For Windows, refer to the Wiki pages
By Yang Shaohui, Alex Au on 2018.09.13
run the following commands in the project directory
For Linux, ubuntu to be exact:
sudo apt-get install openocd gcc-arm-none-eabi
For Mac OSX, do the following: install homebrew first via
then install the XCode command line toolchain
xcode-select --install
brew cask install xquartz java
brew install open-ocd
brew tap PX4/px4
brew install px4-dev
git clone
andcd RMTutorialF103
in your preferred directory -
ormake -j4
where 4 is the thread count -
openocd -f openocd/start_st-link_flash.cfg
with board connected via st-link to flash the program
- for debugging, run
openocd -f openocd/start_st-link_debug.cfg
, followed by a gdb connection with you own IDE/editor, the VSCode configuration is provided and is used with the "Cortex-Debug" extension - of course you can always use
telnet localhost 4444
and use terminal to interface with the openocd debug server directly
This part will come up later on.