspectSentimentTripletExtraction.dataset_utils.aste_utils.VocabHelp object at 0x7fbe140c6520> --> Calling Count:697
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) device:cuda --> Calling Count:2
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) device_name:Tesla T4 --> Calling Count:1
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) dlcf_a:2 --> Calling Count:0
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) dropout:0.5 --> Calling Count:0
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) dynamic_truncate:True --> Calling Count:0
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) emb_dropout:0.5 --> Calling Count:1
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) embed_dim:768 --> Calling Count:0
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) epochs:100 --> Calling Count:0
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) eta:1 --> Calling Count:0
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) eta_lr:0.1 --> Calling Count:0
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) evaluate_begin:0 --> Calling Count:0
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) from_checkpoint:None --> Calling Count:0
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) gcn_dim:300 --> Calling Count:6
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) hidden_dim:768 --> Calling Count:4
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) index_to_label:OrderedDict([(0, 'N'), (1, 'B-A'), (2, 'I-A'), (3, 'A'), (4, 'B-O'), (5, 'I-O'), (6, 'O'), (7, 'Negative'), (8, 'Neutral'), (9, 'Positive')]) --> Calling Count:0
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) inference_model:None --> Calling Count:0
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) initializer:xavier_uniform_ --> Calling Count:0
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) l2reg:1e-06 --> Calling Count:3
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) label_to_index:OrderedDict([('N', 0), ('B-A', 1), ('I-A', 2), ('A', 3), ('B-O', 4), ('I-O', 5), ('O', 6), ('Negative', 7), ('Neutral', 8), ('Positive', 9)]) --> Calling Count:0
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) lcf:cdw --> Calling Count:0
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) learning_rate:2e-05 --> Calling Count:3
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) load_aug:False --> Calling Count:1
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) log_step:-1 --> Calling Count:0
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) logger:<Logger emcgcn (INFO)> --> Calling Count:10
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) lsa:False --> Calling Count:0
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) max_seq_len:256 --> Calling Count:34193
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) model:<class 'pyabsa.tasks.AspectSentimentTripletExtraction.models.model.EMCGCN'> --> Calling Count:5
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) model_name:emcgcn --> Calling Count:2
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) model_path_to_save:checkpoints --> Calling Count:0
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) notice:This is an training example for aspect term extraction --> Calling Count:0
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) num_epoch:10 --> Calling Count:0
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) num_layers:1 --> Calling Count:1
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) optimizer:adamw --> Calling Count:1
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) output_dim:10 --> Calling Count:7
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) overwrite_cache:False --> Calling Count:0
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) path_to_save:None --> Calling Count:1
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) patience:20 --> Calling Count:0
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) pooling:avg --> Calling Count:1
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) post_size:206 --> Calling Count:1
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) post_vocab:<pyabsa.tasks.AspectSentimentTripletExtraction.dataset_utils.aste_utils.VocabHelp object at 0x7fbe140c6ca0> --> Calling Count:697
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) postag_size:155 --> Calling Count:1
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) postag_vocab:<pyabsa.tasks.AspectSentimentTripletExtraction.dataset_utils.aste_utils.VocabHelp object at 0x7fbe140c68b0> --> Calling Count:697
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) pretrained_bert:yangheng/deberta-v3-base-absa-v1.1 --> Calling Count:5
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) relation_constraint:True --> Calling Count:0
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) save_mode:2 --> Calling Count:0
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) seed:1 --> Calling Count:7
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) sigma:0.3 --> Calling Count:0
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) similarity_threshold:1 --> Calling Count:0
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) spacy_model:en_core_web_sm --> Calling Count:5
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) srd_alignment:True --> Calling Count:0
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) symmetry_decoding:False --> Calling Count:0
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) syn_post_vocab:<pyabsa.tasks.AspectSentimentTripletExtraction.dataset_utils.aste_utils.VocabHelp object at 0x7fbe140c62e0> --> Calling Count:699
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) synpost_size:7 --> Calling Count:1
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) task:triplet --> Calling Count:39406
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) task_code:ASTE --> Calling Count:2
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) task_name:Aspect Sentiment Triple Extraction --> Calling Count:0
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) token_vocab:<pyabsa.tasks.AspectSentimentTripletExtraction.dataset_utils.aste_utils.VocabHelp object at 0x7fbe140c62b0> --> Calling Count:0
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) tokenizer:<pyabsa.framework.tokenizer_class.tokenizer_class.PretrainedTokenizer object at 0x7fbe3367bdf0> --> Calling Count:0
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) use_amp:False --> Calling Count:1
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) use_bert_spc:True --> Calling Count:0
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) use_syntax_based_SRD:False --> Calling Count:0
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) verbose:False --> Calling Count:3
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) warmup_step:-1 --> Calling Count:0
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) weight_decay:0.0 --> Calling Count:0
    [2023-07-08 02:28:21] (2.3.1) window:lr --> Calling Count:0
    2023-07-08 02:28:21,313 INFO: ***** Running training for Aspect Sentiment Triple Extraction *****
    2023-07-08 02:28:21,314 INFO: Training set examples = 522
    2023-07-08 02:28:21,315 INFO: Valid set examples = 71
    2023-07-08 02:28:21,315 INFO: Test set examples = 104
    2023-07-08 02:28:21,316 INFO: Total params = 185533758, Trainable params = 185533758, Non-trainable params = 0
    2023-07-08 02:28:21,317 INFO: Batch size = 8
    2023-07-08 02:28:21,318 INFO: Num steps = 660
    Epoch: 0 | Smooth Loss: 0.6131: 100%|██████████| 66/66 [00:53<00:00, 1.22it/s, Dev F1:0.00(max:0.00)]
    Epoch: 1 | Smooth Loss: 0.5229: 100%|██████████| 66/66 [00:52<00:00, 1.26it/s, Dev F1:30.61(max:30.61)]
    Epoch: 2 | Smooth Loss: 0.4670: 100%|██████████| 66/66 [00:52<00:00, 1.26it/s, Dev F1:38.51(max:38.51)]
    Epoch: 3 | Smooth Loss: 0.4326: 100%|██████████| 66/66 [00:52<00:00, 1.26it/s, Dev F1:39.89(max:39.89)]
    Epoch: 4 | Smooth Loss: 0.4026: 100%|██████████| 66/66 [00:52<00:00, 1.27it/s, Dev F1:42.65(max:42.65)]
    Epoch: 5 | Smooth Loss: 0.3777: 100%|██████████| 66/66 [00:50<00:00, 1.30it/s, Dev F1:40.60(max:42.65)]
    Epoch: 6 | Smooth Loss: 0.3556: 100%|██████████| 66/66 [00:52<00:00, 1.26it/s, Dev F1:45.18(max:45.18)]
    Epoch: 7 | Smooth Loss: 0.3350: 100%|██████████| 66/66 [00:52<00:00, 1.26it/s, Dev F1:47.93(max:47.93)]
    Epoch: 8 | Smooth Loss: 0.3167: 100%|██████████| 66/66 [00:52<00:00, 1.26it/s, Dev F1:51.47(max:51.47)]
    Epoch: 9 | Smooth Loss: 0.3003: 100%|██████████| 66/66 [00:50<00:00, 1.31it/s, Dev F1:50.28(max:51.47)]
    [2023-07-08 02:37:02] (2.3.1) Loading best model: checkpoints/emcgcn_407.Shopee_f1_51.47/ and evaluating on test set

AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
~/.conda/envs/default/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/ in _check_seekable(f)
353 try:
--> 354
355 return True

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seek'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
/tmp/ipykernel_469/ in <cell line: 16>()
14 )
---> 16 trainer = ASTE.ASTETrainer(
17 config=config,
18 dataset=dataset,

~/.conda/envs/default/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyabsa/tasks/AspectSentimentTripletExtraction/trainer/ in init(self, config, dataset, from_checkpoint, checkpoint_save_mode, auto_device, path_to_save, load_aug)
65 self.config.task_name = TaskNameOption().get(self.config.task_code)
---> 67 self._run()

~/.conda/envs/default/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyabsa/framework/trainer_class/ in _run(self)
239 self.config.seed = s
240 if self.config.checkpoint_save_mode:
--> 241 model_path.append(self.training_instructor(self.config).run())
242 else:
243 # always return the last trained model if you don't save trained model

~/.conda/envs/default/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyabsa/tasks/AspectSentimentTripletExtraction/instructor/ in run(self)
869 # Loss and Optimizer
870 criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(ignore_index=-1)
--> 871 return self._train(criterion)
873 def _train(self, criterion):

~/.conda/envs/default/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyabsa/tasks/AspectSentimentTripletExtraction/instructor/ in _train(self, criterion)
884 return self._k_fold_train_and_evaluate(criterion)
885 else:
--> 886 return self._train_and_evaluate(criterion)

~/.conda/envs/default/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyabsa/tasks/AspectSentimentTripletExtraction/instructor/ in _train_and_evaluate(self, criterion)
441 "Loading best model: {} and evaluating on test set ".format(save_path)
442 )
--> 443 self._reload_model_state_dict(save_path)
444 joint_precision, joint_recall, joint_f1 = self._evaluate_f1(
445 self.test_dataloader

~/.conda/envs/default/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyabsa/framework/instructor_class/ in _reload_model_state_dict(self, ckpt)
119 else:
120 self.model.load_state_dict(
--> 121 torch.load(find_file(ckpt, or_key=[".bin", "state_dict"]))
122 )

~/.conda/envs/default/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/ in load(f, map_location, pickle_module, weights_only, **pickle_load_args)
789 pickle_load_args['encoding'] = 'utf-8'
--> 791 with _open_file_like(f, 'rb') as opened_file:
792 if _is_zipfile(opened_file):
793 # The zipfile reader is going to advance the current file position.

~/.conda/envs/default/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/ in _open_file_like(name_or_buffer, mode)
274 return _open_buffer_writer(name_or_buffer)
275 elif 'r' in mode:
--> 276 return _open_buffer_reader(name_or_buffer)
277 else:
278 raise RuntimeError(f"Expected 'r' or 'w' in mode but got {mode}")

~/.conda/envs/default/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/ in init(self, buffer)
259 def init(self, buffer):
260 super().init(buffer)
--> 261 _check_seekable(buffer)

~/.conda/envs/default/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/ in _check_seekable(f)
355 return True
356 except (io.UnsupportedOperation, AttributeError) as e:
--> 357 raise_err_msg(["seek", "tell"], e)
358 return False

~/.conda/envs/default/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/ in raise_err_msg(patterns, e)
348 + " Please pre-load the data into a buffer like io.BytesIO and"
349 + " try to load from it instead.")
--> 350 raise type(e)(msg)
351 raise e

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seek'. You can only torch.load from a file that is seekable. Please pre-load the data into a buffer like io.BytesIO and try to load from it instead.

Describe the bug

I don't know why, but the model does not save the state_dict file now, so every time it is testing after training, it shows this error.

Expected behavior

Should be able to get state_dict when saving trained model and execute the testing without error.

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Could you please check your torch version and transformers version? And can you check if the .state_dict exists in your file system?

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torch 2.0.1
transformers 4.30.2
no state_dict in the file system

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Can you try transformers=4.30.0?

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Kensvin28 commented Jul 10, 2023

I tried transformers 4.30.0, but it still shows the same error.

[2023-07-10 15:21:36] (2.3.1) PyABSAVersion:2.3.1 --> Calling Count:1
[2023-07-10 15:21:36] (2.3.1) SRD:3 --> Calling Count:0
[2023-07-10 15:21:36] (2.3.1) TorchVersion:2.0.1+cu117+cuda11.7 --> Calling Count:1
[2023-07-10 15:21:36] (2.3.1) TransformersVersion:4.30.0 --> Calling Count:1
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seek'. You can only torch.load from a file that is seekable. Please pre-load the data into a buffer like io.BytesIO and try to load from it instead.

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If I use the SAVE_MODEL_STATE_DICT mode, I can save the model too and infer later right? What is the difference with between SAVE_MODEL_STATE_DICT and SAVE_FULL_MODEL?

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Please try to save state dict which can avoid many compatible errors with different transformers versions.

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