A Python text-based word processor for the ESC/P printer language.
This basic tool handles a homemade file format called escp
and the conversion from markdown to escp
.md -> .escp.txt. -> .bin -> ESC/P printer
This project leverages python-escp to convert this .escp.txt
file to a binary file that can be sent straight to an Epson ESC/P printer.
$ python -m venv .venv
$ source .venv/bin/activate
(.venv) $ pip install -r requirements.txt
To convert .escp.txt -> .bin -> ESC/P printer
$ cat samples/hello.escp.txt
[box:on:thickness:1]Hello there[box:off]
Very short with[italic:on]italic text[italic:off]and[bold:on]even bold[bold:off].
(.venv) $ python -m wp.convert samples/hello.escp.txt -o samples/hello.escp.bin --pins 9
(.venv) $ lpr -o raw samples/hello.escp.bin
Or you can start for a markdown file
$ cat samples/hello.md
# Hello there
Very short with _italic text_ and **even bold**.
(.venv) $ python -m wp.convert samples/hello.md -o samples/hello.escp.bin --pins 9
(.venv) $ lpr -o raw samples/hello.escp.bin
Make sure your Epson ESP/P printer is the default printer before you run the lpr