# | Title | Category | Difficulty | Solution | Time | Space |
1528 | Shuffle String | Sort | Easy | python, c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
350 | Intersection of Two Arrays II | Hash Table, Two Pointer, Binary Search | Easy | python | O(N) | O(N) |
206 | Reverse Linked List | Linked List, Recursion | Easy | python, c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
1640 | Check Array Formation Through Concatenation | Array, Hash Table, Sort | Easy | python | O(N) | O(N) |
957 | Prison Cells After N Days | Hash Table | Medium | python, c++ | O(1) | O(1) |
1502 | Can Make Arithmetic Progression From Sequence | Arrya, Sort | Easy | python | O(NlogN) | O(1) |
242 | Valid Anagram | Hash Table, Sort | Easy | python | O(N) | O(1) |
1450 | Number of Students Doing Homework at a Given Time | Array | Easy | python | O(N) | O(1) |
1600 | Throne Inheritance | Tree, Design | Medium | python | O(N) | O(N^2) |
1742 | Maximum Number of Balls in a Box | Array | Easy | python | O(N) | O(1) |
1054 | Distant Barcodes | Heap, Sort | Medium | python | O(N) | O(N) |
1464 | Maximum Product of Two Elements in an Array | Array | Easy | python | O(N) | O(1) |
1725 | Number Of Rectangles That Can Form The Largest Square | Greedy | Easy | python | O(N) | O(N) |
452 | Minimum Number of Arrows to Burst Balloons | Greedy, Sort | Medium | python | O(NlogN) | O(1) |
1403 | Minimum Subsequence in Non-Increasing Order | Greedy, Sort | Easy | python | O(N) | O(1) |
1665 | Minimum Initial Energy to Finish Tasks | Greedy | Hard | python | O(NlogN) | O(1) |
455 | Assign Cookies | Greedy | Easy | python, c++ | O(NlogN) | O(1) |
1138 | Alphabet Board Path | Hash Table, String | Medium | python, c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
852 | Peak Index in a Mountain Array | Binary Search | Easy | python | O(logN) | O(1) |
1207 | Unique Number of Occurrences | Hash Table | Easy | python | O(N) | O(N) |
1122 | Relative Sort Array | Array, Sort | Easy | python | O(NM) | O(N) |
1160 | Find Words That Can Be Formed by Characters | Array, Hash Table | Easy | python, c++ | O(N*M) | O(1) |
1031 | Maximum Sum of Two Non-Overlapping Subarrays | Array | Medium | python | O(N) | O(1) |
1491 | Average Salary Excluding the Minimum and Maximum Salary | Array, Sort | Easy | python | O(N) | O(1) |
283 | Move Zeroes | Array, Two Pointers | Easy | C++, python | O(N) | O(1) |
445 | Add Two Numbers II | Linked List | Medium | python | O(N) | O(N) |
2 | Add Two Numbers | Linked List | Medium | python, c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
1254 | Number of Closed Islands | Depth-first Search | Medium | python | O(NM) | O(1) |
1507 | Reformat Date | String | Easy | python | O(1) | O(1) |
721 | Accounts Merge | Depth-first Search, Union Find | Medium | python | O(NM) | O(NM) |
1103 | Distribute Candies to People | Math | Easy | python | O(N) | O(N) |
202 | Happy Number | Hash Table, Math | Easy | python, c | O(1) | O(1) |
1710 | Maximum Units on a Truck | Greedy, Hash, Sort | Easy | python | O(N) | O(1) |
1 | Two Sum | Array, Hash | Easy | c, c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
9 | Palindrome Number | Math | Easy | python | O(N) | O(N) |
35 | Search Insert Position | Array, Binary Search | Easy | python | O(logN) | O(1) |
66 | Plus One | Array, Math | Easy | python | O(N) | O(N) |
83 | Remove Duplicates from Sorted List | Linked List | Easy | python | O(N) | O(1) |
94 | Binary Tree Inorder Traversal | Stack, Tree, DFS, Binary Tree | Easy | python | O(N) | O(N) |
13 | Roman to Integer | Hash Table, Math, String | Easy | C++ | O(N) | O(1) |
26 | Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array | Array, Two Pointers | Easy | python, c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
122 | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II | Array, Dynamic Programming, Gredy | Medium | python | O(N) | O(N) |
136 | Single Number | Array, Bit Manipulation | Easy | c | O(N) | O(1) |
15 | 3Sum | Array, Two Pointer, Sorting | Medium | python, c++ | O(N^2) | O(N) |
169 | Majority Element | Array, Hash Table, Divide and Conquer | Easy | python, c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
1470 | Running Sum of 1d Array | Array | Easy | python | O(N) | O(1) |
724 | Find Pivot Index | Array | Easy | python, c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
205 | Isomorphic Strings | Array | Easy | python, c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
392 | Is Subsequence | Two Pointers, String, Dynamic Programming | Easy | python, c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
14 | Longest Common Prefix | String, Trie | Easy | python, c++ | O(M*N) | O(1) |
704 | Binary Search | Array, Binary Search | Easy | python, c, c++ | O(log(N)) | O(1) |
278 | First Bad Version | Binary Search, Interfactive | Easy | pythonc | O(log(N)) | O(1) |
35 | Search Instert Position | Array, Binary Search | Easy | python | O(log(N)) | O(1) |
977 | Squares of a Sorted Array | Array, Two Pointers, Sorting | Easy | python | O(N) | O(1) |
189 | Rotate Array | Array, Math, Two Pointers | Medium | python | O(N) | O(N) |
167 | Two Sum II - Input Array Is Sorted | Array, Two Pointers, Binary Search | Medium | python | O(N) | O(1) |
344 | Reverse String | Two Pointers, String | Easy | python, c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
557 | Reverse Words in a String III | Two Pointers, String | Easy | python | O(N^2) | O(N) |
876 | Middle of the Linked List | Linked List, Two Pointers | Easy | c | O(N) | O(1) |
19 | Remove Nth Node From End of List | Linked List, Two Pointers | Medium | c, c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
3 | Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters | Hash Table, String, Sliding Window | Medium | c, c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
209 | Minimum Size Subarray Sum | Array, Binary Search, Sliding Window | Medium | c | O(N) | O(1) |
219 | Contains Duplicate II | Array, Hash Table, Sliding Window | Easy | c++ | O(N) | O(M) |
220 | Contains Duplicate III | Array, Sliding Window, Sorting, Bucket Sort, Ordered Set | Hard | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
221 | Maximal Square | Array, Dynamic Programming, Matrix | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
213 | House Robber II | Array, Dynamic Programming | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
474 | Ones and Zeroes | Array, String, Dynamic Programming | Medium | c++ | O(N*M*L) | O(N*M) |
494 | Ones and Zeroes | Array, Dynamic Programming, Backtracking | Medium | c++ | O(N*T) | O(N*T) |
322 | Coin Change | Array, Dynamic Programming, DFS | Medium | c++ | O(N*M) | O(M) |
518 | Coin Change II | Array, Dynamic Programming | Medium | c++ | O(N*M) | O(M) |
62 | Unique Path | Array, Dynamic Programming, Combinatorics | Medium | c++ | O(N*M) | O(N*M) |
63 | Unique Path II | Array, Dynamic Programming | Medium | c++ | O(N*M) | O(N*M) |
46 | Permutations | Array, Backtracking | Medium | c++ | O(N*N!) | O(N) |
47 | Permutations II | Array, Backtracking | Medium | c++ | O(N*N!) | O(N) |
78 | Subsets | Array, Backtracking, Bit Manipulation | Medium | c++ | O(N*2^N^) | O(N) |
90 | Subsets II | Array, Backtracking, Bit Manipulation | Medium | c++ | O(N*2^N^) | O(N) |
33 | Serach in Rotated Sorted Array | Array, Binary Search | Medium | c++ | O(log(N)) | O(1) |
70 | Climbing Stairs | Math, Dynamic Programming, Memorization | Easy | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
27 | Remove Elements | Array, Two Pointers | Easy | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
1796 | Second Largest Digit in a String | Hash Table, String | Easy | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
1540 | Can Convert String in K Moves | Hash Table, String | Easy | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
2465 | Numbers of Distinct Averages | Array, Hash Table, Two Pointers, Sorting | Easy | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
2006 | Count Number of Pairs With Absolute Difference K | Array, Hash Table | Easy | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
100 | Same Tree | Tree, Depth-First Search, Breadth-First Search, Binary Tree | Easy | c++ | O(1) | O(1) |
101 | Symmetric Tree | Tree, Depth-First Search, Breadth-First Search, Binary Tree | Easy | c++ | O(log(N)) | O(1) |
104 | Maximum Depth of Binary Tree | Tree, Depth-First Search, Breadth-First Search, Binary Tree | Easy | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
108 | Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree | Array, Divide-And-Conquer, Tree ,Breadth-First Search, Binary Tree | Easy | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
110 | Balanced Binary Tree | Array, Divide-And-Conquer, Tree ,Breadth-First Search, Binary Tree | Easy | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
112 | Path Sum | Tree, Depth-First Search, Breadth-First Search, Binary Tree | Easy | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
118 | Pascal's Triangle | Array, Dynamic Programming | Easy | c++ | O(N^2) | O(N^2) |
121 | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock | Array, Dynamic Programming | Easy | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
509 | Fibonacci Number | Dynamic Programming, Recursion, Memorization | Easy | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
122 | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II | Array, Dynamic Programming | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
125 | Valid Palindrome | Two Pointers, String | Easy | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
141 | Linked List Cycle | Hash Table, Linked List, Two Pointers | Easy | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
144 | Binary Tree Preorder Traversal | Stack, Tree, Detph-First Search, Binary Tree | Easy | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
171 | Excel Sheet Column Number | Math, String | Easy | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
168 | Excel Sheet Column Title | Math, String | Easy | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
190 | Reverse Bits | Divide and Conquer, Bit Manipulation | Easy | c++ | O(1) | O(1) |
191 | Number of 1 Bits | Divide and Conquer, Bit Manipulation | Easy | c++ | O(1) | O(1) |
203 | Remove Linked List Elements | Linked List, Recursion | Easy | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
912 | Sort an Array | Array, Divide and Conquer, Sorting, Heap (Priority Queue), Merge Sort, Bucket Sort, Radix Sort, Counting Sort | Easy | c++ | O(NLogN) | O(N) |
217 | Contains Duplicate | Array, Hash Table, Sorting | Easy | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
222 | Count Complete Tree Nodes | Binary Search, Bit Manipulation, Tree, Binary Tree | Easy | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
2215 | Find the Difference of Two Arrays | Array, Hash Tables | Easy | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
1217 | Minimum Cost to Move Chips to The Same Position | Array, Math, Greedy | Easy | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
2578 | Split With Minimum Sum | Math, Greedy, Sorting | Easy | c++ | O(1) | O(1) |
46 | Permutations | Array, Backtracking | Medium | c++ | O(N*N!) | O(N) |
118 | Pascal's Triangle | Array, Dynamic Programming | Easy | c++ | O(N^2) | O(N^2) |
48 | Rotate Image | Array, Math, Matrix | Medium | c++ | O(N*2) | O(1) |
136 | Single Number | Array, Bit Mainulation | Easy | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
108 | Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree | Array, Divide-And-Conquer, Tree ,Breadth-First Search, Binary Tree | Easy | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
289 | Game of Life | Array, Matrix, Simulation | Easy | c++ | O(MN^2) | O(MN) |
49 | Group of Anagrams | Array, Hash Table, String, Sorting | Medium | c++ | O(NKLog(K)) | O(N) |
215 | Kth Largest Element in an Array | Array, Divide and Conquer, Sorting, Heap(Priority Queue), Quickselect | Easy | c++ | O(NlogK) | O(K) |
122 | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II | Array, Dynamic Programming, Greedy | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
238 | Product of Array Except Self | Array, Prefix Sum | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
268 | Missing Number | Array, Hash Table, Math, Binary Search, Bit Manipulation, Sorting | Easy | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
169 | Majority Element | Array, Hash Table, Divide and Conquer, Sorting, Counting | Easy | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
105 | Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal | Array, Hash Table, Divide and Conquer, Tree, Binary Tree | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
347 | Top K Frequent Elements | Array, Hash Table, Divide and Conquer, Sorting, Heap (Priority Queue), Bucket Sort, Counting, Quickselect | Medium | c++ | O(NLogN) | O(N) |
378 | Kth Smallest Element in a Sorted Matrix | Array, Binary Search, Sorting, Heap (Priority Queue), Matrix | Medium | c++ | O(NNlogN) | O(1) |
75 | Sort Colors | Array, Two Pointers, Sorting | Medium | c++ | O(N+M) | O(M) |
287 | Find the Duplicated Number | Array, Two Pointers, Binary Search, Bit Manipulation | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
200 | Number of Islands | Array, Depth-First Search, Breadth-First Search, Union Find, Matrix | Medium | c++ | O(N^2) | O(1) |
384 | Shuffle an Array | Array, Math, Ramdomized | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
454 | 4Sum II | Array, Hash Table | Medium | c++ | O(N^2) | O(N^2) |
18 | 4Sum | Array, Two Pointers, Sorting | Medium | c++ | O(N^3) | O(1) |
300 | Longest Increasing Subsequence | Array, Binary Search, Dynamic Programming | Medium | c++ | O(N^2) | O(N) |
11 | Container With Most Water | Array, Two Pointers, Greedy | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
73 | Set Matrix Zeroes | Array, Hash Table, Matrix | Medium | c++ | O(NM+V) | O(V) |
380 | Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) | Array, Hash Table, Math, Design, Randomized | Medium | c++ | O(1) | O(N) |
329 | Longest Increasing Path in a Matrix | Array, Dynamic Programming, Depth-First Search, Breadth-First Search, Graph, Topological Sort, Memoization, Matrix | Hard | c++ | O(NM) | O(NM) |
240 | Search a 2D Matrix II | Array, Binary Search, Divide and Conquer, Matrix | Medium | c++ | O(NLogM) | O(1) |
198 | House Robber | Array, Dynamic Programming | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
150 | Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation | Array, Math, Stack | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
88 | Merge Sorted Array | Array, Two Pointers, Sorting | Easy | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
54 | Spiral Matrix | Array, Matrix, Simulation | Medium | c++ | O(NM) | O(NM) |
128 | Longest Consecutive Sequence | Array, Hash Table, Union Find | Medium | c++ | O(N^2) | O(N) |
140 | Word Break II | Array, Hash Table, String, Dynamic Programming, Memoization | Hard | c++ | O(NM) | O(N) |
56 | Merge Intervals | Array, Sorting | Medium | c++ | O(NLogN) | O(N) |
139 | Word Break | Array, Hash Table, String, Dynamic Programming, Trie, Memoization | Medium | c++ | O(NM) | O(N) |
239 | Sliding Window Maximum | Array, Queue, Sliding Window, Heap (Priority Queue), Monotonic Queue | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
162 | Find Peak Element | Array, Binary Search | Medium | c++ | O(logN) | O(1) |
134 | Gas Station | Array, Greedy | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
34 | Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array | Array, Binary Search | Medium | c++ | O(logN) | O(1) |
79 | Word Search | Array, String, Backtracking, Matrix | Medium | c++ | O(NMK) | O(1) |
334 | Increasing Triplet Subsequence | Array, Greedy | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
130 | Surrounded Regions | Array, Depth-First Search, Breadth-First Search, Union Find, Matrix | Medium | c++ | O(NM) | O(1) |
55 | Jump Game | Array, Dynamic Programming, Greedy | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
179 | Largest Number | Array, String, Greedy, Sorting | Medium | c++ | O(NlogN) | O(N) |
152 | Maximum Product Subarray | Array, Dynamic Programming | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
324 | Wiggle Sort II | Array, Divide and Conquer, Sorting, Quickselect | Medium | c++ | O(NlogN) | O(N) |
204 | Count Primes | Array, Math, Enumeration, Number Theory | Medium | c++ | O(NlogN) | O(N) |
149 | Max Points on a Line | Array, Hash Table, Math, Geometry | Hard | c++ | O(N^2) | O(N) |
208 | Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) | Hash Table, String, Design, Trie | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
212 | Word Search II | Array, String, Backtracking, Trie, Matrix | Hard | c++ | O(NMK) | O(K) |
41 | Find Missing Postive | Array, Hash Table | Hard | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
146 | LRU Cache | Hash Table, Linked List, Design, Doubly-Linked List | Medium | c++ | O(1) | O(N) |
91 | Decode Ways | String, Dynamic Programming | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
5 | Longest Palindromic Substring | String, Dynamic Programming | Medium | c++ | O(N^2) | O(N) |
22 | Generate Parentheses | String, Dynamic Programming, Backtracking | Medium | c++ | O(2^N) | O(N) |
2824 | Count Pairs Whose Sum is Less than Target | Array, Two Pointers, Binary Search, Sorting | Easy | c++ | O(NlogN) | O(1) |
475 | Heaters | Array, Two Pointers, Binary Search, Sorting | Medium | c++ | O(NlogM) | O(1) |
1343 | Number of Sub-arrays of Size K and Average Greater than or Equal to Threshold | Array, Sliding Window | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
1347 | Minimum Number of Steps to Make Two Strings Anagram | Hash Table, String, Counting | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
894 | All Possible Full Binary Trees | Dynamic Programming, Tree, Recursion, Memoization, Binary Tree | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
1641 | Count Sorted Vowel Strings | Math, Dynamic Programming, Combinatorics | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
242 | Valid Anagram | Hash Table, String, Sorting | Easy | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
36 | Valid Sudoku | Array, Hash Table, Matrix | Medium | c++ | O(1) | O(1) |
20 | Valid Parentheses | String, Stack | Easy | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
155 | Min Stack | Stack, Design | Medium | c++ | O(1) | O(N) |
739 | Daily Temperatures | Array, Stack, Monotonic Stack | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
853 | Car Fleet | Array, Stack, Sorting, Monotonic Stack | Medium | c++ | O(NlogN) | O(N) |
496 | Next Greater Element I | Array, Hash Table, Stack, Monotonic Stack | Medium | c++ | O(N+M) | O(M) |
907 | Sum of Subarray Minimums | Array, Dynamic Programming, Stack, Monotonic Stack | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
84 | Largest Rectangle in Histogram | Array, Stack, Monotonic Stack | Hard | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
167 | Two Sum II - Input Array Is Sorted | Array, Two Pointers, Binary Search | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
42 | Trapping Rain Water | Array, Two Pointers, Dynamic Programming, Stack, Monotonic Stack | Hard | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
74 | Search a 2D Matrix | Array, Binary Search, Matrix | Medium | c++ | O(log(N*M)) | O(1) |
874 | Koko Eating Bananas | Array, Binary Search | Medium | c++ | O(Nlog(V)) | O(1) |
981 | Time Based Key-Value Store | Hash Table, String, Binary Search, Design | Medium | c++ | O(log(N)) | O(N) |
4 | Median of Two Sorted Arrays | Array, Binary Search, Divide and Conquer | Hard | c++ | O(log(NM)) | O(1) |
1588 | Sum of All Odd Length Subarrays | Array, Math, Prefix Sum | Easy | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
2384 | Largest Palindromic Number | Hash Table, String, Greedy | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
464 | Can I Win | Math, Dynamic Programming, Bit Manipulation, Memoization, Game Theory, Bitmask | Medium | c++ | O(2^N) | O(10^N) |
424 | Longest Repeating Character Replacement | Hash Table, String, Sliding Window | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
567 | Permutation in String | Hash Table, Two Pointers, String, Sliding Window | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
76 | Minimum Window Substring | Hash Table, String, Sliding Window | Hard | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
21 | Merge Two Sorted Lists | Linked List, Recursion | Easy | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
143 | Reorder List | Linked List, Two Pointers, Stack, Recursion | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
138 | Copy List with Random Pointer | Hash Table, Linked List | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
142 | Linked List Cycle II | Hash Table, Linked List, Two Pointers | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
23 | Merge k Sorted Lists | Linked List, Divide and Conquer, Heap (Priority Queue), Merge Sort | Hard | c++ | O(NlogK) | O(K) |
25 | Reverse Nodes in k-Group | Linked List, Recursion | Hard | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
763 | Partition Labels | Hash Table, Two Pointers, String, Greedy | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
226 | Invert Binary Tree | Tree, Depth-First Search, Breadth-First Search, Binary Tree | Easy | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
543 | Diameter of Binary Tree | Tree, Depth-First Search, Binary Tree | Easy | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
572 | Subtree of Another Tree | Tree, Depth-First Search, String Matching, Binary Tree, Hash Function | Easy | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
102 | Binary Tree Level Order Traversal | Tree, Breadth-First Search, Binary Tree | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(2^D) |
235 | Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree | Tree, Depth-First Search, Binary Search Tree, Binary Tree | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
199 | Binary Tree Right Side View | Tree, Depth-First Search, Breadth-First Search, Binary Tree | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(logN) |
1448 | Count Good Nodes in Binary Tree | Tree, Depth-First Search, Breadth-First Search, Binary Tree | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
98 | Validate Binary Search Tree | Tree, Depth-First Search, Breadth-First Search, Binary Tree | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
1535 | Find the Winner of an Array Game | Array, Simulation | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
230 | Kth Smallest Element in a BST | Tree, Depth-First Search, Binary Search Tree, Binary Tree | Medium | c++ | O(K) | O(1) |
124 | Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum | Dynamic Programming, Tree, Depth-First Search, Binary Tree | Hard | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
297 | Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree | String, Tree, Depth-First Search, Breadth-First Search, Design, Binary Tree | Hard | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
211 | Design Add and Search Words Data Structure | String, Depth-First Search, Design, Trie | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
703 | Kth Largest Element in a Stream | Tree, Design, Binary Search Tree, Heap (Priority Queue), Binary Tree, Data Stream | Easy | c++ | O(N) | O(K) |
1046 | Last Stone Weight | Array, Heap (Priority Queue) | Easy | c++ | O(NlogN) | O(N) |
973 | K Closest Points to Origin | Array, Math, Divide and Conquer, Geometry, Sorting, Heap (Priority Queue), Quickselect | Medium | c++ | O(NlogK) | O(K) |
621 | Task Scheduler | Array, Hash Table, Greedy, Sorting, Heap (Priority Queue), Counting | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
355 | Design Twitter | Hash Table, Linked List, Design, Heap (Priority Queue) | Medium | c++ | O(K*NlogN) | O(N) |
904 | Fruit Into Baskets | Array, Hash Table, Sliding Window | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
295 | Find Median from Data Stream | Two Pointers, Design, Sorting, Heap (Priority Queue), Data Stream | Hard | c++ | O(logN) | O(N) |
39 | Combination Sum | Array, Backtracking | Medium | c++ | O(NlogN+K/min) | O(K/min) |
40 | Combination Sum II | Array, Backtracking | Medium | c++ | O(NlogN+M*2^N) | O(N) |
131 | Palindrome Partitioning | String, Dynamic Programming, Backtracking | Medium | c++ | O(N^2) | O(N^2) |
17 | Letter Combinations of a Phone Number | Hash Table, String, Backtracking | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
746 | Min Cost Climbing Stairs | Array, Dynamic Programming | Easy | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
51 | N-Queens | Array, Backtracking | Hard | c++ | O(N!) | O(N) |
3112 | Minimum Time to Visit Disappearing Nodes | Graph | Medium | c++ | O(N^V) | O(N) |
3110 | Score of a String | String | Easy | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
3111 | Minimum Rectangles to Cover Points | Array | Medium | c++ | O(NlogN) | O(N) |
647 | Palindromic Substrings | Two Pointers, String, Dynamic Programming | Medium | c++ | O(N^2) | O(1) |
416 | Partition Equal Subset Sum | Array, Dynamic Programming | Medium | c++ | O(N^2) | O(N) |
695 | Max Area of Island | Array, Depth-First Search, Breadth-First Search, Union Find, Matrix | Medium | c++ | O(NMK) | O(1) |
133 | Clone Graph | Hash Table, Depth-First Search, Breadth-First Search, Graph | Medium | c++ | O(NV) | O(N) |
994 | Rotting Oranges | Array, Breadth-First Search, Matrix | Medium | c++ | O(NM) | O(NM) |
417 | Pacific Atlantic Water Flow | Array, Depth-First Search, Breadth-First Search, Matrix | Medium | c++ | O(NM) | O(NM) |
207 | Course Schedule | Depth-First Search, Breadth-First Search, Graph, Topological Sort | Medium | c++ | O(N+E) | O(N) |
1391 | Check if There is a Valid Path in a Grid | Array, Depth-First Search, Breadth-First Search, Union Find, Matrix | Medium | c++ | O(N*M) | O(1) |
2830 | Maximize the Profit as the Salesman | Array, Hash Table, Binary Search, Dynamic Programming, Sorting | Medium | c++ | O(MlogM) | O(M) |
210 | Course Schedule II | Depth-First, Search, Breadth-First Search, Graph, Topological Sort | Medium | c++ | O(N+E) | O(N*E) |
684 | Redundant Connection | Depth-First Search, Breadth-First Search, Union Find, Graph | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
127 | Word Ladder | Hash Table, String, Breadth-First Search | Hard | c++ | O(WNlogN) | O(N) |
1143 | Longest Common Subsequence | String, Dynamic Programming | Medium | c++ | O(NM) | O(NM) |
435 | Non-overlapping Intervals | Array, Dynamic Programming, Greedy, Sorting | Medium | c++ | O(NlogN) | O(1) |
57 | Insert Interval | Array | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
309 | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Cooldown | Array, Dynamic Programming | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
97 | Interleaving String | String, Dynamic Programming | Medium | c++ | O(N*M) | O(N*M) |
115 | Distinct Subsequences | String, Dynamic Programming | Hard | c++ | O(N*M) | O(N*M) |
72 | Edit Distance | String, Dynamic Programming | Hard | c++ | O(N*M) | O(N*M) |
1705 | Maximum Number of Eaten Apples | Array, Greedy, Heap (Priority Queue) | Medium | c++ | O(NlogN) | O(N) |
1367 | Linked List in Binary Tree | Linked List, Tree, Depth-First Search, Breadth-First Search, Binary Tree | Medium | c++ | O(N+M) | O(1) |
312 | Burst Balloons | Array, Dynamic Programming | Hard | c++ | O(N^2) | O(N^2) |
1851 | Minimum Interval to Include Each Query | Array, Binary Search, Line Sweep, Sorting, Heap (Priority Queue) | Hard | c++ | O((N+M)logN) | O(N+M) |
338 | Counting Bits | Dynamic Programming | ||||
Bit Manipulation | Easy | c++ | O(N) | O(N) | ||
371 | Sum of Two Integers | Math, Bit Manipulation | Medium | c++ | O(1) | O(1) |
7 | Reverse Integer | Math | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
252 | Meeting Rooms | Intervals | Easy | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
253 | Meeting Rooms II | Intervals | Easy | c++ | O(N^2) | O(N) |
53 | Maximum Subarray | Array, Divide and Conquer, Dynamic Programming | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
45 | Jump Game II | Array, Dynamic Programming, Greedy | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
846 | Hand of Straights | Array, Hash Table, Greedy, Sorting | Medium | c++ | O(NlogN) | O(N) |
1899 | Merge Triplets to Form Target Triplet | Array, Greedy | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
678 | Valid Parenthesis String | String, Dynamic Programming, Stack, Greedy | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
1509 | Minimum Difference Between Largest and Smallest Value in Three Moves | Array, Greedy, Sorting | Medium | c++ | O(1) | O(1) |
1525 | Number of Good Ways to Split a String | Hash Table, String, Dynamic Programming, Bit Manipulation | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
3114 | Latest Time You Can Obtain After Replacing Characters | String, Enumeration | Easy | c++ | O(1) | O(1) |
1200 | Minimum Absolute Difference | Array, Sorting | Easy | c++ | O(NlogN) | O(N) |
1007 | Minimum Domino Rotations For Equal Row | Array, Greedy | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
1888 | Minimum Number of Flips to Make the Binary String Alternating | String, Dynamic Programming, Greedy, Sliding Window | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
274 | H-Index | Array, Sorting, Counting Sort | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
1584 | Min Cost to Connect All Points | Array, Union Find, Graph, Minimum Spanning Tree | Medium | c++ | O(N^2) | O(N) |
743 | Network Delay Time | Depth-First Search, Breadth-First Search, Graph, Heap (Priority Queue), Shortest Path | Medium | c++ | O(N^2) | O(N^2) |
1825 | Finding MK Average | Design, Queue, Heap (Priority Queue), Data Stream, Ordered Set | Hard | c++ | O(logN) | O(1) |
874 | Walking Robot Simulation | Array, Hash Table, Simulation | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
2547 | Minimum Cost to Split an Array | Array, Hash Table, Dynamic Programming, Counting | Hard | c++ | O(N^2) | O(N) |
2982 | Find Longest Special Substring That Occurs Thrice II | Hash Table, String, Binary Search, Sliding Window, Counting | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
2958 | Length of Longest Subarray With at Most K Frequency | Array, Hash Table, Sliding Window | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
359 | Logger Rate Limiter | Hash Table, Design, Data Stream | Easy | c++ | O(1) | O(N) |
2402 | Meeting Rooms III | Array, Hash Table, Sorting, Heap (Priority Queue), Simulation | Hard | c++ | O(NlogN) | O(N) |
1110 | Delete Nodes And Return Forest | Array, Hash Table, Tree, Depth-First Search, Binary Tree | Medium | c++ | O(V) | O(V) |
715 | Range Module | Design, Segment Tree, Ordered Set | Hard | c++ | O(NlogN) | O(NlogN) |
939 | Minimum Area Rectangle | Array, Hash Table, Math, Geometry, Sorting | Medium | c++ | O(N^2) | O(1) |
1101 | The Earliest Moment When Everyone Become Friends | Array, Union Find, Sorting | Medium | c++ | O(N^2) | O(N) |
975 | Odd Even Jump | Array, Dynamic Programming, Stack, Monotonic Stack, Ordered Set | Hard | c++ | O(NlogN) | O(N) |
2863 | Maximum Length of Semi-Decreasing Subarrays | Array, Hash Table, Sorting | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
2013 | Detect Squares | Array, Hash Table, Design, Counting | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
2458 | Height of Binary Tree After Subtree Removal Queries | Array, Tree, Depth-First Search, Breadth-First Search, Binary Tree | Hard | c++ | O(V+N) | O(V) |
85 | Maximal Rectangle | Array, Dynamic Programming, Stack, Matrix, Monotonic Stack | Hard | c++ | O(N*M) | O(N) |
554 | Brick Wall | Array, Hash Table | Medium | c++ | O(N*M) | O(N) |
2184 | Number of Ways to Build Sturdy Brick Wall | Array, Dynamic Programming, Bit Manipulation, Bitmask | Medium | c++ | O(2W*H) | O(H*2W) |
963 | Minimum Area Rectangle II | Array, Math, Geometry | Medium | c++ | O(N^2) | O(N^2) |
2290 | Minimum Obstacle Removal to Reach Corner | Array, Breadth-First Search, Graph, Heap (Priority Queue), Matrix, Shortest Path | Hard | c++ | O(N^2) | O(N^2) |
655 | Print Binary Tree | Tree, Depth-First Search, Breadth-First Search, Binary Tree | Medium | c++ | O(V) | O(V) |
2316 | Count Unreachable Pairs of Nodes in an Undirected Graph | Depth-First Search, Breadth-First, Search, Union Find, Graph | Medium | c++ | O(N^2) | O(N) |
778 | Swim in Rising Water | Array, Binary Search, Depth-First Search, Breadth-First Search, Union Find, Heap (Priority Queue), Matrix | Hard | c++ | O(N^2) | O(N^2) |
1136 | Parallel Courses | Graph, Topological Sort | Medium | c++ | O(V+E) | O(V+E) |
2115 | Find All Possible Recipes from Given Supplies | Array, Hash Table, String, Graph, Topological Sort | Medium | c++ | O(NM+K) | O(NM+K) |
833 | Find And Replace in String | Array, String, Sorting | Medium | c++ | O(N+M) | O(M+K) |
269 | Alien Dictionary | Array, String, Depth-First Search, Breadth-First Search, Graph, Topological Sort | Hard | c++ | O(NW+E) | O(N+E) |
2122 | Recover the Original Array | Array, Hash Table, Sorting, Enumeration | Hard | c++ | O(N^2) | O(N) |
2973 | Find Number of Coins to Place in Tree Nodes | Dynamic Programming, Tree, Depth-First Search, Sorting, Heap (Priority Queue) | Medium | c++ | O(E) | O(N+E) |
365 | Water and Jug Problem | Dynamic Programming, Tree, Depth-First Search, Sorting, Heap (Priority Queue) | Medium | c++ | O(E) | O(N+E) |
1820 | Maximum Number of Accepted Invitations | Array, Backtracking, Matrix | Medium | c++ | O(N*M) | O(N) |
1756 | Design Most Recently Used Queue | Array, Hash Table, Stack, Design, Binary Indexed Tree, Ordered Set | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
1940 | Longest Common Subsequence Between Sorted Arrays | Array, Hash Table, Counting | Medium | c++ | O(MNlogM) | O(N) |
2486 | Append Characters to String to Make Subsequence | Two Pointers, String, Greedy | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
1005 | Maximize Sum Of Array After K Negations | Array, Greedy, Sorting | Easy | c++ | O(NlogN) | O(1) |
409 | Longest Palindrome | Hash Table, String, Greedy | Easy | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
1605 | Find Valid Matrix Given Row and Column Sums | Array, Greedy, Matrix | Medium | c++ | O(NM) | O(NM) |
787 | Cheapest Flights Within K Stops | Dynamic Programming, Depth-First Search, Breadth-First Search, Graph, Heap (Priority Queue), Shortest Path | Medium | c++ | O(N^2*K) | O(N^2) |
2191 | Sort the Jumbled Numbers | Array, Sorting | Medium | c++ | O(N*(logN + W)) | O(N) |
1636 | Sort Array by Increasing Frequency | Array, Hash Table, Sorting | Easy | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
1137 | N-th Tribonacci Number | Math, Dynamic Programming, Memoization | Easy | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
740 | Delete and Earn | Array, Hash Table, Dynamic Programming | Medium | c++ | O(NlogN) | O(N) |
1929 | Concatenation of Array | Array, Simulation | Easy | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
1299 | Replace Elements with Greatest Element on Right Side | Array | Easy | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
58 | Length of Last Word | String | Easy | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
929 | Unique Email Address | Array, Hash Table, String | Easy | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
609 | Can Place Flowers | Array, Greedy | Easy | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
303 | Range Sum Query - Immutable | Array, Design, Prefix Sum | Easy | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
1189 | Maximum Number of Balloons | Hash Table, String, Counting | Easy | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
290 | Word Pattern | Hash Table, String | Easy | c++ | O(N+M) | O(N+M) |
706 | Design HashMap | Array, Hash Table, Linked List, Design, Hash Function | Easy | c++ | O(1) | O(N) |
705 | Design HashSet | Array, Hash Table, Linked List, Design, Hash Function | Easy | c++ | O(1) | O(N) |
896 | Monotonic Array | Array | Easy | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
1512 | Number of Good Pairs | Array, Hash Table, Math, Counting | Easy | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
119 | Pascal's Triangle II | Array, Dynamic Programming | Easy | c++ | O(N^2) | O(N) |
2264 | Largest 3-Same-Digit Number in String | String | Easy | [c++](/c++/2264 | ||
) | O(N) | O(N) | ||||
1436 | Destination City | Array, Hash Table, String | Easy | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
1913 | Maximum Product Difference Between Two Pairs | Array, Sorting | Easy | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
1422 | Maximum Score After Splitting a String | String, Prefix Sum | Easy | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
1496 | Path Crossing | Hash Table, String | Easy | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
1758 | Minimum Changes To Make Alternating Binary String | String | Easy | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
1897 | Redistribute Characters to Make All Strings Equal | Hash Table, String, Counting | Easy | c++ | O(W*N) | O(1) |
1624 | Largest Substring Between Two Equal Characters | Hash Table, String | Easy | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
1700 | Number of Students Unable to Eat Lunch | Array, Stack, Queue, Simulation | Easy | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
349 | Intersection of Two Arrays | Array, Hash Table, Two Pointers, Binary Search, Sorting | Easy | c++ | O(NlogN+MlogM) | O(K) |
387 | First Unique Character in a String | Hash Table, String, Queue, Counting | Easy | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
387 | First Unique Character in a String | Hash Table, String, Queue, Counting | Easy | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
645 | Set Mismatch | Array, Hash Table, Bit Manipulation, Sorting | Easy | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
2073 | Time Needed to Buy Tickets | Array, Queue, Simulation | Easy | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
1608 | Special Array With X Elements Greater Than or Equal X | Array, Binary Search, Sorting | Easy | c++ | O(NlogN) | O(1) |
535 | Encode and Decode TinyURL | Hash Table, String, Design, Hash Function | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
560 | Subarray Sum Equals K | Array, Hash Table, Prefix Sum | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
1930 | Unique Length-3 Palindromic Subsequences | Hash Table, String, Bit Manipulation, Prefix Sum | Medium | c++ | O(N^2) | O(N) |
1963 | Minimum Number of Swaps to Make the String Balanced | Two Pointers, String, Stack, Greedy | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
2001 | Number of Pairs of Interchangeable Rectangles | Array, Hash Table, Math, Counting, Number Theory | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
2002 | Maximum Product of the Length of Two Palindromic Subsequences | String, Dynamic Programming, Backtracking, Bit Manipulation, Bitmask | Medium | c++ | O(N^2) | O(N) |
2017 | Grid Game | Array, Matrix, Prefix Sum | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
438 | Find All Anagrams in a String | Hash Table, String, Sliding Window | Medium | c++ | O(N+M) | O(1) |
28 | Find the Index of the First Occurrence in a String | Two Pointers, String, String Matching | Easy | c++ | O(NM) | O(1) |
523 | Continuous Subarray Sum | Array, Hash Table, Math, Prefix Sum | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
838 | Push Dominoes | Two Pointers, String, Dynamic Programming | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
187 | Repeated DNA Sequences | Hash Table, String, Bit Manipulation, Sliding Window, Rolling Hash, Hash Function | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
1461 | Check If a String Contains All Binary Codes of Size K | Hash Table, String, Bit Manipulation, Rolling Hash, Hash Function | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
304 | Range Sum Query 2D - Immutable | Array, Design, Matrix, Prefix Sum | Medium | c++ | O(1) | O(N*M) |
665 | Non-decreasing Array | Array | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
1822 | Sign of the Product of an Array | Array, Math | Easy | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
126 | Word Ladder II | Hash Table, String, Backtracking, Breadth-First Search | Hard | c++ | O(N*K) | O(N) |
1603 | Design Parking System | Design, Simulation, Counting | Easy | c++ | O(1) | O(1) |
2348 | Number of Zero-Filled Subarrays | Array, Math | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
933 | Number of Recent Calls | Design, Queue, Data Stream | Easy | c++ | O(1) | O(1) |
362 | Design Hit Counter | Array, Binary Search, Design, Queue, Data Stream | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
649 | Dota2 Senate | String, Greedy, Queue | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
1396 | Design Underground System | Hash Table, String, Design | Medium | c++ | O(1) | O(N) |
1768 | Merge Strings Alternately | Two Pointers, String | Easy | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
2483 | Minimum Penalty for a Shop | String, Prefix Sum | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
799 | Champagne Tower | Dynamic Programming | Medium | c++ | O(N^2) | O(N^2) |
815 | Bus Routes | Array, Hash Table, Breadth-First Search | Hard | c++ | O(N*M) | O(N*M+S) |
754 | Reach a Number | Math, Binary Search | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
280 | Wiggle Sort | Array, Greedy, Sorting | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
271 | Encode and Decode Strings | Array, String, Design | Medium | c++ | O(N*W) | O(N*W) |
229 | Majority Element II | Array, Hash Table, Sorting, Counting | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
2560 | House Robber IV | Array, Binary Search | Medium | c++ | O(N*logW) | O(1) |
1685 | Sum of Absolute Differences in a Sorted Array | Array, Math, Prefix Sum | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
2353 | Design a Food Rating System | Hash Table, Design, Heap (Priority Queue), Ordered Set | Medium | c++ | O(NlogN) | O(N) |
2610 | Convert an Array Into a 2D Array With Conditions | Array, Hash Table | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
2870 | Minimum Number of Operations to Make Array Empty | Array, Hash Table, Greedy, Counting | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
1291 | Sequential Digits | Enumeration | Medium | c++ | O(DlogD) | O(D) |
2966 | Divide Array Into Arrays With Max Difference | Array, Greedy, Sorting | Medium | c++ | O(NlogN) | O(N) |
451 | Sort Characters By Frequency | Hash Table, String, Sorting, Heap (Priority Queue), Bucket Sort, Counting | Medium | c++ | O(NlogN) | O(N) |
2971 | Find Polygon With the Largest Perimeter | Array, Greedy, Sorting, Prefix Sum | Medium | c++ | O(NlogN) | O(1) |
1249 | Minimum Remove to Make Valid Parentheses | Stack, String, Array | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
525 | Contiguous Array | Array, Prefix Sum, Hash Table | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
2594 | Minimum Time to Repair Cars | Array, Binary Search | Medium | c++ | O(NlogK) | O(1) |
2055 | Plates Between Candles | Array, String, Binary Search, Prefix Sum | Medium | c++ | O(N+M) | O(N) |
491 | Non-decreasing Subsequences | Array, Hash Table, Backtracking, Bit Manipulation | Medium | c++ | O(N*2^N) | O(N*2^N) |
2826 | Sorting Three Groups | Array, Binary Search, Dynamic Programming | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
68 | Text Justification | Array, String, Simulation | Hard | c++ | O(N*W) | O(N) |
680 | Valid Palindrome II | Two Pointers, String, Greedy | Easy | [c++](/c++/680_Valid-Palindrome-II.cpp) | O(N) | O(1) |
2306 | Naming a Company | Array, Hash Table, String, Bit Manipulation, Enumeration | Hard | c++ | O(N) | O(N) |
1074 | Number of Submatrices That Sum to Target | Array, Hash Table, Matrix, Prefix Sum | Hard | [c++](/c++/1074_Number-of-Submatrices-That-Sum-to-Target.cpp) | O(N*M^2) | O(N) |
299 | Bulls and Cows | Hash Table, String, Counting | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
1984 | Minimum Difference Between Highest and Lowest of K Scores | Array, Sliding Window, Sorting | Easy | c++ | O(NlogN) | O(1) |
2108 | Find First Palindromic String in the Array | Array, Two Pointers, String | Easy | c++ | O(N*M) | O(1) |
905 | Sort Array By Parity | Array, Two Pointers, Sorting | Easy | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
557 | Reverse Words in a String III | Two Pointers, String | Easy | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
844 | Backspace String Compare | Two Pointers, String, Stack, Simulation | Easy | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
1662 | Check If Two String Arrays are Equivalent | Array, String | Easy | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
80 | Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II | Array, Two Pointers | Medium | c++ | O(N) | O(1) |
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