A DSL for creating virtual trees
var h = require('virtual-dom/h')
var tree = h('div.foo#some-id', [
h('span', 'some text'),
h('input', { type: 'text', value: 'foo' })
See hyperscript which has the same interface.
Except virtual-hyperscript
returns a virtual DOM tree instead of a DOM
takes a selector, an optional properties object and an
optional array of children or a child that is a string.
If you pass it a selector like span.foo.bar#some-id
it will
parse the selector and change the id
and className
properties of the properties
If you pass it an array of children
it will have child
nodes, normally ou want to create children with h()
If you pass it a string it will create an array containing a single child node that is a text element.
If you call h
with h('div', { key: someKey })
it will
set a key on the return VNode
. This key
is not a normal
DOM property but is a virtual-dom optimization hint.
It basically tells virtual-dom to re-order DOM nodes instead of mutating them.
If you call h
with h('div', { namespace: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" })
it will set the namespace on the returned VNode
. This
is not a normal DOM property, instead it will
cause vdom
to create a DOM element with a namespace.
Note: You must create an instance of dom-delegator
for ev-*
to work.
If you call h
with h('div', { ev-click: function (ev) { } })
will store the event handler on the dom element. It will not
set a property 'ev-foo'
on the DOM element.
This means that dom-delegator
will recognise the event handler
on that element and correctly call your handler when an a click
event happens.
npm install virtual-dom
- Raynos
- Matt Esch