- 0.0.x dev - Cotyledon early development, mostly unusable
- 0.0.1 - AP booting mostly done; finished on 14.02.2013
- 0.0.2 - rewriting some major parts of the code; functioning timers using IOAPIC; finished on 12.07.2013
- 0.0.3 - AP booting, working inter-core synchronizations and communications, including at least a bit tested physical memory manager with inter-core balancing; finished on 10.09.2013
- 0.0.4 - context switching, basic SMP scheduler; finished on 12.01.2013
- 0.0.5 - working user space
- 0.0.6 - IPC
- 0.0.7 - functioning virtual memory manager
- 0.0.8 - functioning process manager
- 0.0.9 - video service in userspace
- some unspecified version: supporting FPU, SSE, AMX and similar with on-demand saving and restoring
- some unspecified version: fix the design bug disallowing single core CPUs
- 0.1.x alpha - Cotyledon alpha
- 0.1.0 - real time displaying application, some visible IPC and scheduler tests
- 0.2.x beta - Cotyledon beta
- 0.3.x - Cotyledon stable
- 0.4.x dev - Thornbirth early development
- 0.5.x alpha - Thornbirth alpha
- 0.6.x beta - Thornbirth beta
- 0.7.x - Thornbirth stable
- 0.8.x dev - Flowerbud early development
- 0.9.x alpha - Flowerbud alpha
- 0.10.x beta - Flowerbud beta
- 1.0.x - Flowerbud stable