- Introduction 首頁部分
- 3D 動畫
- 自我概述
- About page 關於我的部分,包含經歷(Work Experience, Education...)
- Skills 技術能力部分
- Front-end: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Redux, TailwindCSS
- Back-end: Nodejs, Expressjs, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB
- Programming Languages: C, C++, Java, Python
- Other tools: Git, GitHub, Postman, Figma, VSCode, Intellij
- Projects 做過的專案 (串接 GitHub API 提供 Repositories 資料)
- 三個主要顯示的專案: carryu、cs-resources、total-repos-size
- More Projects Button: Link to GitHub Repositories
Bus & Improvments
- 首頁部分添加下滑按鈕,增加手機板的使用者體驗
類別 | 名稱 |
文字編輯器 | VSCode |
前端框架 | Next.js 13、Tailwind CSS、Chakra UI |
輔助工具 | GitHub Copilot、ChatGPT(4.0) |
套件管理工具 | NPM |
API | GitHub API |
API 套件 | Axios |
其他套件 | package.json |
- adrianhajdin/project_3D_developer_portfolio
- Youtube 上有教學 Build and Deploy an Amazing 3D Web Developer Portfolio in React JS | Beginner Three.js Tutorial
- 原作者是使用 React,但想嘗試新技術的我選擇使用 Next.js
- Infvyr/nextjs-portfolio
- 有取得原作者授權許可,非常感謝!
- 原作者是使用 Sanity.io 作為 CMS,為求簡便我是使用 GitHub API 導入專案資料,缺點是無法取得專案圖片。
- 結合兩者,以後者專案為基底新增 3D 動畫
- 修正 Canvas 會被右鍵拖走的問題
- 優化 Canvas 效能,針對 3D 模型紋理進行低失真壓縮
- 針對 Accessibility 做些微優化
- 新增 metadata 優化網站 SEO
- 使用 GitHub API 取得專案資料
- Next.js Docs
- TailwindCSS 官網
- chakra-ui/chakra-ui
- react-three-fiber docs
- framer-motion Docs
- Three.js Docs - 3D 動畫框架
- Sketchfab - 3D 模型下載網站
- Favicon 使用 Cross icons created by Pixelmeetup - Flaticon
Clone this repository:
git clone
Install dependencies:
npm install
# or
yarn install
# or
pnpm install
First, run the development server:
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
You can start editing the page by modifying app/page.js
. The page auto-updates as you edit the file.
This project uses next/font
to automatically optimize and load Inter, a custom Google Font.
To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources:
- Next.js Documentation - learn about Next.js features and API.
- Learn Next.js - an interactive Next.js tutorial.
You can check out the Next.js GitHub repository - your feedback and contributions are welcome!
The easiest way to deploy your Next.js app is to use the Vercel Platform from the creators of Next.js.
Check out our Next.js deployment documentation for more details.