This will be the first public testnet for Frontier Chain, a public blockchain for managing DeFi positions across various protocols without compromising safety or security. Read the introduction here.
Please put gentxs in the gentxs
folder within this directory.
chain-id: frontier-chain-testnet-0-black-mamba
gentx-amount: 1000000000000front
front version: v0.1.0
genesis-time: 2021-04-14T15:00:00Z
Note: Requires golang 1.15+ (
# clone the frontier chain repo
git clone
# install
cd frontier && git checkout v0.1.0 && make install
# initialize chain
frontd init my_node --chain-id frontier-chain-testnet-0-black-mamba
# Add validator key
frontcli config keyring-backend test
frontcli keys add validator
# Create gentx
frontd add-genesis-account $(frontcli keys show validator -a) 1000000000000front
frontd gentx --name validator --amount 1000000000000front --keyring-backend test
genesis hash: 01b86a2e401ea1519644bff059c7a937496003fb7a61554d3dff7ecfcfdfa7e1
persistent peers: a6b554f55b619ec07e8ecbb0abc36cce39dcea39@
#1 Do you have
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin
export GOPATH=$HOME/go
export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
in your bashrc/zshrc?
#2 Make sure go version installed in your system meets the minimum requirement of 1.15+
you can check that by running the following command
go version
#3 Restart your terminal and try again