This repo has several HPCC Systems Cluster examples on Kubernetes
For general kubectl installation reference
We currently tested two cloud environments: AWS/EKS and Local
Bootstrap will grant access permission for Kubernetes APIs as well create configmap for environmet.xml configuration Depands on the Kubernetes environment configmap files may be different. Currently there is aws/configmap/hpcc for AWS environment and the other one is local/configmap/hpcc for local deployment. In bin directory
# Local
or on Windows
User can modify security/cluster_role.yaml and files under configmap/hpcc
Deploy HPCC Systems Platform on single node Reference
Deploy HPCC Systems cluster with Deployment Pod definition. Reference
Deploy HPCC Systems cluster with RelicationController Pod definition. It is recommended to use "Deployment" instead
Deploy HPCC Systems cluster with StatefulSet Pod definition. It includs ebs and nfs examples Reference . EBS . EFS
Show some features of ISTIO on local Kubernetes environment Reference
Helm Charts for HPCC Systems Cluster Mainly two charts:
- hpcc-dp: deploy a cluster with Deployments/EFS. EFS can be turn off so the cluster can be deployed in local environment
- hpcc-ss: deploy a cluster with StatefulSets/EBS
Local Kubernetes setup instruction
RBAC settings for Kubernetes environment
AWS related settings
Filebeat, Metricbeat, etc example on local Kubernetes environment. Still in progress ...
To do